Status: in proogress

Drusilla Potter and the Champer of Secrets

The Flying Car

The Weasley’s and Dru, pushing large trolleys, dash under the large clock which reads two minutes to eleven.
“Oh dear, the train'll be leaving any moment! All together now” Mrs Weasley shouts.
Hurrying, they race to platforms nine and ten. Quickly, Percy, Fred and George stride briskly toward the stone barrier that divides the platforms and simply disappear.
“Go on, Ginny, you know what to do” Ginny, looking a bit nervous, rushes toward the barrier, closes her eyes, and sleds out onto the other side. As she gazes at the Hogwarts express, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley materialize at her side.
“Come, Ginny we'll get you a seat” Mrs Weasley says.
Ron glances at the clock.
“We better hurry”
Dru nods, leans into her trolley and crash, hits the barrier and bounces back into Ron.
“How can that happen” Lily asks looking at Dumbledore.
“I’m not positive” Dumbledore mumbles.
“What in blazes d'you two think you're doing?” a guard glowers.
“Sorry. Lost control of the trolley” she smiles sweetly then turned to Ron confused.
“Why can't we get through?”
“I dunno” he answers patting the wall revealing it was solid “The gateways sealed itself for some reason”
As Ron presses his ear to the barrier, the clock chimes.
“The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock. We've missed it” she says alarmed.
“Can't hear a thing” Ron pulls back and has a sudden thought “Dru. If we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back”
“Maybe we should go wait by the car” Dru says.
“The car” Ron grins.
“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, i know that face” Lily sits forwards hoping to god they weren’t going to do what she thought they were going to do.
Pushing their trolleys madly before them, Dru and Ron dash to the car, load their belongings into the Anglia's boot.
“This is mad, we can't drive to Hogwarts” Dru tells him but she had an excited look in her eyes that her father was known for.
“Who says we're driving?” Ron grins.
“You don't mean -- Ron, no” she chokes on a laugh they were going to be in so much trouble.
“Look, who knows when Mum and Dad will get back, and we've got to get to school, haven't we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it's an absolute emergency. Least that's what Fred and George always say...” Ron shrugs.
“Something tells me we're going to regret this” she shakes her head but had a full blown smile on her face.
“Father like daughter Padfoot” Remus chuckles and Sirius grins back seeing his best friend watching his daughter in pride.
Ron taps his wand on the dash and the Anglia burbles to life.
“No offense, Ron, but are you sure you know how to fly this” Dru asks looking around the inside of the car.
“No problem” Ron shifts and with a great jolt, the car lifts from the ground.
“There. See. Now I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple”
Dru nods, not entirely convinced but was too pumped to stop, she peers out the window. Down below, two pedestrians stare in disbelief.
“Ooo” James leans forwards grinning like a maniac he can’t wait to try that out and the look on Sirius’s face neither can he.
“Uh, Ron I should tell you, most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car”
“Right” Ron presses a tiny silver button on the dashboard and they... disappear. Down below, the baffled pedestrians blink.
Awhile later the Anglia's engine putters softly, when pop the car reappears. Ron jabs at the silver button.
“Uh oh, the Invisibility Booster must be faulty” they fly alongside a cliff and head straight forwards.
“Any sign of the train?” Ron asks.
“There! Up ahead! Look” Dru points seeing a steep bridge with a single line of train tracks on it.
“Brilliant” Ron shifts and the car glides down, until the Anglia is only a few feet above the tracks. They peer ahead, looking for the train.
“It must be around here someplace” Behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, the Hogwarts Express appears, closing fast.
“Oh no” They mutter.
Dru and Ron perk up hearing the noise.
“Do you hear that?” Dru asks.
Then, at precisely the same moment, Dru and Ron register the direction of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one and see the train growing huge in the rear window.
“Aaaahhhh” they both scream.
Ron spins the wheel, puts his foot to the gas and at the last possible second whips the Anglia out of the train's path, the car waffles, topples upside down briefly, before tilting onto its side. As it jets under the bridge, Dru goes sliding down across her seat, into the door, and out. Dangling upside-down from the open door, she watches the Hogwarts Express zip past and, in one window, glimpses Neville and Seamus, mouths open in astonishment.
“Take my hand”
Dru grips Ron's hand, eyes the train steaming far below. It's quite a drop. Harry's fingers begin to their grip.
“Hold on”
“I'm trying” she closes her eyes and gets a sudden idea “Ron do you trust me” she shouts and he looks down at her madly.
“Why the bloody hell, are you asking if i trust you” he shouts and she gives him a look so he nods, she takes a big breath then looks up.
“Let go”
“No, don’t let go” Lily puts her hands on to her mouth.
“What, are you crazy?”
“Let go” with one last look Ron lets go and Dru suddenly pulls one arm back and the other in a circular motion producing a slight tunnel of air, with one push of her feet she flies up and into the passenger’s seat and quickly Ron levels off the car while she slams the door shut. Dru falls heavily into her seat, and buckles her safety belt.
“I think we found the train” she breathes and they look at each other in shock.
“Oh thank god” Lily lets out the breath she was holding and they all watch in astonishment, this child was a danger magnet.
As Hogwarts castle comes into view both of them smile in relief.
