Saving Grace

Chapter Four

This wasn't a fool-proof plan. This was clearly idiotic and it was wrong on so many levels but against what my head was telling me, I was stupidly gathering my bags with the help of John and Nick.

I'd thought about backing out of this the entire three days before John and I were set to leave together. Our method of travel had caused a small tiff between the two of us but after arguing with John for a while, I eventually convinced him to take my car all the way to Arizona. There was no way that I was getting on a plane; I was petrified of them.

I had talked to my boss, Miss Lindsay Margret, editor of one of the fastest growing beauty magazines in the country. I worked for Clique. The name was very high-schoolish but it was based in Boston- an easy and short commute for me- and I had all the certifications to be a fashion writer unfortunately.

Lindsay was different than most employers. She was a pretty decent woman, independent with a very classic sense of style. She loved black and white paired together. We, as employees, were ordered to take our shoes off when we were having meetings and just going into her office in general. She thought it made things a little more comfortable, more "homey". It was odd in my opinion but she had approved me going to Arizona, knowing that I could easily e-mail her my work when I was finished writing the final copy of my article.

I tucked a few of my bags in the trunk, leaving John and Nick to put my larger suitcases in the backseat of my car. I turned from slamming the back door, enclosing all of John's luggage and my smaller bags in the trunk, to see Nick. I looked at him for a long moment expecting him to suddenly have a change of mind; to say that this was moronic and that I should go with him on his tour instead of with John but he did neither.

Instead, he pulled me close, his lean, sculpted arms firmly about me as I rested my cheek against his chest. I tried leaning up to kiss him but he refused and lightly pressed his lips to the top of my head. "Love you," he said, still holding me.

John had climbed behind the wheel of my car, allowing Nicholas and I to have a little privacy. "I love you too," I replied softly.

He pressed his lips to the top of my head once again before his grip loosened. I took a step back and expected a true, real kiss but instead found nothing. To hide my emotions, I pulled my sunglasses from my handbag still in my grasp and slid them on to cover my eyes.

Nicholas held open the car door for me and I reluctantly got inside. He looked at me one last time and I felt a single spark of hope that he would do something, whether it was giving me a true kiss or telling me that this scheme was a bad idea, but he simply smiled weakly and closed my door.

I felt tears prick at my eyes and turned to stare out the windshield, sucking in a slow breath.

John was looking at me, unsure of what was happening.

"What?" I asked, not pulling my eyes from the mailbox so elegantly perched at the end of the driveway.

He shrugged. "Ready?" he asked. I caught him glancing at Nick, who was standing outside idly.

"Yep," I said, popping the 'P'. "Ready when you are, Mr. O'Callaghan."

He stared at me momentarily before reluctantly turning to start the vehicle. "You sure?" John asked softly.

I nodded lightly, pinching my lips together to form a tight line.

He sighed quietly and put the vehicle in drive. With one last wave gestured toward Nick, he pulled the car forward slowly and on to the street as if he was waiting for someone to stop us.

I turned my head to look at Nick one last time and watched as he rocked to his heels, his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets. He reached his arm up and gave me one final wave before John sped up slightly.


I blinked back my tears and reached for my iPod.

The melodic acoustics of Cady Groves floated through my headphones, relaxing me.

I leaned back in my seat and turned my head to look out the window, watching sadly as the familiar neighborhoods of Braintree flashed by.


"Amelia?" A soft voice called out. "Amelia? Hello? You awake?" His voice came out sing-song-y.

I felt one of my ear-buds being lightly tugged away. Lifting my arm to stop whoever was attempting to wake me, I successfully hit something though the loudness of my arm slapping against someone else's skin surprised me. My eyes flew open and I slowly turned my head from the window to the driver's seat.

John had an eyebrow cocked, an amused smile playing on his lips, one of my headphones pinched between his fingers. "You are awake," he said his voice enthusiastic.

I groaned in disapproval and closed my eyes once again.

"Do you want something to eat?" John asked his voice serious.

I stayed silent but after his words fully registered within my mind I turned to him once again. I blinked tiredly before nodding.

"Then I suggest you get up and come inside."

For the first time I looked around, taking in the new, unfamiliar surroundings. We were parked in front of a small but busy restaurant. I forced myself to sit upright in the seat, my back aching with every small movement I made.

Glancing in the rear-view mirror at myself, I frowned deeply at my appearance. My eyeliner was no longer in perfect place, smudging at the corners and my mascara had left dark circles beneath my eyes. "God," I muttered using my fingertips to try to fix myself up.

I heard John snort a laugh at me but before I had a chance to shoot him a glare, he climbed out of the car. I hurriedly fixed myself up before following John, jogging a little to catch him at the entrance.

"About time..."

I narrowed my eyes at him. And I thought he was a decent guy.

He smiled teasingly though and held the door open for me, gesturing me to go in before him. I raised an eyebrow at his actions and did as he motioned for me to do slightly surprised. Maybe chivalry isn't extinct yet.
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This chapter may seem like nothing but I promise you, these seeming useless chapters are helping to build the plot.
This is random and unimportant but I'm going to tell you anyway! I tried yoga at midnight last night because I couldn't sleep and it is a lot harder than it looks. I'm serious. Then again, I'm a klutz and have absolutely no balance so that could be why it was difficult for me... Anyway... Love you guys. Comment/Subscribe! I have SIX STARS!! That's a lot of stars for only three- now four- chapters up! Thank you a gazillion free tickets to see The Maine's concerts!