Status: complete

Drusilla Lillian Potter

chapter 1

"James Potter" Lily Evans screeches up the boys stairs.

"Yes Lily love" a 17 year old James Potter asks with a big grin on his face as he walked down the stairs.

"I have been shouting you for ages" she sighs.

"Where's Sirius and Remus" she asks.

"Oh, one minute" he runs back up stairs and a few seconds later he comes back out with two boys who were grumbling at him.

"Yes Lily flower" James asks wondering what she wanted them for.

"Dumbledore wants us" she tells him and began walking out, so James runs up to her and puts an arm around her shoulders while Sirius and Remus join them on the sides.

They walk up into his office having just given the password and come to a stop at the door.

"What" all three boys exclaim seeing several Slytherin's there as well with people who had graduated already.

"Please gentleman" Dumbledore says calmly but he had an odd look on his face.

"Now that everyone is here, follow me" he stands up and walks out leaving the rest to follow.

Dumbledore walks, down to the room of requirement meeting professor McGonagall who had a stern expression on her face.

"Professor" he greats and makes sure everyone is sitting down in the spacious room.

"Okay i am sure you are wondering why you are here" he looks around seeing several nods.

"Now please these are the people who should be here" he pulls out a paper.

"James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bianca Zabini, Severus Snape, Regulus Black and Minerva McGonagall" he looks around seeing each of them and sits down in a chair.

"Why are we here" Lucius asks lifting a brow.

"Well i received something important, i don't know who from, but it could affect the war as we know it" he looks around.

"Well if it does, why are they here" James asks tilting his head to the Slytherin's.

"I do not know, the paper asked to have all of you present" he tells them.

"Now what we are about to see, could shock you, it is from the future" he warns.

"But that's" Lily stutters.

"I know, but it has happened" he looks around "We may be there we may be not" he warns.

"You need to see this" he tells them "And it may take quite the long time" he says and he flicks his wand to the side and a screen appears.

"Are we going to watch the future" Alice asks.

"Yes" McGonagall answers and they turn and watch.

It was a dark night and people were in their houses, while in one particular house a couple and their child were worrying.

"James what if he finds us" Lily asks worriedly.

"Lily i promise it will all work out" James promises and she nods.

"Dru" James coos and he flicks his wand making their daughter's toys dance around, she begins giggling and clapping her hands.

"Drusilla" Lily laughs at her daughter.

"Baby calf" James picks her up but then they here a bang, he and lily share a look and he gives her Drusilla.

James walks around the front and looks through the window.

"Lily it's him" he shouts.

"What" she runs forwards.

"Take Drusilla and run" he shouts to her.

"James" she shouts at him but he kisses her.

"Take Drusilla upstairs go" he shouts as the door bangs open revealing a hooded person. Lily runs upstairs and she hears shouting.

"Avada kedavra" she hears and sees a green light then a thud.

"James" she cries but runs up into a small nursery. She puts her daughter down, and barricades the door she quickly looks around but realises she didn't have her wand.

Bang, the door flies open and Voldermort appears still with his hood covering his face.

"Move you foolish girl" he commands.

"No, take me, kill me just leave my daughter" she cries.

"I will spare your life if you give me the girl" he hisses.

"No" she shouts "Kill me leave her"

"Fine, Avada Kedavra" he hisses and a bright green light shoots out at her, encasing her body and she screams falling to the floor dead.

Voldermort turns to the baby girl and glares.

"Avada Kedavra" he snarls and the green light shoots out again, but something happens, it reflected back to him, and with a huge quake and scream he disappeared in a twist of shadows, the house creaks, and began burning down.

"Oh my god" Lily sobs while James comforts her.

"That was very brave" Dumbledore tells them with sadness in his eyes, while their friends had tears in them, while the Slytherin's watch on but slightly confused.

Later that night upon a different street Dumbledore appears, he pulls out a lighter and flicks it open. The light's from every lamppost shoot out and gets swallowed by the little thing. Pleased now it was dark, he carried on only to pause at a stiff looking cat that was watching him.

"I should've known you would be here professor McGonagall" he smiles sadly and walks on, while she transforms into her human form and catches up to him.

"Good evening professor Dumbledore" she greets "Are the rumours true Albus" she asks worriedly.

"I'm afraid so professor, the good and the bad" he sighs looking up to the sky, and in the back ground you could see what looked to be fireworks being set off but if you knew of magic you would know they were spells.

"And the girl" she asks.

"Hagrid is bringing her"

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something important as this" she asks shrewdly.

