Status: just started. :D

Stand by me my baby


“As we end this chapter in our lives we also turn the page to a new one. So in conclusion; what I’m trying to say is, congratulations class of 2008! We did it!"

Throwing my puke green owl cap into the air I smiled to myself. I had finally done it, I had finally made it through the Hell hole known as High school and at the top of my class I might add and it was time to take the stick that had been stuck up my ass for the last twelve years out and live a little.

As I made my way down from the makeshift stage I was engulfed into a bone crushing hug by my best friend of seventeen years Desiree’ Marshall. “Can you believe we did it! We actually did it.” She giggled to herself.

“I know! I’ve been waiting for this day for eighteen long years! Time to throw away the books and have some fun for once”

‘Speaking of fun.” Desiree’ smirked” A few friends of mine are back in town and are throwing a little party, and I was thinking we could crash it, you know as a little post grad party?”

“Ah! No! No! No way! I’ve heard the stories you’ve told me about your friends. There is no way in hell I am going to a “little” party with your little snowboarding friends Plus we have dinner with our parents, unless you forgot about that?”

“Oh come on please!? I already promised Luke we would be there and no I didn’t forget about dinner with our parents I was going to say we could have dinner with them, head over to your house,, get read then go to the party? Please? Do this for me! You will have a good time I promise!”

Of course Luke was involved.

Luke Mitrani; Des’s boy toy who is a year younger than us. By the way Des’s snowboarding friends are not the best people to be around, they are all rude, smell, in-mature people and those are not my kind of people.

“I don’t know Desiree’. I don’t think that would be a good idea, Drugs, alcohol, and sex. Those are all not my kind of thing. You of all people should know that."

“You don’t have get involved and any of that, just meet some new people, have fun! Weren’t you the one who said you wanted to have some fun once we graduated? This is your chance to have that fun you said you wanted to have.”

Damn that girl knew how to make me cave in.

‘”Fine but I won’t have fun and I’m not staying long or doing anything I don’t want to do.” I signed defeated.

“Thank you! You won’t regret it I promise! Now come on we’re going to be late for dinner with our parents.” Desiree’ smirked pulling me leading us through the crowds of people to our proud smiling parents.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New Jack interview

so this is to replace my old Jack fic i started. Same plot new writing. I have a lot of this already written out.

Go check out my Mason Aguirre fic if you're into other frends crew members I have a Kp, Luke, scotty and also a Shaun white fic(s) written out a bit and I plan on posting them as soon I have the time and not injured hand/fingers.


cmmt&sub you know the drill