Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older



I went to the doctors, and was diagnosed with the flu. I called Alex, and he said he would keep Natalie at his house tonight so that I could sleep a little bit, and get some rest and time to myself.

On my drive home, I got a call from my mom.

“Hey mommy,” I answered. I was glad she called; I haven’t talked to her in almost a month. I texted her yesterday, telling her I was going to the doctors though.

“Hey hun, are you still at the doctors?”

“No, why?”

“I was just wondering,” She mumbled something to somebody in the background that I couldn’t understand. I heard the small, faint sound of the front door opening and closing. “What did they say you have?”

I put the phone away from my face while I sneezed. I heard my mom yell “Bless you!” and I smiled.

“They said I have the flu. Nothing major,” I told her, pulling onto my street.

“Well I hope you get better.”

“Thanks mom. How are you?”

“I’m good. You and Alex have to come over soon! I haven’t seen my grandbaby in a while, either,” She playfully scolded me.

I laughed. “How about next week?”

“Sure!” She said.

“Okay mommy. I’ll call you tomorrow, because I’m gonna go lay down now. I love you,” I said, shutting off the car after parking in my driveway.

“Love you too, baby,”

“Bye,” I said, clicking the end button and shoving the phone in my pocket.

I unlocked the door and immediately headed for the couch, flicking the TV on, and scrolling through the channels.

Not even five minutes later, the doorbell rang. I swear to God, if this is Alex I’m going to throw a fit, because I don’t feel good, and I don’t want him to make me think about how I’m feeling about him.

I grunted as I pushed myself up off of the couch, dragging my feet to get the door. I was just now realizing how shitty I felt.

I opened the door and almost died.

“Matt!” I cried, latching onto my brother. He stood there, uniform and all. He wrapped his arms around me tight as tears poured out of my eyes. “Matt,” I sobbed, not letting go. He’s been gone for almost two years. “I missed you so much.” I whispered.

I never talked about him, or even thought about him. Why? Because it made everything worse. He was my rock through my pregnancy. And then he left, a few months before Natalie was born. He was always my hero. And him being gone killed me for the first few months. I got tired of crying, so avoided thinking about him. But he was always in the back of my mind.

“I missed you too, Han,” He murmured, kissing my forehead.

My arms were still tightly wound around him, scared to let him go. After a few more minutes of me crying into his chest, he chuckled, “You can let go now,”

I smacked his chest lightly, sniffling up tears but still smiling wide. “I had no idea you were coming,” I said, wiping tears from my face.

“Yeah, I wanted to surprise you,” He grinned. “Where’s my niece?”
I coughed roughly. “Alex’s house.”

“Well let’s go see her!” He smiled wide, making me cry again. He was so excited to see his niece. He was the best brother. We rarely ever fought as kids. He was protective, but always saved my ass when I needed help.

“Don’t cry, Matty’s here!” He cheered.

“I love you,” I laughed, hugging him again.

“I love you too, lil’ sis.” He ruffled my hair.

“I’m not that little!” I whined, defending myself. “You’re only a year older.”
He scoffed. “You’re little to me. Let’s go see my niece.”

“Can we have our brother sister talks tonight?” I asked, hopeful he would at least spend tonight here.

“Of course,” He smiled, pulling me into his side and out the door. “I have to say, you look really fucked up. Your beautiful and all, but your pale as Michael Jackson,” He laughed.

“Screw you!” I said, not fighting the smile. I had my brother back, even if only for a little while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fillller-ish? Still important.
I'm almost done fourteen.
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