Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

It's Too Late For Sorry's

A few days had gone by and Alex and Jack hadn’t spoken a word since Jack told him he was leaving. Rian was sat in the back lounge of the bus with Jack talking about things ‘don’t leave Jack it won’t be the same without you’ Rian said as he put his hand on Jack’s shoulder; Jack let out a sigh and looked at Rian ‘I have to RI I can’t be around him any more’ Jack replied with sadness his voice. Jack sat and remembered the last time he sat like this with Rian; Rian was excited about sound check and had told Jack while he was watching his movie Jack smiled at the thought.

‘We know Alex can be a dick sometimes Jack but we need you I need you’ Rian continued Jack shook his head ‘No Rian I have to go no one can change my mind I need to do this I need to forget about him put my feelings in a box and throw away the key and for me to do that I need to leave’ Jack replied as he stood from his seat and made his way to the kitchen and getting himself a drink. Jack had referred Alex as him he couldn’t even bring himself to even say his name anymore.

Jack made his way into the kitchen getting a glass of coca cola when he saw Alex walk in ‘can I talk with you for a minute?’ Alex asked as he placed a hand on Jack’s shoulder Jack pushed Alex’s hand off him and glared at Alex; ‘what have you got to say? haven’t done enough to me all ready?’ Jack spat Alex saw the anger in Jack’s eyes he wish he could have taken everything that he did back but it was too late for that.

‘I’m sorry Jack I’m Fucking sorry for everything’ Alex replied ‘I’VE FUCKED UP I KNOW HAVE I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING AND I-I-FUCK I FUCKIN LOVE YOU AND I’M SORRY’ Alex shouted getting all off his chest ;Jack stood there with his eyes widened ‘I’TS TOO LATE FOR SORRY’S ALEX I’M LEAVING WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT I’M DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR SHIT’ Jack replied and walked towards the back lounge passing Zack on the way and slamming the door behind him.

Jack sat there with tears rolling down his face he closed his eyes and thought about everything that was happing to him he was losing his best friend the only person who ever loved him for him; Jack wished he never laid eyes on Alex but he did and a part of him was thankful that he had, but a part of him hated himself for ever falling for Alex and letting him play with him the way he did.
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YAY update woo I don't know if I should do a squeal or not? what do you guys think? comments subscribe thanks for the comments so far :D love you guys YOU ROCK!!