"Ah, i would trust Hagrid with my life" he assures and they see a great big light zooming down towards hem with a whirring noise. Hagrid lands down on a large flying motor bike.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, professor McGonagall" he gets off the bike.

"No problem's i trust Hagrid" Dumbledore asks.

"No, sir, little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake her. There you go" Hagrid hands over Drusilla who was asleep in some blankets.

"Albus do really think it's safe leaving her with these people, I've watched them all day, there're the worst sorts of Muggles imaginable, they really are" she gets cut off.

"The only family she has" Dumbledore tells her as he walks off toward a house.

"The girl will be famous there won't be a child in our world who doesn't know her name" McGonagall tells him.

"Exactly, she's far better off growing up away from all of that, until she is ready" he places the child on a doorstep and slipping a letter next to her, he moves back and the baby girl can be seen with a lightning bolt scar on her forehead.

"There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all" he looks down sadly.

"Good Luck, Drusilla Potter" Drusilla grabs on to the letter in her sleep and lets out a quiet sigh, as they leave and the screen goes black.

"So that's our daughter" Lily asks.

"Yes i believe she is" Dumbledore answers her but his mind was whirling at what happened with Voldermort.

"What happened" Severus asks his throat thick at seeing Lily be murdered.

"I'm not quiet shore all we can do is watch"

"Up, up now" Drusilla's eyes open groggily and she looks around her room, she sits up and the small ten year old girl rubs her eyes, yawning. Her green eyes she had inherited from her mother survey her clock and putting a hand through her long wavy black hair she groans.

"To early" she mumbles and goes to get out of bed.

"Wake up cousin we're going to the zoo" a loud voice shouts and she rolls of the bed onto the floor.

"Oof" air whooshes around her and stops her from hitting the floor she sighs in relief and blows out of her mouth so she was now standing up.

"Thank god for bending" she murmurs and runs around her bedroom to get ready.

"Professor what just happened there" Lily asks.

"It's bending" Lucius is the one who answers looking at the screen calculatingly.

"An old magic there are none around today, they died out hundreds of years ago"

"Pure blood's deemed it a pathetic magic" Sirius rolls his eyes scoffing.

"I thought it sounded cool" he smirks at his brother who glares back daring him to say something.

"Like little Reggie" Regulus glares.

"Boys" McGonagall says sharply and they turn back to the screen.

A now dressed Drusilla walks into the kitchen and glares at the family that were sat there.

"Here he comes, the birthday boy" Petunia says as Dudley walks in.

"Happy birthday son" Vernon says.

"Oh god my sister marries him" Lily says gobsmacked.

"And why is our daughter living with those, those muggles" James shrieks and glares at his headmaster.

"I'm sure there is a reason" he says calmly but now had a twinkle in his eyes at their reactions.

"I always thought you were a fan of muggles Potter" Narcissa glares

"Not them" he glares at the screen

"No, i do not want my daughter living with them" Lily shrieks.

"I agree your sister is a nuisance" Severus glares at Petunia.

"Why don't you cook breakfast and try not burn anything" Petunia snaps at Drusilla.

"Yes aunt Petunia" she rolls her eyes and begins cooking breakfast.

"What, there treating pup like a house elf" Sirius snarls.

"Pup" Bianca raises a brow at Sirius and he flushes eyes wide.

"Err, i mean"

"Yes and why did you call her calf Potter" Lucius asks.

"Err." they all share busted looks.

"I'm a werewolf" Remus tells them and then there silence.

"I knew it" Regulus finally gives a laugh getting odd looks.

"Avery owes me money" he looks to Severus who nods shaking his head.

"What" James at them incredulously.

"Well, we saw you all going out on the full moon, he thought you were all" he stops looking to the teachers.

"So why do you call her pup" Bianca asks again.

James and Sirius cough looking to the teachers sheepishly.

"Err i mean, i, err i mean we" James stutters.

"Were Animagus" Sirius says and closes his eyes tight.

"What?" McGonagall asks.

"Professor it's my fault" Remus says "They help me out on the full moon" he looks at her sadly.

"Mr. Lupin" Dumbledore looks at him with a twinkle "How long has this been going on"

"Err, well since fifth year" James bites his lip.

"That would explain why you all are so good in transfiguration" McGonagall shakes her head.

"So what are you" she asks them, so they exchange a look and stand up.

James whole body shifts and he transforms into a magnificent stag, he bucks his head back proudly showing of his antlers.

"A stag" Dumbledore murmurs smiling proudly.

Sirius raises a brow and smirks then shifts his body transforming into a large black dog.

