

On the edge of something real
I have a choice, but I don't know what to feel
Getting tired of all this fear
Before I choose, let me know that you'll be here
Let me know that you'll be here

Jenny sat at her kitchen counter, coffee cup in hand. It was 6:30 am, even though she was a stay at home mom Jenny always got up at 6:30 it was the best way to have quiet time before the kids got up. She let out a content sigh as the sun started to peek its way through the curtains in the kitchen. She filled her coffee cup once again and just inhaled the deep aroma of the coffee. Letting her eyes close she lets her mind fall into the distant memories of her teenage years.

A creek on the stairs makes her eyes fly open and to the clock seeing that its now 7 am.

“Good morning” her husband Jeff says walking into the kitchen placing a small kiss on her cheek and reaching for a coffee cup.

“Morning” she says with a smile.

Jenny just stares at her husband as he starts to take items out of the fridge to make breakfast for their 2 kids. In her eyes he hasn’t changed much since high school of course he doesn’t see it that way. They have been together 15 years married for 10. As Jeff starts to scramble eggs for 4-year-old Cameron James and 2-year-old Melanie Elizabeth, Jenny recalls the fist summer they started dating. Thinking back to that time earns another smile from Jenny

“Well you are awfully happy today huh?” Jeff asks and Jenny nods

“I have a lot to be happy about” she says and Jeff smiles at her and turns to butter the toast.


“I think Mel is up what do you think?” Jenny asks Jeff who also jumped when the youngest yell reached their ears.

“I think Cam is probably up now as well” Jeff laughed portioning out the food onto Melanie’s princess plate and Cameron’s Toy Story plate.

Jenny giggled, then walked up the stairs to pull Melanie out of her crib although she did have a “big girl bed” she preferred her crib at least for now Jeff and Jenny were compliant.

“Good morning baby girl” Jenny says walking into the room to see the little girl’s shinning green eyes looking back at her.

“Amornin” Melanie answered back some words clearly a little hard to pronounce.

“Daddy’s making breakfast you hungry?” Jenny asks already knowing the answer

“Daddy hungry yes!” Melanie says clapping her hands together with a giggle.

Jenny suppresses her laughter as she lifts her daughter out of her bed and walks across the hall to wake up her son.

“CAMMYY!!” Melanie screeches when Jenny opens the door.

“I’m already up mommy” Cameron answers walking out of the door and down the stairs in front of her.

Cause I'm not afraid to fall
If you're the one who catches me
Tell me that you'll be there when I'm
About to lose it all
Cause you're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok to fall

Jenny smiles walking down the stairs and past her wedding photo, she remembers the feeling of the first kiss, causing her to smile more and surprisingly blush slightly.

“Mama, happy mad!?” Melanie asks cocking her head to the side and looking at Jenny’s face

“Happy mad?” Jenny asks and her daughter blinks.

“Is smile and pinky… is happy mad” Mel says poking her cheek.

“No sweetie mommy’s not mad” She says reaching the bottom and putting the little girl down on the hardwood floor in her footy pajama clad feet.

“DADDY! Pwincess hungry!” She says running into the kitchen

“Hey shouldn’t you be getting dressed?” Jeff asks and Jenny furrows her eyebrows in confusion. “It’s moms weekend. You Maggie and Ashley have had this planned for weeks” He says trying to jog her memory

“OH CRAP!” Jenny says looking at the clock

“OOOOO Mommy!” Cameron says

“Oh! I’m sorry sweetie,” She says running up the stairs throwing on a comfortable but cute outfit and quickly finding and packing 2 more. She then rushes to throw together all the things she will need for the weekend. After packing her bag she brushes her hair and decides to put it up in a clip to keep it out of her face during the car ride. Brushing her teeth she grabs her traveling toothbrush and toothpaste tossing that into her duffle bag as well and walking down the stairs.

“That was quick” Jeff says with a smile and Jenny lets out a huff of air. “Want some toast before you go?” She simply nods and takes the plate from him.

“Okay so let Cam pick out his own clothes but make sure he matches. Mel will try to wear a sweater even though its July, she loves her sweaters. Please make sure she matches and she will tell you if she doesn’t like it. Also make sure she has her sippy at nape time and Cam will usually fall asleep to sponge bob. At 11:30 Dora is on Cameron doesn’t like that show but its Mel’s favorite.” As Jenny continues her rant Jeff just smiles. He kisses her to cut off her talking

“Jen, they will be fine” He says and she sighs

“I know I just want to let you know…. OH! Mel will only go down after Dora with her Dora cup. Yes she really knows the difference”

“I know sweetheart, and as much as I love you, if you don’t shut up I will lock you out until Maggie and Ashley get here.” Jeff says and Jenny sighs

“Maybe I will just get them dressed?” She says and Jeff rolls his eyes.

“I can’t help it! I went from full time pharmacist to full time Mom! I’m bound to be a little obsessive with my first entire WEEKEND from my kids” She says pouting.

“Listen to me” Jeff says grabbing Jenny’s face between his hands. “The kids will be fine, their clothes will match- mine always do- Mel will have her Dora cup and watch Dora, Cam will fall asleep to Sponge Bob and when you get back Monday morning the kids will wake up like they always do” He smiles at her as he hears a horn outside “Now go! I Love you,” he says kissing her and pushing her out the door.

“MAMA! Where goin” Melanie asks with worry on her face

“Mama will be back before you know it baby girl. Go give her a kiss Pwincess” The two year old runs to the door way and gives Jenny a sloppy kiss on the cheek

“Bye, bye Mama, has fun loves you” She says before turning to her dad “Daddy, uppy?” she says pouting and Jeff complies picking her up

“Bye mommy” Cameron says giving her a hug around the waist and Jenny kisses his forehead.

