Status: Prolouge


Prologue: Dyscivism on the Docking Bay

“Dyscivism on the docking bay, all control units please gather to neutralize the threat” Said the ever calm alarm in a tone far to pleasant for most. The alarm whaled as the lights flashed. “Dyscivism on the docking bay”. Rochelle, the red headed supervisor, was standing in the path of the dyscivists with a fourteen of control troops, armed with prods capable of electrocuting anyone who tried to escape, and armored with masked and damage resistant “Armadillo” jackets. In the huge docking bay room they stood in front of the only door that the dyscivists could enter from. They formed the last line of defense between the Dyscivists and freedom.

“I’m tired of waiting, can’t we just go and find them.” Complained one guard.

Rochelle turned around to thank the guard for his input but she was cut short by a gasp. Rochelle was the only one to see the tongue reach down from the ceiling and pull up the whiny fucker. The only thing anyone heard after that was a scream, and the bones crack. Shining their spot lights at the ceiling but no one could see anything. While they were all looking up the body of the guard fell down behind them. Rochelle and the guards turned around to look only to hear another scream come from behind them. They shot back to see three more guards a gory image of their former selves fall onto the ground.

“Where the hell are you!” Screamed Rochelle. As five more guards became eviscerated their intestines spilling onto the floor and sanguine halos developed around their bodies. Rochelle and the five guards remaining turned their backs to one and other, just for a second to better defend against a threat coming from any direction. The loud panting filled the room as tension pierced the souls of the six standing people.

Why don’t you kids just be good and run along now? I have no interest in killing all of you. To say this was said would be wrong, it was more thought, or transmitted rather. A kind of telepathic communication never before experienced, well really experienced, by man.

This was the first time any human had felt such a transmission and naturally it scared one of the guards who ran out screaming “The monster is in my head!”

“Hold your ground!” Rochelle ordered to the four remaining men. They coward, one even soiled himself.

Pitty.There was a thud, Rochelle turned around and watched two other men fall and their parts scatter across the floor, like someone dropped a bag of fleshy marbles.

One turned to Rochelle with gashes in his throat like the teeth marks of a lion. The kind of his face was falling off the bone and his left eyeball had gone AWOL. “It’s a nightmare” the guard gasped, blood squirting out of his neck, when he fell to the ground.

Rochelle attempted to scream but was cut short by a tongue wrapping around her neck and lifting her off the ground up at least 20 feat to the ceiling. She was turned to face her assailant. It looked like a nightmare. Only The white skin stretched over it’s fish-like face, it's 3 inch fangs and red, monstrous eyes, were visible.

You are such a pretty young thing, shame, the mission must go on. The nightmare thought to her just before pulling her head into it’s mouth and biting down. Rochelle’s spine snapped liked a twig.

The newly decapitated Rochelle fell to the ground in the center of the bodies savaged by the monster. The monster spat out Rochelle’s recently separated head.

It’s placed on it’s mask and looked down waiting.

The door slid open revealing a pale girl with short, shaggy brown hair.

“Let’s see what he was whining abo-“ The girl standing in the doorway stopped. “What the fuck…”

“Dyscivism on the docking bay…”
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Dyscivist is a Latin word for "Bad citizen" Dyscivism would be like "Bad citizening" or performing actions that would make one a "Bad Citizen". This is vague on purpose. Most of the chapters will be much longer then this.