Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

The Memories

Jack stayed in the back lounge thinking and going over all the memories he has had, as he did he felt tears rolling down his face; he thought back to when he was sat in here and watching his favourite movie and Rian had came in and interrupting him from watching and then turning his attention to watch a half naked Alex walk into the kitchen and how Rian was excited for sound check that day and how Rian knew that something was wrong with him.

He thought about when they were at the beach and he had a talk with Matt and Vinny about how he and Alex were fighting and that he hated it when they both fought. He thought about when he had first kissed Alex and then Alex pulled him back in for another Kiss Jack smiled at the thought but soon the smile faded when he thought how that same night that they both made out in his bunk bed and after Alex had just left him and that he had just teased him.

He thought about the day when Alex was giving him the cold shoulder and wasn’t even talking to him and how he had to try and keep his tears back. Every single memory Jack had made him want to leave more and more he needed to put everything in the back of his mind and just forget that he had ever laid eyes on Alex and forget that he ever had feelings for him.

He needed to put it in a box and throw away the key and never ever open that box up again Jack felt his eyes burning and filling up with tears he left them fall down his checks as he curled up into a pillow on the couch and let out a big sigh. He felt his heart breaking into pieces he thought about Zack and Rian how much he would miss his friends. Jack closed his eyes and thought of the good memories that he had with his best friends and how much fun had with them.
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ok i know this is a short chapter but the last one will make up for it hope you guys are likin this i know i am :) comments tell me what you guys think <333