When I'm far away from where you are
It's ok, cause we're under the same stars
I'm laying down this heavy load
Maybe now I can finally let this go
I can finally let you know

Jenny sighs looking out the window of her hotel room to the beautiful star filled sky, it was only 9:30 pm but she was exhausted. She knew that her kids would already be in bed and Jeff probably wouldn’t be far behind them. She thought about calling him to come and get her because even though spending time with her best friends was extremely relaxing she really wanted to be at home.

“Hey Jen…. still staring out the window?” Maggie asks and Jenny turns around

“Is it bad that I want to go home?” Jenny asks and Maggie laughs

“Yes” Ashley answers

“I don’t think its that bad” Maggie says turning to Ashley who walked in behind her

“Of course you don’t, you have one kid. Jenny only has 2 but I have 4…. I am loving this break and I am NOT taking either one of you home deal with it!” Ashley says walking into the bathroom

“Is that why we had her drive? So we couldn’t randomly go home?” Maggie asks

“I believe it was our husbands that concocted that idea and you are probably right about the reasoning” Jenny laughs.

“I’m calling to check on my baby” Maggie says

“Aw your gonna check on the hubby” Jenny coos

“No I’m checking on my baby!” Maggie says with a laugh

“Mag, your baby is SIX!”

“You wanna go there girl who read both her kids separate bed time stories over the phone??” Maggie taunts

“Nope I’m good” Jenny says with a laugh as Maggie dials her home phone number

But I'm not afraid to fall
If you're the one who catches me
Tell me that you'll be there when I'm
About to lose it all
Cause you're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok

Fast Forward

“But mommy! I don’t like second grade” Melanie complains as Jenny puts her clothes for the morning on her bed.

“Mel sweetie you have to go. We have been over this already, mommy and daddy both work again so I can’t stay home with you all the time”

Melanie just pouts but gets dressed and ready for school while Jenny checks on Cameron.

“Mom I’m 9 about to be 10! You don’t need to check on me anymore” Cameron says with pleading eyes

“Okay, I’m gonna go pack your lunch then”

“Already done, Mel’s too”

“Okay then. I guess I will just go get ready for work. Thanks Cam”

“Its Cameron”

“JEFF!” Jenny growls entering their room

“Who did what and why?” He asks stepping from the closet

“Your son!” Jenny starts and Jeff shakes his head

“They’re always mine when they do something wrong” He whines causing Jenny to laugh

“Anyway! He’s very cocky today, I don’t need to check on him, he packed lunch, and he’s Cameron now we can’t call him Cam. What’s gotten into him!?” Jenny sighs looking through the closet for the outfit she wanted

“He’s gonna be 10 in a month honey, he wants a little freedom I guess. And I think he likes a girl in his class” Jeff says with a laugh

Jenny just rolls her eyes and gets dressed

“JEN! Want me to take them or are you?” Jeff yells up the stairs

“I think Cameron should drive them” Jenny huffs

“Sweetheart” Jeff warns and she smiles

“I will,” she says kissing him quickly and grabbing her keys

Not afraid to fall
If you're the one who catches me
Tell me that you'll be there when I'm
About to lose it all
Cause you're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok to fall

Fast Forward

Sitting in a cramped auditorium Jenny sits next to her husband of 26 years waiting until they started commencement. After what seemed like hours Jenny lets her mind wander back to her own graduation. She sighs and the comfort the memory provides.

“What are you thinking about?” Jeff asks from besides her

“I’m thinking that we are old. And that my graduation scared the crap out of me” Jenny says with a small smile

“We are only as old as we feel” Jeff says

“Another sign that we are old. Now you are using those terrible clichés”

They sit through various people talking including the Valedictorian and class president. And then they finally get to calling the names.

Jenny holds her breath and grabs her husbands hand as Melanie’s feet touch the edge of the stage

“Melanie Elizabeth” The principle says and Jenny feels a tear roll down her cheek as she hears 20-year-old Cameron yell from next to her. She laughs lightly and takes a picture of her baby walking the stage.

“MOM! OH my gosh did you see that!” Melanie yells from across the yard after her brother-dumped water on her during their family dinner.

“Yeah I did, you’re an adult now. What are you going to do?”

“I’m gonna kick his a”

“Don’t you dare swear!” Jenny scolds

“You said I was an adult”

“Who still lives with mom and dad and still has rules!” Jeff says reading Jenny’s mind

Jenny smiles from her spot on the porch next to Jeff while Cameron pushes his sister on the ancient swing set. She sighs content thankful that everything in life worked out perfectly. She leans her head on Jeff’s shoulder and watches her kids as the sun dips below the horizon. She lets a tear slide down her face watching them play and remembers that it seemed like just a few days ago that Mel was only 2 and Cameron was putting sand in her hair.

“They really do grow up too fast. My parents were not lying about that” Jenny says and Jeff nods.

That sometimes it's ok to fall
When I'm about to lose it all
You're the one who helps me see
That sometimes it's ok
It will be okay
That sometimes it's ok, to fall
I'm gonna fall
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is obviously for the amazing Jenny :). I changed my mind hundreds of times on this story and this is the final thing i came up with. Jenny i hope you really like it.

Also going out of town from Sunday afternoon until Thursday afternoonish. So i will not be on, but comments would be AMAZING! Might do one of Ashly's 2 next (yeah shes a little indecisive)

Anyway hope everyone is having a great summer :)