Status: complete

Drusilla Lillian Potter

chapter 3

The next few days drifted by and Halloween came they all struck up an odd friendship, putting up with their rivals but would occasionally argue, and Dru knew she couldn't stop it so she just sat back and watched jumping in if she was needed, and today she didn't know if this particular argument should have been stopped or not.

"One of a wizard's most rudimental skills is levitation or the ability to make objects fly" Flitwick says standing on top of several books.

"Do you all have your feathers?" they nod "Good. Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Hum! The "Swish and Flick" Everyone, the "Swish and Flick"" they all repeat his movements.

"Good! Oh and annunciate! Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then"

"Wingardium Leviosa" everyone says.

"Wingardium Leviosa" Dru says quietly and it rises but she lets it drop.

"Why did you let it drop" Blaise asks as he was hovering his in the air.

"I can make it stay in the air without a wand" she tells him.

"How" he looks at her and the feather drops onto the table.

"Well" she looks around and with a small movement of her hands a gust of air lifts the feather and then lowers it.

"How" Blaise looks at her calculatingly and was about to say something but Ron began waving his arms around shouting the spell.

"No, stop, stop, stop" Hermione taps his arm "You're going to take someone's eye out! Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa not Leviosar" she glares at him.

"You do it then if you're so clever, go on" Ron snaps.

"Wingardium Leviosa" she waves her wand and the feather floats up.

"Oh, oh, well done! See here everyone, Miss Granger's done it! Ho, ho! Splendid" Flitwick claps.

"Wingard-Leviosa; Wingard—Leviosa" Seamus swings his wand and the feather blows up, his face in a shocked expression was covered with soot.

"Professor i think we need another feather" Draco sniffs glaring at the mess.

After class they all walk out in a large group ignoring the odd looks they were getting as Slytherin's and Gryffindor's don't usually hang out, Ron begins ranting to the boys.

"It's Levi-o-sa not Leviosar" he imitates Hermione "She's a nightmare honestly! It's no wonder she hasn't got any friends" Hermione rushes past in tears and the girls give him a dark look, they may not have warmed up to her fully yet but they knew what it was like for a boy to put you down.

"I think she may have heard you mate" Dean says.

"Hermione" Dru sings walking into the girls toilets.

"Hermione" Daphne and Pansy shout.

"W-Wha-what" Hermione sobs from a cubicle.

"Alohomora" Dru says pointing her wand to the door and it opens all three girls walk in and shut the door.

"Ron's an idiot" Pansy shrugs.

"But he's right" she wipes her eyes.

"Yes you may be muggle born but Dru's opened our eyes and we may still hold that thought, your okay for one" Daphne says and Hermione looks up.

"Hermione, just coz your smart doesn't mean you don't have friends, socialize a little" Dru says.

"Okay" Hermione smiles.

"I'm starving" Pansy gets up and they roll their eyes following.

"Well it's dinner now so let's" Daphne never got to finish her sentence as they all came to a stop staring up at a gigantic troll.

"Back up, back up" Dru whispers and pushes them all backwards into the cubicle, but he grunts and they all scream.

"Oh my god" Lily breathes.

The troll swings his club and bangs the toilet stalls. All the girls scream and duck down just missing his second swing that tore down the upper half.

The girls turn to the door hearing their names being called and see Blaise, Draco and Ron.

"Help, help!" they shout covered in wood.

"Hey, pea brain" Ron shouts and all the boys begin throwing wood to catch the trolls attention.

"Ah! Help!" the girls scream.

"Come on" Dru crawls through and runs over by the sinks followed by the rest.

The troll swings his club again but Blaise grabs on to it, the troll halts its swing and Blaise lands on his shoulders.

"Whoa" he breathes and the troll shakes his head around, he pulls his wand out but get's it stuck up the troll's nose.

"Ugh" Draco exclaims in disgust, just as the Troll grabs Blaise by his ankle and holds him upside down, the troll swings its club again but Blaise pulls himself up missing it.

"Do something" Blaise shouts pulling himself up again.

"What?" Draco and Ron shout.

