Saving Grace

Chapter Twenty-Nine

I felt like a teenager sneaking in from a late night of partying.

After spending the rest of the evening with Nick and discussing what the basic 'game plan'- as he called it- was, I found myself sneaking into the O'Callaghan's home at three in the morning.

I would still stay with the O'Callaghan's and go back to Braintree just as we had planned. Nick would be done with touring well before the baby- our baby- would arrive so there wouldn't be an issue with that.

After kissing each other goodbye for the millionth time, his manager forced him on the bus.

I slipped my shoes off and locked the front door behind me before silently walking up the stairs. I crept into John's bedroom where I found him fast asleep on the floor. Not bothering to change into pajamas, I flopped myself on the bed and studied the dark ceiling. My hand found it's way to my lower stomach where it rested easily just as Nick's had earlier in the night.


I found myself jogging with Shane the next morning whilst everyone else was still fast asleep. I was bound and determined to get healthier now that... well- "Ross and I are going to play baseball in a while, you want to come?" Shane asked, interrupting me from thinking. He glanced to me as we slowly jogged down the sidewalk together; it turns out that both of us were almost painfully out of shape.

"Sure," I said, my eyes lighting up. I'd played softball throughout high school and through college and it wasn't hard to admit that I was still a baseball buff despite not playing for three years.

Upon returning to the cul-de-sac, we found Ross tossing a duffel bag in the back of his father's car and soon enough, we were at the empty park.

Ross told us that he had left a note for John, and knowing 'my boyfriend' wouldn't like us waking him, we decided to let him sleep.

We took turns hitting, playing the outfield and pitching for a good twenty minutes before our game was interrupted.

I was getting into batting stance when I noticed that Ross- whom was pitching at the moment- was staring at the road nearby. Naturally, I followed his gaze to find John's car moderately speeding down the road.

Shane jogged to Ross from his place as midfielder as we watched John in confusion. The eldest of the O'Callaghan children didn't bother to park in the parking lot. Instead, he pulled up beside the curb and stalked over, anger evident over his features even from the distance between us. He was staring directly at me.

"Oh god, Amelia. What'cha do?" Shane asked in a hushed tone when he and Ross reached my side.

I looked to him with light panic. "N-Nothing!"

John reached the fencing that rimmed the diamond before his long fingers wrapped through the metal. "Are you fucking insane, woman!?" he wasn't yelling but it was clear that he was restraining himself.

I furrowed my brow but allowed an unusual, sarcastic comment slip, "Yes, yes I am."

He grit his teeth and his fingers clenched around the metal fencing. His eyes weren't visible through his dark Ray-Bans but I knew he was glancing between his brothers and me. He nodded with his head, motioning for me to follow him across the park.

With one apologetic look to Shane and Ross I followed John reluctantly, tossing the aluminum bat down in the sand.

"What!?" I hissed when we distanced from the younger boys.

"You're playing baseball?"

"Yes! What's the problem with that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You're pregnant!" he hissed. "Nick would kill you if he found out!"

"It's not like we're playing an actual game here!" I shot back. "I think I can step away if I know I won't be able to catch a ball, thank you very much."

I started to walk back to continue playing but I was suddenly lifted off the ground and being carried toward the black car parked at the curb.

I huffed and crossed my arms as John carried me bridal style across the lawn. "We're going home," John barked at his brothers who were looking at us confusedly.

"Sorry, it seems that someone has their undies in a serious bunch!" I called to the boys. Though the rocking motion of John's walking made my stomach turn. "Oh god, I think I'm going to puke," I groaned, clamping a hand over my mouth as if preventing it.

He snorted at my words.

I stared out the windshield as John walked around the front of his car and got behind the wheel. How degrading was this? "Nick's phone call woke me up," John finally said. "He told me that you two were back together again."

I didn't respond but I clenched my jaw at the sound of his voice. I could taste bitterness on the back of my tongue.

"He made me promise to look after you..." I rolled my eyes as I felt his gaze fall to my stomach between glancing at the road. "So imagine what Nick would do to me if I allowed you to play baseball and something happened to you."

"Awe, you're babysitting me John?" I snorted. "Thanks but I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"I'd have to disagree after your latest decision."

I groaned and ran my hands over my face. "God! It's baseball. It's not like I'm doing drugs or getting drunk!"

"Calm down."

I seethed in silence. "You- you irritate me!" I finally muttered before biting down lightly on my tongue.

His laughter infuriated me. "I irritate you?"

"Yes! You piss me off!" His chuckles didn't subside, making my blood boil hot beneath my skin. "Pull over! Pull over this fucking car!"

"No can do, Lia."

I clenched my fists and felt my finger nails dig into the flesh of my palm. "You are s-so lucky I left that baseball bat with Shane and Ross."

My stomach turning once again made me grip the edge of the seat. "Oh god! Pull over the c-" Before I had the chance to finish my command, I vomited on the floor of John's car.
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I just want to say THANK YOU for the amazing comments you've sent me!! I honestly lost track of who I thanked last and such...
It appears we have some new Team Nick members and some suspicious Team John members... What team are you? Click here and let me know.