Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

The Pain

Jack was sitting in his bunk bed wishing he was back in his own bed curled up watching his movie that he loved so much he knew if had watched it; it would take his mind of Alex and the things that had gone on between them both. Jack felt his eyes burning and filling up with tears as the thoughts of Alex came to him and what had gone on. ‘jack I think you need to go sort things out with Alex’ John O said as he sat on the edge of his bunk bed making Jack move his legs automatically so that there was room for him to sit down.

‘No Alex can go fuck himself’ Jack spat and turned back facing the wall in his bunk, John O sighed ‘Jack I know what Alex did wasn’t the right thing to do but he needs you Rian needs you Zack needs you; you guys are a band and best friends don’t let your fans down. Don’t let what Alex did to you get to the band’ John O said as he stood from the bed and left Jack to think about what he had just said. Jack felt more and more tears falling as he curled up into the comforters of the bed and hid his face further into his pillow letting out quite sobs.

Jack felt like he was in hell the way Alex had treated was wrong but he knew he couldn’t be mad at Alex for long but if he was to forgive Alex there had to be a few changes. Jack sat up and dangled his feet from the bed he rubbed his eyes and started to walk into the front lounge where he saw John O Jared and Garrett sitting and watching TV. Jack made his way towards the door ‘where you going Jack?’ John O asked stopping Jack in his tracks. ‘I’m going for a walk to clear my head’ Jack replied as he opened the door and stepped out of the bus.

Jack didn’t know where he was going he just let his feet do the walking he walked around for what seemed like hours till he found himself at his bus he closed his eyes and knocked on the door he thought to himself why was he knocking on his own bus door?; He waited and the door opened Alex was standing in front of him ‘Jack?’ Alex said with a confused look on his face, ‘why are you knocking on your own door?’ Alex said giggling Jack let out a grunt and walked inside. ‘Can I speak to Alex alone guys?’ Jack asked looking at Zack and Rian they both just nodded and left the bus without saying a word. Jack watched Rian and Zack leave as he took a seat on the sofa. ‘Alex we need to talk’ Jack said in a low voice not even looking at Alex.


After Jack talked with Alex he thought it would be a good idea if he had time on his own after the tour and be alone. He thought that if Alex did feel that way he’d respect that what Jack needed; Jack needed that time to gather his thoughts his feelings.

Jack sat there as he saw the reaction on Alex’s face at what Jack had told him. ‘what Jack you can’t leave us’ Alex pleaded as his voice croaked ‘I have to Lexi I need this’ Jack replied as he felt his eyes filling up with tears, ‘what about the band Jack we need you, your fans need you’ Alex said practically begging Jack to stay. ‘I’m going Lexi I’m sorry’ Jack said ‘Jack please I need you’ Alex said as he felt his eyes fill up. ‘Just please Alex leave it after this tour I’m gone’ Jack replied. ‘No Jack I won’t let you’ Alex kept saying just then Rian and Zack came in. ‘what’s going on?’ Rian asked as he saw Alex eyes red and puffy, ‘Jack’s leaving us’ Alex replied as he let out a sob and walked to his bunk bed and wished he never even played with Jack the way he did it was all his fault all his doing.
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hey guys sorry its been a while too update OMG poor Alex I hope you guys are liking this comments subscribe tell me what you guys will Alex get Jack Back? mmm <333