Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older



“You guys are great,” I said as Alex and I walked into Jack’s kitchen, looking for something to feed Natalie because she was getting hungry.

“I know we are,” Alex agreed, being cocky.

“You’re so full of yourself,” I scoffed, opening up Jack’s refrigerator and pulling out a juice box. Thank God he had the flavor Nat likes, or else she would pitch a fit.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, resting my body against the counter. “So how’s Lisa?” I asked, smirking right back at him.

“Bitchy, as usual.” He replied bluntly. “She likes raviolis, right?” He asked, getting off the subject, pulling out a small microwave cup of Chef Boyardee’s raviolis.

“Yeah she does, but she doesn’t like a lot of sauce,” I said. He nodded, reading the directions on the side of the container.


“Yes, darling?” He smiled at me, making my heart skip a beat. This was ridiculous. I loved Tyler. I couldn’t still have feelings for Alex; he was a prideful asshole. A really nice, good looking, prideful asshole. Oh Lord.

“Are you in love?” I asked, realizing only moments after how ridiculous I sounded asking that.

He stared at me for a minute, stepping closer. “Yeah,” My heart dropped. He was in love with the bitch still. He didn’t act like it though…

I was broken out of my thoughts when I realized he was inching his face closer to mine. “Alex what are you doing?” I asked, startled.

“You asked me if I loved you,” He said.

“N-no, I meant if you were in love with… with Lisa!” I said, trying to shake off the fact he just said he loved me. Maybe he was just saying that. Even if he did love me, I loved Tyler, and Tyler only. Right?

“Oh,” He said, obviously feeling stupid. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly.

“I think I still love yo-”

“Alex don’t,” I interrupted him. “Please just don’t. I have Tyler, and you have Lisa. Let’s just act like this conversation never happened,” I pleaded. I couldn’t deal with hearing his emotions about me.

Just then, the microwave beeped, breaking the tension. I was glad the appliance was on my side today. Alex pushed off of the counter and opened up the can of raviolis, obviously confused and discouraged.

“Hey can you come over tomorrow and help me with Natalie? I’ve gotta do stuff around the house tomorrow, and I don’t want her to be bored or get into any trouble when I’m cleaning,” I asked him as he poured her lunch into a bowl.

“Sure,” He smiled at me. He needs to stop smiling at me; it’s making things harder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short, sorry, but it's better than the last chapter! I don't know if I wrote it exactly how I wanted, but I tried.
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