"Anything, hurry up!" Blaise screams as his head nearly gets takes off.

"Swish & Flick" Hermione makes movement with her hand as Ron pulled his wand out.

"Wingardium Leviosa" he shouts and the club stays up in the air, the troll looks around confused, he drops Blaise who then stands up and backs away. Ron lowers his wand and the club falls, hitting the troll on the head, and he drops down unconscious.

"Cool" Ron looks down at his wand and back to the troll.

"Is it dead?" Daphne asks as they all make their way over, the troll snorts.

"No just knocked out" Draco murmurs.

"Ugh" Blaise gags as he pulls his wand from the troll's nose.

"Troll boogies" Ron grimaces. McGonagall, Snape and Quirell run in and look around in shock finally resting on the first years.

"Oh my goodness, explain yourselves all of you" McGonagall gasps.

"Well what it is" Everyone began at the same time.

"It's my fault Professor McGonagall" Hermione speaks up and the others look at her in shock.

"Miss. Granger" McGonagall chokes.

"I went looking for the troll I've read about them and I thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If they hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead" Hermione winces looking up at her apologetically.

"Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part and am very disappointed in you Miss. Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement" McGonagall looks at the rest so they stand straighter.

"And as for the rest of you, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points will be awarded to each of you, for sheer dumb luck" McGonagall walks off, and they all share a glance.

"Perhaps you ought to go. It might wake up" Quirell stutters looking down at the snorting troll.

Snape gives them a stern look and limps off so Dru casts her eyes down to his leg and sees it bleeding.

"Wow" The marauders whistle and James pats Lily's shoulder as she had finished hyperventilating.

"That match was awesome" Draco, Ron and Blaise were talking about the latest Quidditch match.

"Boys" Hermione mutters and Dru snorts.

"I'm still thinking about Snape, i mean his leg was all cut up, i still think it was that three headed dog" Dru says as they get to Hagrid's.

"Who told you about Fluffy" he demands and they all come to stop.

"Fluffy" Ron repeats.

"That thing has a name" Draco snarls.

"Well, of course, he's got a name! He's mine! I brought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the" Hagrid stops.

"Yes" Dru asks eyes brightening.

"I shouldn't have said that. No more questions! Don't ask anymore question! That's top- secret that is." Hagrid stutters.

"But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding Snape's trying to steal it" Hermione says while Draco and Blaise roll their eyes, they didn't believe their head of house was trying to steal anything.

"Codswallop, professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher" Hagrid disagrees.

"Then how come on Halloween, a troll was released and he was bloodied and limping" Dru pouts.

"Now listen to me, all three of you, you're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous! What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel" Hagrid says.

"Nicholas Flamel" Blaise repeats.

"I shouldn't have said that, i should not have said that" Hagrid shakes his head and walks back into his hut.

"Nicholas Flamel. Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Draco asks with his brow furrowed.

"I don't know" Hermione sighs.

The days pass and Christmas arrives only a few staying while the rest went home.

"I can't believe it's Christmas already" Dru sits down on the common room couch.

"I know" Blaise sits next to her, seeing as everyone else had gone home, only those two and Ron were staying over Christmas.

"Did you open your presents" Blaise asks looking around spotting an unopened one.

"I know, thanks" she kisses his cheek which causes a blush to creep up on his cheek.

"Well who's is this" he picks the other one up and she looks at it oddly.

"I never saw that" she mumbles as he reads it.

"It's yours" he passes it to her and she rips it open.

"A cloak" she questions and stands up.

The marauders gasp causing everyone to look at them.

"Uh" James coughs "Got something in my throat" he gulps and they sit down trying to hide themselves as they recognised that cloak, in fact it was in James's bag right now.

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well" she reads a card.

"This was my dad's" she whispers and puts it around her, her whole body disappears leaving her head appeared to be floating.

"An invisibility cloak" Blaise breathes.

"Wow" she spins and pulls it over her head and folds it up.

"There really rare you know" he looks at her then they both smirk.

"Mr, Potter" McGonagall looks at him sternly.

