Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

The Beach

Everyone was at the beach and having a good time Jack was just sat on his own just watching the world go by till Alex came and sat next to him bringing him out of his thoughts. ‘Hey why don’t you come join us?’ Alex asked, Jack looked at Alex with wide eyes ‘what? You hardly been speaking to me all day and now you want me to come join you?’ Jack asked a little hurt and upset at what Alex had just said. ‘Jack I’m sorry I know I’ve been a dick I just I need time’ Alex said ‘time? What the fuck Lexi it was just a kiss’ Jack said shouting at that point Vinny and Matt both heard what Jack had said and looked at each other confused.

Jack realized what Alex had just said to him time? Jack thought to himself why does he need time? That thought kept running through Jack’s mind as he looked at Alex ; Jack let out a little sigh ‘Lexi just leave go back to the guys I’m fine I just want to be on my own anyways’ Jack said as he looked back down at the sand in his feet. Alex went back to the guys and continued to play volley ball. Jack sat and watched Alex as he ran round and diving for the ball every time it made Jack want to just have Alex then and there.

Jack stood up and walked over to where Vinny and Matt where he grabbed a beer out of the cooler and sat down ‘dude you ok?’ Matt asked Jack as he just sat down opening his beer ‘yeah I’m fine why?’ Jack asked ‘nothing dude you just seem a bit down in the dumps’ Matt replied concerned for Jack ‘I’m fine mate don’t worry’ Jack said with a fake smiled on his face trying to hide everything he was feeling at that moment. ‘You and Alex are fighting again aren’t you?’ Vinny piped up jack soon cocked his head looking straight at Vinny. ‘what no we’re not’ Jack said lying through his teeth ‘Jack come on we know you too well you and Alex fighting and you hate it’ Vinny continued as he patted jack on the back.

Jack sighed wishing everything was ok when he knew it wouldn’t be he never really knew that he and Alex were gunna be fighting again and this made Jack unhappy; Jack stood up and started to walk back to the bus ‘where you going?’ Vinny asked Jack turned round and looked at Vinny and matt; ‘I’m going to walk back to the venue and stay in the bus’ Jack replied and carried on walking it was only a ten minute walk and Jack felt he needed time on his own to think and clear his mind.

A few hours later Jack was in his bunk everyone was still at the beach having a good time jack thought nothing but Alex while he was lying in his bunk he could still taste the flavour of Alex lips on his it made he feel happy yet he wished he could just tell Alex how he truly felt this argue and picking fights with him for no reason was killing Jack and tearing him apart inside. Jack rolled over in his bunk facing the wall his eyes were burning and he felt a few tears escape but instead of trying to fight them back he just let them fall down his face as he curled up inside his comforter.

The bus door opened and Jack didn’t even bother to see who it was he heard the footsteps moving towards the bunk bed area; Jack’s curtain opened and the light poured inside his dark bunk Jack soon rolled over to his other side and found Alex standing there. ‘What do you want?’ Jack said Alex knelt down so that he was face to face with Jack ‘what’s wrong? Jack’ Alex asked not even knowing that he’s part of Jack’s problem and part of the reason why he’s so down in dumps. Jack rolled his eyes at Alex’s question ‘you have no clue do you?’; Alex stood up and took his shoes off and got inside Jack’s bunk making Jack a little nervous.

Jack stayed exactly where he was he didn’t even roll over and face Alex he couldn’t bring himself to, ‘Jack look at me’ Alex said in a quiet voice Jack didn’t even replied or move; ‘Jack just fucking look at me please’ Alex begging at that point Jack rolled over and looked at Alex more and more tears were falling from Jack’s eyes and he couldn’t keep them in. ‘Jack just tell me what is wrong I’m worried about you’ Alex whispered as put is had on Jack’s check and wiping the tears away. Jack let out a ragged breathe as Alex hand came in contacted with his check.

‘I don’t like us fighting and to be honest I fucking love you Lexi and it killing me inside knowing you don’t feel the same’ Jack said without even taking a breath. Alex was a little taken back at what Jack had just confessed to him sure he loved Jack too but he had no clue that Jack felt this strong about him; Alex let out a sigh and cupped both of Jack’s checks and pressed his forehead agents his. Alex leaned further in and his lips were now pressed on to Jack’s. Jack soon moaned as their lips came in to contact with each other and Jack closed his eyes kissing Alex back.
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YAY update I hope you guys are Liking this just as much as I am :) comments subscribe tell me what you guys think <33