Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older

Twenty Three


I felt bad for saying that to Alex; I could tell it hurt him. But it was the truth. I didn’t want him to hurt me again. I was afraid that while he was on tour, he’d cheat on me, and I had every right to have that concern in my head.

“Mom are ew otay?” Natalie asked, noticing a single tear running down my cheek as I took her out of her car seat.

“Yeah Nat, mommy’s fine,” I sniffed, hoisting her onto my hip.

“Tan daddy come ova?” Natalie pouted.

“Not today,”

“Why not!” She yelled as we entered the house.

“Because I said so, Natalie,” I said firmly. I didn’t want to call Alex and tell him to come over, especially after what I just said to him.

Natalie began screaming, and Tyler emerged from the kitchen.

“What’s going on?” He asked, kissing my cheek.

“Natalie wants Alex to come over, but I said no. She never listens,” I huffed, annoyed. I just wanted to be alone. I loved my daughter more than anything, but since she’s two, she can get annoying sometimes.

“Well he can come over, it’s no big deal,” Tyler suggested. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,” He added, a little bitter.

I sighed, knowing he was thinking about how Alex kissed me in front of my parents’ house. “It was nothing, Ty. Just Alex being stupid.” I said, being honest. Well, the last part was true.

He ran his fingers through his hair. “I know,” Natalie screamed again. I hated when she did this.

I groaned, and he flinched when her screams became louder. “You were just with him!” I said, getting angry.

“Daaaaaaad!” She cried, hiccupping and letting out an ugly cry.

“Baby, just call him up and invite him over. Maybe then you could lay down, you look tired,” Tyler advised.

“Fine,” I mumbled. I dialed the number and pressed the phone to my ear, hoping he would pick up and not be mad at me.

“I love you,” Tyler mumbled as it rang, kissing me. Alex picked up just as we pulled away.

“Hey.” He answered, sounding upset. Natalie screeched. Before I could even speak, he read my mind.

“Natalie Gaskarth stop it right this instant!” I yelled, getting very frustrated. Tyler looked at me, oddly, and with a glint of hurt in his eyes. I usually never used Alex’s last name for her. I usually used my last name.

“You want me to come over?” He guessed.

“Please? She wants you,”

“And so do you,” He added on to my sentence, cocky. I internally rolled my eyes.

“Whatever you say.”

He was smirking, I could hear it in his voice. “I’ll be over in five minutes,”


“Anytime. Oh, and Han?”

“Yeah, Alex?”

“I’m gonna work my ass off to gain your trust back,” He murmured, hanging up before I could respond. My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute.

- - -

“Hey babe, Chris called me up and wants to hang out. Mind if I go have a few drinks with him?” Tyler asked while we waited for Alex to get to the house. Tyler was currently holding me comfortable to his chest, rocking us slowing back and forth.

“Of course not,” I smiled at him. I was glad he was going to leave while Alex was here. I don’t think they could be in a room together without being rude to each other.

“You sure?” He checked.

“Positive. Go have some fun. When do you think you’ll be back?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Not too late.” He kissed my temple, dialing up his friend Chris and telling him that he would meet him at the bar in a few minutes. “I love you, Hannah,” He mumbled, kissing me hard on the lips. I felt nothing but guilt. No butterflies, just guilt.

“Love you too, babe,” I said, not making eye contact with him as he slipped his shoes on and stood up, shoving his phone in his pocket.

“Call me if you need anything.” He called over his shoulder, closing the door behind him.

I sat alone on the couch, while Natalie sat in the corner, still crying, just not as loudly, now that she knew she had gotten her way and Alex was coming.

“Baby girl, do you want-”

“Ove, Mom!” She shoved a hand out, attempting to say move when I walked towards her. I rolled my eyes.

I checked my phone, and had a message from Matt. I laughed as I looked at what Matt had saved his contact in my phone as.

From: The best brother ever! BOOYAH.

How are things?

I glanced back at Natalie, and typed out a reply

To: The best brother ever! BOOYAH.

Natalie’s being a whiney baby. Alex says he’s gonna keep trying to get me back. Tyler went out for drinks.

I got a reply from him within a minute.

From: The best brother ever! BOOYAH.

She is a baby, so she will be whiney. She must take after you.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

To: The best brother ever! BOOYAH.

Fuuuuuck you. :P Alex is here. Love you.

I opened up the door, and Alex immediately kissed me, pulling away slowly, his face lingering near mine for a while.

“Did somebody miss me already?” He asked.

“Dad!” Natalie squealed.

“Thank God,” I sighed, going up to my room. I just wanted to sleep.

“Hey, I wanna talk to you!” Alex followed me upstairs, holding Natalie.

“Alex I’m not in the mood,”

He sat down on the bed anyways, and Natalie crawled around on the huge bed as well.

“I wish I never kissed her,” He muttered, kissing my face again.

“Too bad you did.”

“I got you flowers. Their in my car.” He mumbled, kissing my neck tenderly. I froze. He used to get me flowers all the time. He was the only boy whom I’ve ever gotten flowers from.

“Do you wanna see them?” He chuckled. I nodded, trying not to grin. He jogged down the stairs, and Natalie screamed in protest, crawling down from the bed to go follow him.

“Nat I’m not going anywhere, just hold on!” Alex called, going out the front door. Natalie sat at the top of the stairs, pretending to bawl. A few seconds later Alex came back in, and the fake cries completely stopped.

“Alex… these are my favorite, how did you remember?” I asked when he placed a bouquet of seven yellow daises and six red roses in front of me.

“I remember everything about you,” He said, his voice husky. “I’m in love with you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
LONGGG chapter :D
So.. comments are kinda lacking? :( I want some comments before I update again.
I won't be able to write this weekend, I gottta stay at my mom's friend's house while my parents go outtta town.