"Yes" he squeaks gaining amused looks.

"So that's how you get around" Regulus smirks at him.

"Well" Sirius coughs "We don't use it unintentionally" he looks at Remus hopefully.

"They know now" he just says and they sigh in defeat.

"Ha but you can't stop my daughter from using it" James smirks.

"Famous Fire Eaters" Dru looks around the restricted section while under the invisibility cloak.

"Fifteenth Century Fiends" she looks along another isle.

"Flamel, Nicholas Flamel. Where are you?"

"I know you're in there. You can't hide. Who is it, show yourself" Filch appears, and she startles knocking the lamp onto the floor.

"Crap" she whispers and runs out of there.

She keeps running until she finds a dark hallway and she pauses sighing in relief, but stops seeing Snape and Quirrell arguing.

"Severus I-I-I-I-I" Quirrell stutters backing up into the wall.

"You don't want me as your enemy Quirrell" Snape snarls at him holding the front of his robes.

"Hey what's Sniv-Snape doing" Sirius asks.

"We don't exactly know do we Black" Severus glares at him.

"I don't know what you mean" Quirrell pales

"You know perfectly well what I mean" Snape glares and his head snaps to where Dru was standing, so her eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hand walking backwards. Seemingly satisfied Snape rounds back on Quirrell

"We'll have another little chat soon. When you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie" he tells him, and Filch walks up to them.

"Professors I found this in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed" Filch shows them the lamp and they all rush out to see if they could catch the student.

Dru sighs and walks through a door to her right she walks into the room and takes off her cloak. She looks around and her eyes stop on a mirror that was standing in the middle of the room. With a quick glance around she shuffles forwards stopping at it, and she sees her reflection. A few seconds later her parents appear behind her, she gasps and steps backwards.

"Mom" she whispers and she nods "Dad" he nods.

"Professor what's that" Lily asks tearfully.

"I believe that is the mirror of Erised" Dumbledore says and she nods having heard of it.

"Blaise, Blaise" Dru shakes him awake.

"What" he sits up groggily.

"Come on" she pulls him out of bed and drags him down to the room where the mirror is.

"Look" she places him in front of the mirror and he looks into it confused.

"Can you see my parent's" she asks.

"No all i see is us" he tells her, so she steps away.

"How about now" she asks and he looks again, his eyes widen and his mouth drops.

"What" she asks.

"I-I" he swallows "I don't see your parents, but i see something" he breathes.

"What" she asks again.

"Nothing" he blushes "Do you think this tells us our future" he asks looking at her.

"No, how can it be" she looks down sadly "My parents are dead"

The next few nights she kept going back, seeing her parents and that was what she was doing right now, sat in front of the mirror. Dumbledore watches from behinds her and sighs.

"Back again Drusilla?" Dru turns seeing him.

"I see that you like many others before you have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust now, you realize what it what it does" he asks.

"It shows us what we want most" she murmurs.

"Yes and no. It shows us nothing more or less then the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you Drusilla, who have never known your family you see them standing beside you. But remember this, Drusilla. This mirror gives us neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home. And I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Drusilla, and forget to live" he says gravely and she nods.

After Christmas holidays and everyone came back, things went back to the way they were, and they were all sat in the library reading.

"I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading!" Hermione huffs, dropping a large book on to the table

"That's light" Ron guffaws looking at the book and she glares at him.

"Of course" she turns a page

"Here it is, Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone" Dru, Blaise and Draco share a look knowing what it was now but Ron was clueless.

"The what?" he asks dumbly.

"Honestly don't you read? The Sorcerer's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will transform any metal into pure gold and produce the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal" she recites.

"Immortal" Ron exclaims.

"It means you'll never die" Draco smirks.

"I know what it means" Ron snaps.

"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday" Blaise reads.

"That's what Fluffy's guarding on the third floor. That's what's under the trap door. The Sorcerer's Stone" Dru says looking up at them.

"Wow, there smart" Remus praises.

"Slytherin's and Gryffindors work well with each other do they not" Dumbledore looks over at his students and they slump.