Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older



“Wun dad! Wun!” Natalie squealed, turning her head every other second to make sure I was following her as she trotted away, running towards the closed door as I followed closely behind her, not even having to run to keep up with her.

Once she reached the door she squealed out in excitement, knowing I was going to pick her up and put her on my shoulders, which I did. This was a common game with her and I. I would chase her, she would chase me.

“I’m home!” Hannah said, walking through the front door, purse slung on her small shoulder. I took in her appearance as I set Natalie down. She stuck out her bottom lip, pouting at me.

“Hey Han,” I said, using the nickname I used for her in high school. When everything was good.

“Hi Alex,” She nodded at me. I pulled her into a hug, which she hesitantly returned.

I sighed, shaking my head as I released her. I knew she saw the disappointment in my eyes every time she saw me, but she chose to ignore it. I deserved it, in a way.

“So how was my baby?” She cooed at Natalie.

“She was good, as always.” I smiled. I loved Natalie so much. She’s honestly my reason to breathe.

Hannah and I made small talk for a few minutes; I could tell she wanted to leave. She didn’t want to risk Lisa walking in and getting bitched at by her. I wanted Hannah to stay. I always wanted her to stay.

“So Tyler wanted to go out tomorrow night, do you think Nat could sleep here?” She asked me, picking up Natalie off of the couch and resting her on her right hip. Anger and jealousy boiled up inside of me, but I knew I couldn’t show it.

“Sure,” I said shortly.

I could tell she picked up on my sudden change in emotion. She knew me like a book. She didn’t say anything about it though; she just turned to Natalie and smiled “You wanna play with daddy tomorrow baby girl?”

She nodded her head excitedly, her eyes lighting up, which made a grin form on my lips as well. “Alright Nat, let’s go home and watch a movie with Ty,” I glared, resulting in her rolling her eyes at me. “Give daddy a kiss goodbye.” She stepped closer to me and leaned her right side in so that Natalie could kiss my lips dramatically like always, making a pucker noise after she pulled away, giggling.

“Bye bye dad!” She smiled, showing all of her baby teeth. Hannah and I both laughed.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” She told me.

“I’ll be waiting,” I winked.

“You have a girlfriend. A girlfriend you obviously really wanted, remember?” She shot at me. I knew I looked hurt, because I was. I made a fucked up decision. Well, actually, a lot of fucked up decisions in high school. “Bye Alex,” She said, her voice quivering. I knew she was upset.

She shut the door before I had time to stop her, and I flopped on the couch and groaned.

Not even five minutes later, Lisa pulled in. Perfect timing.

I rolled my eyes as she strutted through the door, a few shopping bags in her hand. I was starting to get really sick of her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So, I hope you guys like this. The next chapter will explain the whole story more.
Oh, and Hannah isn't really a bitch.

I just thought of this story today and wanted to start it.
So if you like it, please comment/subscribe.
(: <3