"The grim" he raises a brow as Sirius bark loudly and jumps onto James and they begin to play fight.

"Boys" Lily and McGonagall shouts so they stop and change back smiling sheepishly.

"I want everything perfect for my Dudley's special day" she pinches her son's cheeks and Drusilla gags sticking her tongue out.

"Got that right" the marauders mutter.

"Hurry up, bring my coffee girl" Vernon shouts.

"Yes uncle Vernon"" Drusilla shouts and hands him a cup.

"Aren't they wonderful darling" Petunia says looking at all the presents.

"How many are there" Dudley asks, and Drusilla rolls her eyes eating a bit of bread.

"36, counted them myself" Vernon says proudly.

"36, but last year, last year i had 37" Dudley shouts, so Drusilla rubs her ear wincing.

"Yes but some of them are bigger than last year's" Vernon says flushing.

"I don't care how big they are" Dudley screams.

"Now, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin?" Petunia says smiling reassuringly.

They all walk out and down to the car.

"It should be a lovely day at the zoo today, I'm really looking forward to it" Petunia gets in, and Drusilla gets stopped by Vernon.

"I'm warning you now girl. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in" he commands and she does so glaring.

They were now at the zoo, and they were peering into the snake habitat which had a sleeping snake in there.

"Make it move" Dudley moans.

"Move" Vernon taps the glass.

"He's asleep" Drusilla glares at them.

"He's boring" they move away leaving her there.

"You're not really asleep" Drusilla tells the snake, and it opens an eye looking at her.

"Sorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you" she tells it and the snake lifts it head up and nods.

"Can you hear me, i have a snake at home, but they don't know, I've been able to talk to snakes all my life" she looks at him and around and sees a sign.

"Born in habitat, that's me as well" she pouts "I never knew my parents either"

"She's a parsletongue" Lucius says looking confused.


"I'm not parsletongue" he shakes his head.

"Mummy, dad you won't believe what this snake is doing" Dudley rushes over and pushes Drusilla to the ground putting his face up to the screen. She glares at him, and the glass disappears.

"Ah, ah" Dudley falls in headfirst and she watches wide eyed as the snake slithers out making everyone run around and scream.

"Thanks amigos" the snake hisses.

"Any time" she smiles lightly and it slithers out.

"Mum, mummy help me" Dudley shouts banging on the now reappeared glass.

"My darling boy, how did you get in there, who did this, how did you get in there, is there a snake" Petunia bangs on the glass and Drusilla laughs.

"Now that's my girl" James says proudly and Lily rolls her eyes.

"It's all right sweetheart. We'll get you out of these terrible clothes" Petunia says holding Dudley as they get out of the car and walk up to the house.

"What happened" Vernon growls at Drusilla.

"I swear, I don't know! One minute the glass was there then it was gone, it was like magic" she shouts as he pushes her into her bedroom, he slams it shut and locks it.

"There's no such thing as magic" he shouts.

"Ugh" she stops her foot and clenches her fists, fire shoots out of her hands and they slither around her arms. She sighs and closes her eyes calming down, and they disappear.

"I hate this" she jumps onto her bed, not seeing a red and black snake slithering in through the window and over to her, it slithers up the bed and around her back then around her neck coming to stop near her face.

"Youss sshhould let me bite them" the snake hisses.

"Sorcio, no" she tells him but laughs "You always ask and i always answer the same" she rolls her eyes.

The next morning they are all eating breakfast when the post arrives.

"Dudley, get the mail" Vernon says.

"Make Drusilla get the mail" he shouts.

"Drusilla get the mail" he says.

"Make Dudley get the mail" she glares.

"Dudley, hit Drusilla" Drusilla dodges his stick and runs to the front door.

"Idiots" she glares and gathers the mail walking back into the kitchen. She hands them the letters except one, as it was addressed to her.

"Dad Drusilla's reading the mail" Dudley grabs it.

"Hey give it here that's mine" she shouts.

"Who would write to you" he sneers and Vernon grabs it.

"Hey that's mine" Drusilla glares and he reads it going purple.

"Petunia" he chokes and she reads it to going white, seeing it was a Hogwarts letter.

The next few days Vernon would either burn or throw away the letters and she would sit back and glare at him. Vernon one day started hammering wood to the door so no more mail could come in.

"No more letters comin through this letterbox"

"Have a lovely day at the office dear" Petunia walks out with Vernon, but they gasp looking around seeing everywhere was filed with owls.

"Shoo, get off"

"Wow professor, you must really want my daughter to attend" James smirks.

"Fine day Sunday, in my opinion best day of the week, and why is that Dudley?" Dudley shrugs at his dad.

"Because there's no post on Sunday" Drusilla bites her lip glaring.

"Right you are Drusilla. No post on Sunday. Ha! No blasted letters today! No, sir! Not one single bloody letter! Not one! No sir, not one blasted miserable" Vernon gets shut off as a letter shoots out from the chimney into his face.

A loud rumbling noise is heard and hundreds of letters shoot out, and letters began shooting into the house from every place they could get in, the Dursley's began cowering while Drusilla jumps up trying to catch one.

"Mummy, make it stop" Dudley shouts.

"Stop it" Vernon shouts and Drusilla finally gets a letter.

"Give me that" Vernon sees "Give me that" he jumps up and chases Drusilla into the hallway, and grabs her while grabbing the letter.

"Give me that, that's mine, they're my letter" she shouts.

"Wow" they all watch the scene unfold.

"I'll kill him" James glares at the fat walrus look-a-like.

"That's it were going far away, we're they can't find us" he screams going red in the face.

"Daddy's gone mad hasn't he" Dudley looks up at his mother.

"It's very likely" Lucius mutters watching the scene amused at the muggles.

Later that night Drusilla is laid on the floor on a small cave in house in the middle of the ocean, she looks down at the floor she sighs and begins drawing a birthday cake into the dirt, she touches each drawn candle with her index finger and fire appears staying on the point.

"Make a wish Dru" she blows out the candles and it goes dark.

Bang, Bang the door gives way and Drusilla jumps up looking at the giant figure eyes-wide.

"I so didn't wish for that" she mutters.

"Sorry `bout that" Hagrid walks in and put the door back where it belonged.

"I demand that you leave at once, that is breaking and entering" Vernon demands holding a gun out.

"Oh dry up Dursley you great prune" Hagrid bends the gun and it goes of upwards.

"Ah, Drusilla, i 'aven't seen ya since you were a baby" he smiles down at Drusilla who was still looking at him eyes wide.

"Got something for you, afraid I might have sat on it at some point but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same, baked it myself, words and all" he puts a cake down and she smiles lightly at him in thanks.

"Thank you" she sits it down.

"Well, it's not every day ya turn 11 now is it"

"Excuse me but who are you" she asks wearily.

"Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all about Hogwarts" Hagrid grins at her but she just gives him a blank look.

"Sorry no" she shakes her head.

"No? Blimey Drusilla didn't you ever wonder didn't you ever wonder how your mum and dad learned it all?"

"Learned what" she asks confused.

"You're a witch Drusilla" he tells her.

"I'm a-what" her mouth drops.

"A witch, and a thumpin' good one I'd wager once you've trained up a bit" Hagrid smiles.

"No, you've made a mistake. I mean I can't be a witch... I mean I'm Drusilla, Just Dru" she shakes her head.

"Well, "Just Dru" did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared? Um hum" he sees her astonished look and gives her a letter.

"Dear Miss. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" she looks up again eyes wide.

"She will not be going! We swore when we took her in that we would put a stop to all of this rubbish!" Vernon snarls.

"You knew, you knew along and you never told me" Drusilla shouts.

"Of course we knew. How could you not be, my perfect sister being who she was. Oh I remember the day she got her letter. My parents were so proud. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one who saw her for what she was... a freak. And then she met that Potter, and then she had you and I knew you would be the same just as strange just as abnormal. And then, if you please, she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you" Petunia glares.

"Oh i can't wait till the holidays" Lily clenches her hands glaring at the screen.

"You thought she would be any different" Severus asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well, she's my sister" Lily screeches.

"And" she shakes her head.

"Blown up" Dru screams "You told me my parents died in a car crash" she accuses.

"A car crash, a car crash killed Lily and James Potter" Hagrid shouts furiously.

"We had to say something" Petunia says.

"It's an outrage, it's a scandal"

"She will not be going" Vernon shouts.

"Oh and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself is gonna stop her" Hagrid glares.

"Muggle" Drusilla asks confused.

"Non- magic folk" he answers "This girl's had her name down since she were born. She's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world. And she'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore"

"I will not pay to have some crack pot old fool teach her magic tricks!" Vernon shouts.

"Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me" he glares and he sees Dudley eating the cake so he points his umbrella at him and sparks shoot out of it, a pig's tail appears, and they scream running around.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking I'm not supposed to do magic" Hagrid says to Drusilla who was chuckling.


"We're a bit behind schedule. Best be off, unless you'd rather stay, of course" Hagrid looks down.

"Ha" the marauders laugh.