Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older



“Their coming?” Zack asked after I shut the phone.

“Yeah,” I nodded, smiling. I loved both of them being at practice.

“You love her,” Rian stated.

“Natalie? Of course I do, she’s my little girl,” I grinned. I really did love my daughter.

“I actually meant Hannah,”

I sighed. “Yeah. I do,” I said. “I’m fucked,” I shook my head. “She’s never going to take me back. I mean I was such a douche to her and-”

“Come on man, don’t get yourself worked up over that right now. We have a show to play tomorrow, we really need to rehearse.” Rian said, Jack and Zack nodded in agreement.

“You’re right,” I exhaled. “Alright, Circles, from the top,” I ordered.

- - -

“Dad!” I barely heard Natalie squeal out my name as the drums pounded in my ears. We all stopped playing Hometown Heroes as Hannah and Natalie waltzed through the entrance of Jack’s garage.

Hannah was wearing one of my favorite shirts, literally. She was wearing my favorite Glamour Kills shirt that I left at her house. She made it look better than I did, though.

“Hey guys,” Hannah smiled, flipping her blonde hair behind her ear.

“BABE? BABE! THERE YOU ARE!” Jack screamed, running over to Hannah and kissing her all over her face.

“Ew Jack slobber!” She yelled out, laughing like crazy. I felt a pang of jealousy go through me. I used to make her laugh like that.

Natalie ran over to me and I picked her up, kissing her cheek. “Hey baby girl, daddy missed you!” I felt like a forty year old saying things like that. But oh well.

“I miss dad too!” She said, smiling wide.

“You wanna hear dad play music?” I asked her, and she nodded eagerly. I loved that she was so into music. When she turned five I wanted to start giving her guitar lessons.

I set her down and she ran over to sit next to Hannah on our beat up black leather couch.

We started Hometown Heroes back up, and Natalie’s eyes lit up when I started singing. But the whole time, my eyes were on Hannah. Every time she tried to look away from me, she would have to look back. I smirked at her, resulting in her rolling her eyes.

“That was awesome, guys,” Hannah said, smiling at all of us.

“Yay dad!” Natalie cheered.

“Hey what about me?” Jack asked, pretending to pout. “What abut your Uncle Jack?!” He whined.

“Nah man, fuck you, you know I rock this stage better than you,” I chuckled.

“Alex, language,” Hannah scolded.

“Yes mother,” I rolled my eyes at her.

“I don’t act like your mother,” She denied.

“Alex, language!” I teased, repeating her in a high pitched tone.

She stood up and walked close up to me, so that our faces were almost touching. I wanted to lean in so bad. I just wanted to kiss her, and see what she would do. I haven’t kissed her in two years, since Natalie was born.

She slapped my cheek lightly, grinning wide and walked away. I could hear Natalie giggling, but it sounded distant. All I could think of was Hannah.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is short, and a filler. Sorry, not really into it. Next chapter should be better.
I'm still sick, I can't stop coughing.
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