Make Myself Believe

After him

18 September, 2001

Dear Tyler,

It’s been a week since your death and I don’t think I can handle it, I can’t understand why I’m still here while you are with your brother. I know I’m acting selfish but this pain is too much to bear. If you are out there seeing me or not I want to make myself believe that you do. Is this the way you worte to Michael?I hope it was. I can’t believe that your last words to me were I love you
Love, Ally

I dropped the pen to drink some of the coffe shop’s coffee, was this the way we were meant to be? What if he wasn’t in that tower a week before? Would he be alive if he wasn’t there? Would his father be dead or not? Would Caroline be happy knowing that his dad is dead? One thing that I’m certain is that he would never come back, and that devastates me. I din’t know what else to do.
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So I guess you kind realized that the story is based on the movie "Remember Me"
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