Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

Lost Without You

Jack made his way towards The Maine bus he could here Alex shouting after him but he never took any notice of him and just carried on walking as soon as he reached the bus he knocked on their door and waited for someone to answer it; the door opened after a few minutes ‘Yo Jack what’s up bro?’ Garrett asked ‘Hey mate would it be ok if I stayed with you guys for a while? I just need to get away from whole load of shit’ Jack replied ‘sure dude come on in’ Garrett replied letting Jack inside their bus. ‘Yo Jackary’ John O said with a huge smile on his face.

Alex stood there as he watched Jack walk away he felt like he had just lost a part of him Alex knew he shouldn’t have been playing with Jack and his emotions he knew if he pushed Jack too far he would end up hurting the both of them; Alex made his way back to their bus and slouched down into the sofa and crossing his arm across his chest. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and let out again.

‘I’ve Fucked up Ri’ Alex said as he felt Rian’s hand on his shoulder ‘I’m just a Fuck up always have been’ Alex said as he felt his eyes burning as tears threatened to come out ‘no you’re not stop saying that’ Rian said as Zack came and sat down on the sofa with them ‘I am I’ve messed with Jack’s emotions and played with him and now he’s gone and its all my fault’ Alex replied as he let out a breath; ‘you wasn’t to know how much Jack loved you’ Rian said ‘besides I’m sure Jack will forgive he just needs time’ Zack said ‘he thinks the world of you Lexi he’s just upset with the way you went about it and played him’ Zack said, Alex let out a sigh ‘maybe your right but what can I do to make it up to him?’ Alex asked, Alex sat and thought about what he could do to make it up to Jack he stood from his seat and walked to his bunk bed a took a nap before the show in two hours.

In the Maine bus Jack joined the guys in the lounge ‘so why did you move out of your bus?’ John O asked concerned for Jack and the guys, ‘Just a whole load of shit between me and Alex I fell for him and turns out he’s been teasing and playing with my emotions when I finally told him how I felt and we been doing nothing but arguing and I couldn’t take it anymore’ Jack explained to John O ‘shit man that sucks I’m sure Alex does feel that way about I mean you’re a nice bloke Jack who wouldn’t love you’ John O replied with a wink of an eye; that made Jack smile and feel a bit better and a little happy that he could actually talk to John O about everything .

That night after the show Jack went to bed feeling a little bit more relaxed and happy now that had gotten everything off his chest and that he knew he could talk to John O and the guys about anything but he was still upset and angry at Alex.
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YAY update :) hope you guys are liking this only a few chapters left I don't know if i should do a squeal or not but tell me what you guys think? comments are a must have ;) subscribe thanks to all you guys who comments so far love you guys :) xoxo