“Welcome home, Dru”
Dru smiles at the sight of it, when the Anglia groans.
“Just out of interest, Ron, have you ever landed a car before?” she asks.
“Well... no. but, until a few hours ago, I'd never taken off in one either”
With that, the car lurches, the nose drops, and....
“Uh oh” Ron and Dru share a panicked look and the car goes pitching in the night.
“Oh my god” Lily sits back “She is unbelievable i blame you” she tells James who gasps in mock horror then back to watching.
As Ron rakes the gears, they hurtle madly toward the castle wall.
“It’s not working” Ron shouts.
“Up, up”
Ron shifts desperately. The Anglia lurches up, barely clears the castle wall. Dru and Ron exchange a look of relief, when... the car groans again, lurches...downward.
“Mind that tree” Dru screams.
Down below a giant willow tree looms, Ron shifts but nothing.
“Oh” Remus watches as they head for the Whomping Willow.
Dru reaches over and, together, she and Ron spin the wheel. It's useless. The car is heading straight for the tree. Desperately, Ron whips out his wand and whacks the dashboard.
“Stop, stop, stop” The wand snaps in two and with a loud crunch the car meets the tree.
Dru blinks and they hang dreamily, balanced on the highest limb.
“My wand, Look at my wand” Rom moans holding his broken wand up.
“Be thankful it's not your neck” Dru snaps.
Bang, something heavy hits Dru's door, and it sends a shudder through the car.
“Uh oh” James mutters he knew what the Whomping willow was like when not stabilized.
“What's happening?” Ron panics.
Slowly, they look up and, in disbelief, watch one of the tree's branches pull back, curl into itself, and come lashing forward like a massive fist. Bang.
“Aaaahhhh” The Anglia tilts crazily, slides backwards and free-falls through the air and... lands on a lower grid of branches.
“What kind of tree is this?” Ron shouts.
Before Dru can respond, the tree begins to pummel the car from all sides, tossing Dru and Ron about like popcorn. Windows shatter. Heavy dents appear on the roof above Ron and Dru's heads. Then the car falls again... slamming heavily to the ground. Instantly, the tree's lower branches shoot through the front and rear windscreens and, gaining purchase, began to shake the car back and forth.
The tree pitches the car into the air. As the Anglia slams down again, bobbing on its squealing shocks, the engine burbles back to life. Dru looks up, peering through the shattered windscreen. The willow's branches, as one, rear back, ready for one last punishing blow.
“Reverse! Reverse” Dru cries out.
Ron shifts, the car shoots backwards, and the willow pummels the tread-marked ground they just vacated. Safely clear, the doors fly open, the seats tip sideways, and Ron and Dru are ejected. As they hit the ground, their trunks fly from the boot, Hedwig's cage rockets out the back window, and Hedwig herself flaps into the night.
Taillights blazing angrily the battered car speeds off, fishtailing into the Dark Forest
“Did you see that” Sirius asks, wanting to make sure the car did just drive off on it’s own.
“Yes” Remus nods wondering what charm did that.
“Dad's going to kill me” Ron whimpers.
They hear a tremendous groan and they turn back, seeing the Whomping Willow assume its natural form, waiting for its next victim.
Filthy and bruised, Dru and Ron drag themselves up the steps. Behind them we see the mountain of student trunks and caged pets already brought up from the train.
“A house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, we almost get killed by a tree... clearly someone doesn't want me here this year” Dru rubs her forehead as they walks up the steps.
“Well, take a good look”
“Oh oh” the marauders mutter.
They stop looking up in horror, Argus filch stands at the top of the landing, his cat Mrs. Norris twitching her tail at his feet.
“This night might well be the last you spend in this castle” Filch gives a twisted smirk and they gulp.
The Evening Prophet enters frame. The headline reads: flying ford Anglia mystifies muggles. Below the fold a photo shows Dru and Lockhart at Flourish and Blotts. Professor Severus Snape stands at his desk, newspaper in hand as Dru and Ron stare with dread. Filch lurks in the doorway, eying them with pleasure.
“You were seen, by no less than seven muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that has been on these grounds for hundreds of years.
“Honestly, professor Snape, i think it did more damage to us” Ron tells him.
“Silence” Snape barks and a cough is heard at the door, Dru and Ron turn around seeing Albus Dumbledore standing in the doorway. Alongside him is a distinctly annoyed professor McGonagall.
“Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall...” Dru says.
“Headmaster, these two have flouted the decree for the restriction of underage wizardry as such...”
“I’m well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself, however, as head of Gryffindor house, it is for professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action for Ron Weasley.
“I'll go and get my stuff” Ron rises gloomily.
“What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?” McGonagall asks sharply.
“Well, you're going to expel me, aren't you?”
“Not today, Mr. Weasley. But i must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be sending an owl your family tonight. And you will get a detention”
“Miss. Potter you shall get the same” Snape nods.
“Splendid. Now, i suggest we return to the feast. There's a delicious-looking custard tart i want to sample”
Rising, Dru spies an envelope on the floor. Taking it, he reads the back: "Kwikspell. A correspondence course in beginner's magic." it's addressed to "Mr. Argus filch."
The boys snort hiding their smirks, they hated Filch so much.
“Mr. Filch you dropped this” Dru says and Filch turns, eyes the envelope with embarrassment, then snatches it from Dru's hand and stuffs it into his pocket.