Status: done

Garden Gnome

This, along with my other short story, The Death of Mr. P.otato Head., were both written together for my end-of-the year in-class essay. We were suppose to write two descriptive essays about two different people, places, or things and include ourselves into it. Like how it's important to us or blahblahblah...

Anyway, I totally forgot about the inclusion-of-oneself part, but I got a very satisfying mark. Maybe my teacher thought that by writing them both in first person, it was a way of including myself. However, I didn't get a 100%, so maybe that's exactly why I didn't.

Also, of course I touched them up a bit. [...] Okay maybe I touched them up a lot and included a few more paragraphs, but the plot is the same as the original.

Also, I wasn't sure if 'stupidest' was a word. Apparently it isn't, but for some reason my Word doesn't pick it up as a spelling mistake. Good thing I checked with the Internet with the help of Google.

A story about a Garden Gnome.