Status: in progress

True Blood at Twilight

chapter 3

Dru runs up to Bills house and barges in through the door. There's a young man (Jerry), seated on one of the sofas and a woman (Janelle), lying on the other sofa. Bill is seated in a corner of the room facing Sookie. Sookie turns to Dru.

"Dru" she asks and she takes in her younger cousins frightened eyes and sighs.

"Don't trust em" Dru shrugs not caring she was showing most of her body, she walks across the room and leans against the wall.

"If y'all excuse me and Bill a minute, we have some business to attend to" Sookie say to the three vampires.

"Where'd you find these?" Diana asks Bill.

"He didn't find me any where" Dru snaps and Dianna smirks.


"Damn. She smells fuckin sweet" Liam eyes Dru.

"And to think just five minutes ago you were telling us how you were living mainly on synthetic blood, you big poseur" Malcolm tuts.

"I don't know, Malcolm. She looks like a virgin to me" she looks at Sookie then turns to Dru "And she smells it"

"That's none of your damn business, you nosy bitch" Sookie glares taking a step closer to Dru.

"It is my business, cupcake. You wanna know why? Because virgin blood ... is the best-tasting blood ... there is. Well, second best. The best would be"

"Baby's blood" Fast as lightning, Liam grabs Sookie and draws her close to him.

"Oh god" Esme and Rosalie gasp while the others watch in disgust.

"I get a hard on just thinking about it" Liam pushes Sookie's head to one side, exposing her neck.

"Ladies first" As Diane draws near to Sookie's throat, Bill quickly gets up out of the chair.

"Stop, Sookie is mine" and Dru sprints forwards and grabs Dianna's neck and pushes her against the wall growling

"Well! If you're Bill's, I certainly don't want to do anything to disturb your little arrangement. That's why I always bring Jerry with me ... wherever I go. He's like mad money" Malcolm says and Diana smirks at Dru, who pushes her away, all vampires hiding the fact that they were cautious of her strength.

"Somebody needs to get down on fuck" As Malcolm and Diane sit down on the sofa near Jerry, Janelle gets up and crosses over to Liam.

"Aw ... She's innocent" Diana laughs at Sookie, who holds Dru back.

"She's mine" Bill states.

"Yeah, yeah, we got it" Dianna waves him off and turns back to Sookie "So, why aren't you over there taking care of your master, human? Can't you see how hungry he is?"

"Uh ... Bill, if you're hungry you're more than welcome to have some of Jerry" Malcolm says and Jerry gets up and crosses over to the opposite sofa and sits down in front of Bill. Jerry bends his head and exposes his neck for Bill

Bill stares at Jerry's neck. Then, glancing at Sookie, Bill's fangs descend. Bill struggles to resist but finds he cannot. He starts to draw close to Jerry's neck.

"Stick them in already! Get infected, you fuckin vampire dick, Come on, do it! Let's see how you like hep D. You fuckin ain't be able to move for like a year" Jerry thinks.

"Stop, he has hep D" Sookie shouts. The room is suddenly quiet as everyone looks at Sookie.

"Sookie now why did you do that" Dry looks at her in mock wound "You could have let them bite his ass for all i care"

"What is hep D?" Sookie asks her. Jerry gets up and rushes at Sookie. He grabs her around the throat and starts choking her!

"Bitch, how does she know? There's no way! I didn't tell a soul" he thinks.

"These fuckers killed Marcus" he snarls.

"If he hadn't gotten hooked on V, he never would have left me. We would've been"

Suddenly, Dru grabs Jerry's arm, forcing him away from Sookie. With one swift movement, Dru breaks Jerry's arm and propels him across the room back to the sofa. Malcolm quickly crosses over to Jerry as Dru and Bill kneel down next to Sookie he gently cradles her head with his hands, while Dru sends soothing waves into her body.

"Well, this has all been very ... illuminating" he looks Dru over who glares at him.

"But we've got a long ride back to Monroe, and I'm sure we'll all wanna have a little talk with Jerry ... when he wakes up" Malcolm grabs Jerry and throws him over his shoulder.

"Out, Janelle. We're being evicted" Liam grabs her.

"Hey! ... Isn't anyone even the slightest bit interested in how this little bitch knew about Jerry or her who threw him across the room" Diana shrieks.

"You can't speak yet, can you, sweetheart?" Bill says but Diane quickly moves over to Sookie and stares into her face.

"I could make her talk" she snarls.

"You do, i kill you" Dru snaps covering Sookie from her view.

"Diane ... You forget" Bill glares.

"Yeah, yeah ... She's yours. Whatever" she says but doesn't take her eyes away from Dru.

"Jerry, you stupid bitch, nobody fucks with me and gets away with it"

The three vampires exit, Jerry slung over Malcolm's shoulder and Janelle walking with Liam. Bill gently raises Sookie into a sitting position. She quickly turns her back on him and faces Dru who was still sending calm emotions to her. Bill slowly gets up and walks across the room.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that. Their visit was unexpected"

"What's hep D?" she asks again.

