Status: This is a Contest Entry(:

Forever & Always... I Guess Not

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Just a normal Tuesday night, I walked down to Starbucks, and got a White Hot Chocolate, I get one every Tuesday during the Winter. I sit down at a table to enjoy it. I loved these nights they were so calm. People were just typing away on their laptops, or reading a book.

It was more crowded than usual, I got the last free table. I was off in my own little world just sitting and relaxing until someone woke me up from my daze.

"Excuse me?" he questioned.

"Oh, sorry," I said blushing and looking up at him, "Yeah?"

"I was wondering if I could sit here, there aren't any other seats," he said smiling.

"Oh, Of Course!" I said smiling, "I'm Taylor."


"Nice to meet you Joe."

"You to Taylor."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Just getting out of my hectic house, 3 other brothers is hard to deal with." he said smiling some more.

"I have a brother to, his name is Austin, he gets annoying sometimes, but you gotta love him." I stated giggling.

"Sometimes." he grumbled.

We talked for a long time until it was getting late, and it was dark outside. We exchanged phone numbers, and I left.

I went home, changed into my PJ's and layed on my bed, smiling. I had so much fun. He's really nice, and doesn't have a girlfriend. I mean he is perfect!

And I drifted to sleep thinking about him.

We hung out most of the winter, became best friends. Finally he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was amazed he is perfect, the best boyfriend ever. Or so I thought. The night he looked me in the eye and said those three magical words, I love you, made me feel like the happiest girl alive...

That was, until everything all of a sudden turned cold. He wouldn't call me, if he did it was like a 2 minute long call or to cancel a date with some lame excuse. Whenever I go over to hang out with him he almost ignores me. I don't feel welcome any more. So I decided to call him and try and figure things out.

It rang 6 times before he answered. I was about to hang up. "Hello?" he sounded aggravated.

"Joe?" I said quietly.

"What do you want Taylor?" I didn't get it. What did I do? He never talked to me like this, he was always happy, I never really saw him mad.

"What's wrong?" I questioned him.

"Why do you care? Who are you my mother? Can you just tell me why you called!" he exclaimed.

"What has gotten into you Joe?! One second it was perfect now your half way out the door." A tear slowly slid down my cheek to a picture of us I was holding, it was the night he first said 'I love you', he took me to the carnival.

"You know what, don't call me anymore Taylor, if I want to talk to you I'll call you." he practically shouted and then he hung up without another word.

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It's been almost two weeks and he still hasn't called me back. I just don't know what to do, I definitely cant call him back. I lay down on my bed tears streaming out of my eyes, down my face. I grab the picture of that night at the carnival again, off of my dresser thinking about everything that happened that night.

I've always wanted to win something at the carnival, but I'm not very good at the games, when we got to the game where you have to ring bottles, I missed all of mine, I was really bummed. I wanted the teddy bear that sat on the shelf, it said 'forever and always'.

When it came to Joe he got 3 out of the 4. "You can pick anything you'd like," Joe said.

Of course I wanted the Teddy Bear. It was getting dark so we started walking home; our houses were just down the street from the carnival. We were almost at my house when he stopped and turned me around.

"What’s wrong Joe?" I asked.

"Nothing...Can't I tell you something," he said, he looked happy, but nervous, which of course made me nervous.

"Of Course, you can tell me anything," I said smiling.

"I...I love you Taylor, and I'll always love you, forever and always," and he leaned down slowly, and his lips softly grazed mine. A short, sweet kiss.

"Really?" I said looking up at him.

"Really." He said smiling some more, and kissed me again. But this time, longer and with more passion.

I looked down at the picture again. Why is he being like this? Did I say something way to honest make him run and hide, like a scared little boy, I looked into his eyes I thought I knew him for a I'm not so sure. I don't understand.

I couldn't do it anymore. I ripped up the picture, but its pieces were still big enough so you could tell what it was, and took a picture of it on my phone. With that I sent Joe a Picture Messages saying:

"So here's to everything, coming down to nothing, here's to silence, that cuts me to the core. Where is this going? I thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore....So Much for 'Forever & Always....I'm done, goodbye."
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I hope you like it(: I got stuck when i was about a 5th of the way through it...but then I left it for about 2 weeks...and wal-la I finished it!! Comments are loved!

Based off the song: Forever and Always by Taylor Swift