Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older



“You want Tyler and Alex to come to dinner?” I clarified.

“Yes, dear. I mean, their both part of the family, so why not?”

“Are you fuc-” I stopped myself from cursing. “Are you crazy?”

“Maybe just a little, but that’s not the point,” She chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

“Alright mom. I’ll try to get them both to go, but don’t expect the night to go too smoothly,” I warned her, hanging up.

Could I deal with having both Tyler and Alex in the same room with my family for two hours? Hell no. But I was going to have to do it.

I trudged up to Tyler’s office, where he was answering a few e-mails. “Hey, babe,” He greeted, standing up, smiling and kissing my cheek. “What’s up?”

“Well,” I swayed my body, looking at his shoes. “My mom wants you to come to dinner tonight,” I said.

“Of course I will,” He agreed.

“So I guess you wont mind if Alex comes too?” I squeaked.

He was quiet for a minute. “Why is Alex coming?” He asked calmly.

I shrugged. “My mom wants him there, too,”

He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. “Well then I don’t want your mom to get pissed off at me for not coming, so I’ll still come.” He said, wrapping his arms around me.

“Can you promise me not to say anything rude to Alex tonight?”

“I’ll try my hardest.”

- - -

“Hey Han, what’s going on?” Alex asked me through the phone.

“You’re coming to dinner with me and Tyler tonight at my moms house.” I told him, not even asking.

“Why Tyler?”

“Because Tyler’s my boyfriend,” I said in a “duh” tone.

“Well than what am I?”

“A friend, and the father of my kid.” I answered shortly.

“Do you make out with all your friends?” I could tell he was smirking.

“Shut the fuck up,” I scolded. “Please, just go,”

“I’ll go, you know I love me some of your mom,”

“You’re ridiculous,” I said, trying my hardest not to laugh but failed.

“I know. What time should I be over there?”

“Six. Do you remember the address?”

“I used to go to your house every day, of course I remember the address.” He scoffed. “I’ll see you later,”

- - -

“Untle Matt!” Natalie yelled as soon as Matt opened the door, throwing her arms out so that he would take her from me. He chuckled, throwing her up in the air and catching her.

“If you drop her, you’re dead.” I threatened.

“I’m in the Army. I’m not scared of you, blondie,” He laughed again.

“Give me a hug,” I giggled, getting ready to hug him when Natalie shook her head, yelling.
“No! My Matt!” She glared at me, then burying her face in his shoulder.

“Nat, Uncle Matt has to share his greatness with everybody!” He told her, hugging me.

“Daddy?” Natalie asked once Matt set her down.

“Daddy’s right here!” Alex yelled, pushing his way by a silent Tyler who was still standing in the doorway.

Natalie smiled while Alex adjusted her on his hip.

My mom popped out of the kitchen, a smile resting on her lips as she hugged me, and took Natalie out of Alex’s hold.

“How’s my baby?” She cooed, kissing Natalie all over her face, making her giggle loudly.

“Hello, Mrs. Morrow,” Tyler said formally.

“Pammy!” Alex smiled.

“Hey boys. Tyler, you don’t have to call me Mrs. Morrow how many times do I have to tell you that?” She laughed, hugging Alex and then Tyler.

- - -

“Your mashed potatoes are always the bomb, Pam,” Alex said, smiling at her. It was true; her mashed potatoes were the best.

“Thank you, Alex,”

“More!” Natalie demanded.

“Finish what you have on your plate first, Nat,” I told her.

“More!” She whined out. Normally,, I would have let her cry. But I didn’t want her to start a scene here, so I put two spoonfuls of mashed potatoes on her plate.

Alex would look at me from across the table every few minutes, making faces at me like he used to do when we were dating. Tyler began to catch on to it, and wrapped an arm protectively over my shoulders, glaring at Alex.

“Cut it out,” I mouthed to both of them.

I knew Matt was watching both of them, because I could see the amused grin on his face.

“How’s the band, Alex?” My dad asked Alex.

Alex chewed his food and swallowed. “It’s really good. We’re getting ready to start writing and recording for our new album, actually.” He told him.

“You didn’t tell me that,” I said quietly.

“I was going to,”

“Dada pay good music!” Natalie clapped her tiny hands.

- - -

“So I’ll drop Natalie off tomorrow?” I asked Alex after we had said our goodbyes and left my parents house, and were now standing on their front lawn, and Tyler was waiting in the car impatiently with Natalie strapped in her car seat, probably crying because I wasn’t in the car.

He nodded. “That’s fine,”

“Okay. Thanks for coming and everything.” I said sincerely.

“Anytime. I love Pam,” He smiled. “Goodnight,” He picked my hand up, and kissed the back of it softly, then kissed my forehead.

I heard the car door open and shut loudly. Oh shit. Tyler saw.

“You’re stupid sometimes,” I muttered while Tyler stomped over to us.

“Keep your hands and lips off of her, got it?” Tyler snapped angrily.

“Why?” Alex asked, pushing his luck.

“Because you had your chance with her, and you fucked it up. She’s mine, now,” Tyler said.

Alex stepped back, soaking in his words. Without another word, he walked away.

“Let’s go,” Tyler said, calming down and grabbing my hand.

“You didn’t have to be so mean,” I mumbled.

“Well you know it’s true. And I don’t want to share you. I love you,” He murmured sweetly, kissing me tenderly.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thiiiis is pretty long!
So high school starts next week.
There's nooo way I'm going to be updating as frequently as I do now, sorry.
But I'll try to put one out every week? You'll just have to be patient with me,
Comments and subbbbscribeee<333