"Hepatitis D" Dru answers

"It is the only blood-borne pathogen to which we are susceptible. Malcolm must be furious" Bill says.

"Hepatitis" Sookie frowns.

"A mutation, relatively harmless to humans, oddly enough" Bill informs.

"I've never even heard of it" Sookie stands with Dru.

"That's because we've kept it out of the media" Bill tries to look her in the eye.

"And it makes you sick for a year?" she asks.

"No ... just makes us weak for about a month or so. The biggest danger to us from hep D is being captured and staked during that time"

"Yeah, you don't want your weaknesses to be public knowledge" Dru scoffs

"Precisely" he nods stiffly.

"And what the hell did you mean, Sookie is mine" Dru glares at him.

"I was communicating to the others that she were my human, and therefore I was the only one who could feed on her" he tells her.

"You most certainly cannot feed on me" Sookie shrieks.

"Of course I can't, Sookie! But had they known that, they'd have considered you fair game, and I wouldn't have been able to stop them from attacking you. It'd be three against one, and Malcolm is much older than I am and quite strong" Bill steps forwards.

"And you and Diane dated?" Sookie gives of a jealous emotion and Dru frowns.

"We... had sex once ... just after she was made a vampire, back in the late 1930s"

"What? Gross. Bill ... she's so ... they're all so mean ... so"

"Evil, yes they are. They share a nest - and when vampires live in nests they become more cruel more vicious. They become laws unto themselves. Whereas vampires such as I, who live alone, much more likely to hang onto some semblance of our former humanity" Bill nods.

"Here. Contact info for two electrical contractors. They're willing to come out at night and give you quotes" she gives him the papers and Dru walks out hearing their goodbye.

"Thank you" Bill nods.

"I have to go"

"May I kiss you goodnight?" he asks and Dru smirks knowing her cousin would decline.

"No! I couldn't stand it after them" Bill stares after Sookie as she leaves the house.

"That was awful" Esme says.

"Did you see her throw him across the room" Jasper asks.

"Yes she's strong" Edward nods.

"Thank god she can handle herself" Jasper breathes.

Sun beams down and Dru watches Sookie mowing the lawn.

"Sookie" Gran appears handing Dru a glass of lemonade.

Sookie stops the mower and looks over at her grandmother.

"You're gonna faint out here in this heat, honey! It's barely 9:00 and already 80 degrees. Here. I made you some lemonade. Fresh-squeezed" Sookie grabs the glass.

"Thanks, Gran"

"Goodness, what has got into you?" Gran asks and Dru sips her drinks pretending to not pay attention.

"I just need to stay busy right now, that's all" Sookie shrugs sparing a glance at Dru.

"What? How long have you been" Gran gets cut off.

"I started uh ... when the sun came up. But I was up much earlier than that. I just stayed inside"

"Are you concerned about the vampire? Sookie, has he done something untoward?"

"No! No! Not at all, well, I'm just thinking ... What I'm thinking is ... is stay away, but ... what I'm feeling... what I'm feeling ... with my whole body is ... somethin' else entirely and I don't know whether to trust my ... my head or" Sookie says and Dru sucks her cheeks in and bites them.

"Heart" Gran nods wisely.

"Yes" Sookie nods.

"Well, that is a dilemma. Why don't you come on inside, and let me make you something to eat? If you're gonna be out workin' like a horse, you ought to at least to have somethin' in your stomach"

"Oh no, thanks, I'm not hungry" Sookie shakes her head.

"I didn't ask ... if you were hungry"

Sookie looks at her grandmother and then follows her into the house. Back by an old tree, a silent collie stands and watches, Dru turns and the dog looks straight at her, she winks and walks into the house. The dog barks then races away.

"Did she just wink at a dog" Emmett asks incredulously.

"Yes" Jacob chuckles.

The next day Dru's vision goes blank so she walks outside and sees Sookie driving from Bill's

"Sookie" she runs over and gets in.

"Damn don't do that" Sookie gasps.

"Sorry, I'll come with you" Dru nods and stares out blankly not knowing why her vision went blank.

Sookie drives over to Dawn's house and starts knocking on the door while Dru had a confused expression on her face.

"Dawn ... it's us, Sookie and Dru. Honey, you overslept" Sookie opens the screen door and knocks on the inner door. Not getting any answer, Sookie tries the door handle and the door opens.

"Dawn! Are you here?" Sookie walks through to the bedroom. The alarm is going off and there looks like there's been a struggle. Dawn is lying on the bed, eyes open. Sookie calls her name a few times but then realizes that Dawn will not be answering. Then Sookie screams.

Dru runs in and stops seeing the dead body and she blanches now knowing why her vision went blank.

"Who killed her" Bella asks.

"I'm not sure" Alice says.

"Whoever it is they are evading her vision and thoughts" Edward tells them and they watch on.