Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

Hot And Cold

Jack woke up the next morning with a smile on his face. He dangled his feet from his bunk bed and stood up. He stretched his arms and yawned rubbing the sleepy dust from his eyes; he started to make his way towards the kitchen and saw Vinny and Matt sat at the kitchen table drinking there coffees. ‘Morning’ Jack said with a smile on his face as he thought about what happened yesterday, he still had no clue if Alex was feeling the same way about him as he dose towards Alex. That was the only downer to it he wish he could find out but he was just scared shitless to even ask.

Just as Jack sat down at the table with his coffee next to vinny he saw Alex walking towards the kitchen. ‘Morning’ Jack said to Alex as he got his juice Alex just mumbled something under his breath and gave Jack a look as to say piss off leave me the fuck alone look. Jack furrowed his eye brows and wondered why Alex wasn’t even talking to him; he thought to himself maybe it was because of the kiss yesterday but then thought it couldn’t be that otherwise he wouldn’t have kissed back or even pulled him in for another kiss. Jack’s mind started to wonder. Snapping out of his thoughts Jack looked over to Alex trying to think why he was so pissed off.

‘So what’s the plan for today matt?’ Jack asked wanted to know what they were all going to do on their next couple of days off. ‘well I figured we could maybe go to the beach somewhere with a few of the bands and have a BBQ’ Matt said grinning ‘sounds like a good idea to me’ Jack said smiling Jack stood from his seat and made his way over to Alex as he was sat watching the TV. ‘Lexi what’s wrong? You’ve hardly spoken to me this morning?’ Jack said a little too aware that they weren’t alone. Alex crossed his arms over his chest not even looking at Jack. Jack let out a little sigh ‘fine be like that then see if I care’ Jack said as he stood up from his seat and made his way to the back lounge and slamming the door behind him making everyone in the bus jump ten feet out of their skin.

‘Dude what the fuck is wrong with you two?’ Rian asked ‘nothing’ Alex replied rolling his eyes and looking back at the TV ‘well something is up with you two, you don’t normally give Jack the cold shoulder nor do you both argue so sort your FUCKING SHIT out I’m sick of you two fighting’ Rian said as he stood up and walked outside the bus to get some air. Alex looked over at Zack who kept quite he didn’t like fighting or arguing with his best friends so he just kept himself to himself couldn’t blame him really.

Jack was sat watching the TV in the back lounge he tried to fight the tears back that were threatening to come out. He felt like his heart had just been pulled out and ripped into pieces he didn’t even know why Alex was being such a dickhead towards him.
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I think I'm really liking this story more than all my others that I have done COMMENTS are a must have I need to know what you guys think.