The Book of Jordyn

Hanging on to memories

your laying beside your loved one talking and hanging out. thinking about memories and things the conversation dies down and ends with a few laughs and smiles. its completely quiet and there is nothing in existence but you and her nothing else matters. you study each other like the other is a piece of artwork everything is perfect you want to ask what they are looking at what they are thinking but you cant find the words nor do you want to break the silence your stomach is in a bunch of knots wishing you could grab a camera take a picture  make it last forever but you don't want to move in fear that your going to ruin it so you stay still your so distracted by the other in such deep thought that you lose all feeling and movement in your body and just lay there hoping that nothing goes wrong the fear of losing them scares you but the fact that you could share this moment with them and keep it in your mind is something that no one else will ever experience something so amazing ends with a kiss and a smile a picture that will be burned in your mind forever and you hope that it never goes away
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True story.