Status: rewriting and rethinking. updates coming soon(:

The Lesson's Learned



Two weeks later

Life at the Ramada Inn was great! I could watch whatever I wanted on TV, I could do my homework whenever I wanted and didn't have to get glares when it was midnight and I was still writing that three page essay due tomorrow. I get a discount on room service because the managers pity my condition and also one of the waiters thinks I'm hot and his dad is the owner of the hotel, so I guess that waiter put in a good word for me. Well, I guess that's something to be proud of. I also had made friends with the laundry room staff and they talked the managers into giving me a job their, which is now lowering my room rate.

I had also started my pregnancy classes. They're horrible, in case anyone was wondering. However, I do like the teacher and the other six girls in the class, It's just the fact that I have to carry an alien inside me for the next nine months that I don't like.

On the bright side, I get to meet the father of my baby tomorrow! I'm so excited because this means that I am one step closer to getting this fetus pushed out of me.

My teacher, Miss Carlson, says that the reason we are meeting with our sperm donors so we can get a better sense of why we are all here. I don't know if she made that up, because she hates the idea of this class, but she is at the bottom of the seniority list and was forced to teach us, or if that's really the reason.

Nevertheless, I'm not looking forward to it.

[ - - - ]


I turned around swiftly

"Hey" I said to the brunette approaching me

Marina Hacey was one of the girls also being forced to take the pregnancy class. Like me, her parents wanted her to learn a lesson, but she actually had some common sense and didn't run away from home like I did.

"I'm nervous" She said "What if he doesn't like me?"

"He's going to love you" I reply "What's not to love?"

I really meant what I said, Marina was seriously one of the sweetest girls I've ever met.

"He's going to hate me because I'm about to get knocked up"

"Well, we all are" I say "and he's donating his sperm, so why should he think you're the slut?"

"I don't know, but I'm just nervous"

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous as well

[ - - - ]

"...So therefore, that it is the reason why we are meeting in separate classroom, to give you more privacy" finished Miss Carlson

There was a small pause, she looked around at each of us, looking for any questions or just to give us a reassuring smile.

"Ok then" She said while picking up her clipboard. Let's go. We can drop each other off at each classroom. Lets go"

And then we each got out of our desks and walked out of the door. Nobody talked and it was clear that the tension could be cut with a knife. Alivia Van Hoven was the first to get dropped off. She did the same thing Miss Carlson did before we left the classroom. She stared at each of us for one second, giving ourselves and herself one last look of reassurance and then she walked into the classroom.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach and I suddenly realized how hard this was going to be. I am about to meet the person who is going to let me carry their child, even if it is through force for me, I don't know what it's going to be like for him. I suddenly felt my palms getting sweaty. I don't know how Alivia did it so fast. Just to get it over with? Or because she knew it would be a waste of time to give some long speech about how nervous she was? I don't know, and I feel like I will never know, but I admire that she did it so quickly.

Kasey Kensington was next. Maybe with inspiration for Alivia, she didn't look at any of us in the, but rather at her feet and just nodded before walking through the door.

I was next. Classroom 107. I looked at Miss Carlson who was standing behind the other girls and she just nodded at me. Which gave me the motivation to move and realized that I had been standing there for over two minutes just waiting for something to trigger my feet. My sweaty hands clasped the door handle and I walked in, wiped my hands on my black pencil skirts and walked further into the classroom. I used the sounds of my heals clicking to keep my thoughts straight.

I looked into the room, but no one was there

"Hmm" I said aloud to silent, empty room "Someones tardy"

"Actually" A voice came, breaking the silence "I've been waiting here for twenty minutes. Should've known though. Mr. Bragman told me you were the difficult one in this group"

I turned around and saw nothing, then twisted my body back and still saw nothing.

"Look" I said again to the silence "I didn't sign myself up for this. I don't want to spend the next nine months carrying some creature in my stomach. I'm only seventeen years old"

"I'm eighteen. Do you really think I want to be that one guy at college who has a kid?"

"Newsflash buddy. I'm gunna be that person too. At least you don't have to go through all the body changes" He stayed silent "Where are you?" I finally asked.

"I hope the baby isn't as oblivious as you. I'm practically right in front of you" said the mystery man.

I closed my eyes for a minute and then abruptly opened them and looked in front of me again and that's when I saw him. A boy with chocolate brown hair sitting on the ledge of the window. He wasn't staring directly at me, but I could feel his eyes, like he was staring at my reflection, I walk towards him and pull up a chair next to the window sill in which his feet are resting upon.

"What's your name?" I ask

"Matt." He says "What's yours?"

"Kate" I answer

"I have a cousin named Kate" He pauses "She's a slut"

"How charming"

"No, it really isn't"

"It's called sarcasm"

"Really?" He asked sarcastically

"Now, you're just trying to piss me off"

"Then why don't you leave?" He says, actually looking at me for the first time with his big brown eyes.

"I will" I stand stomping out of the room, my heals making more noise than normal
♠ ♠ ♠
so is Matt a jerk? or is it just a cover up? is Kate being a bitch? comment and let me know what you think(: