Sequel: Family Ties
Status: Done! Please check out the sequel!

Welcome to the Family

Meet Avenged Sevenfold

I hit the metal door of the locker and glared at it’s scratched silver surface. This was the thousandth time that I’d tried my combination and yet it still didn’t work. Thank god it was Friday and I wouldn’t have to deal with it for two days.

My first week at school hadn’t been nearly as bad as I had anticipated. All of my classes were pretty easy and the teachers were nice. Brian had driven me to and from school almost everyday since the heavens had decided that they wanted to open up and pour. When he couldn’t Johnny or Jimmy would meet me at Brian’s house to take me to school. Mom and Brad didn’t know but that was in my best interest. If they found out I’d be dead.

“If you don’t fucking open I will murder you.” I muttered to my locker as I attempted my combo again.

“Talking to inanimate objects? You’re weirder than I thought.”

I looked up and rolled my eyes. Standing in front of me was Ashlynne Willows AKA the only real dark spot on a seemingly good week. From day one she’d taking a disliking to me and I had no clue why.

“Nope talking to my imaginary friend.” I smiled at her and turned back to my locker.

“Aww…how sweet. You can’t make real friends so you make you own.” she said.

I rolled my eyes, “I’m just going to ignore you because I refuse to talk to people with an IQ lower than the muffin I had for breakfast this morning.”

With that I grabbed my books out of my newly opened locker and slammed it shut. I gave Ashlynne a smile and walked out to meet Brian. However when I got outside I didn’t see Brian’s car. There was a honking and I turned and saw Jimmy and Johnny sitting in Johnny’s car both waving like mad people at me.

I laughed to myself and walked over to the car.

“Brian’s busy?” I asked as Jimmy climbed out of the passenger seat and moved the seat so I could climb in the back.

Jimmy shrugged, “He just told us to come get you.”

I sat down in the back, resting my guitar beside me. I had music class and the teacher let us bring in instruments to play for a grade. I had jumped at the chance and had brought my guitar today and played ’Mother Superior’ by Coheed and Cambria.

“So you play?” Johnny asked.

“Yeah, since I was five.” I said with a smile.

“Play something!” Jimmy cheered.

“No. I’m not that good.” I said shaking my head.

“C’mon Joey you’ve been playing since you were five now don’t tell me that you’re not that good.” Johnny said.

“No! I’m not about to play!” I said.

“Please Joey?” Jimmy asked poking his lip out in a pout.

“No Jimmy don’t pull that shit.” I said.

However this only encouraged him to do it more.

“Fine. Johnny fucking Christ.” I muttered and I saw Johnny smirk from the front seat.

“It’s a habit Short Shit.” I said and he stuck his tongue out at me.

I pulled my guitar out of it’s case and sighed as I looked at it. It was a Fender acoustic and I’d had it since I was eight. My Granddad had taught me how to play the guitar on his then when I was eight he and Grandmom had had bought me this one.

“Any requests?” I asked.

“Seize The Day!” Jimmy practically screamed.

“C’mon? Really?” I asked.

“Yes! Now play it!” Jimmy commanded.

“How do you know that I can even play it? I mean maybe I only know Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift songs.” I said.

“Joey your book bag has a giant Deathbat on it. Now try and tell us that you don’t know Seize The Day.” Johnny replied.

I glared at Johnny but none the less took my pick in my hand and began to strum out the opening notes. However after a few minuets I got bored with the song and just started playing my own shit. I played a little bit longer before stopping.

“Where the fuck did the shit at the end come from?” Jimmy asked.

I shrugged, “The very scary place that is my mind.” I replied.

“Damn I think Syn got some competition his hands. If you were legal we’d kick Syn out and make you our new lead.” Johnny replied.

“No way. I’m nothing like Brian. I’ll never be able to play like that.” I said.

They both just shook their heads and Jimmy opened his mouth to speak when there was a ringing from somewhere in the car.

“Shit it’s my phone.” Jimmy said and began to roll around in the seat cursing the tight pants he wore as he attempted to extract the cellular device from his back pocket.

Finally he got it out and flipped it open, “Go for Plague.” he said.

I looked at Johnny who just shrugged.

“Yes she’s in the back seat. Yes we’re being nice. No! Ew! You’re a sick man Vengeance now go fuck Pinkly. Yes the dog! Not right now Joey’s in the car and I’m not about to kill her innocence by doing that in front of her! Beside’s Johnny’s not my type.” Jimmy said and even though I could only hear his half of the conversation I was dying in the backseat from laughter.

Jimmy hung up the phone and turned to me, “Hey Brian wants to know if you want to come hang out at his place since your parents aren’t going to be home for awhile?”

“I wish I could but I can’t.” I said.

“Aw…why not? You don’t want to hang out?” Jimmy asked the pout returning.

I sighed thinking. I really hated being alone in that house. It was big and creepy. Especially since Mom and Brad weren’t going to get home until almost ten tonight. However if Brad found out that I had left the house he’d be pissed as hell. I still had bruises all over from when I’d brought home a ‘D’ on a test the other day. However fear of being alone in the new house won out over Brad. As long as I was home before they were I was good.

“Fine but I have to go home first.” I said.

They both nodded and five minuets later we pulled into Brian’s driveway. I told Jimmy and Johnny that I’d be right back and ran as fast as I could past the five houses that separated Brian’s house from mine.

“Bring that guitar!!!” Johnny called and I gave him the thumbs up as I reached my house.

I ditched my book bag in my room and traded it out for a purse. Before hurrying back out the door, locking it behind me and sprinting back down the street.

“That didn’t take long.” Johnny said.

“Not much to do.” I smiled and we headed up to the house.

Jimmy opened the door and we stepped into a house that was almost a copy of my house inside. However no sooner had we done so then none other than Zacky Vengeance came barreling down the hallway at us.

The four of us fell into a pile at the door.

“Ow! Can you please get off of me?” Johnny asked from the bottom of the pile.

“Sorry about that.” Zacky said getting up.

“Tell that to Vengeance.” Jimmy replied as he disentangled his long limbs from Johnny and I.

I got up and hurried over to my guitar case and unzipped it. When I’d fallen it had gone flying and I was praying that it was okay. There was no way that I’d be able to get another one if it was broken. Brad thought music was a waste of time.

I ran my fingers over the frets and picked it up checking for cracks and other signs of damage. Thankfully it was fine. My guitar was my baby and if it had been damaged in anyway I would’ve cried. I placed it back into the case and closed it.

“Is it broke?” Jimmy asked.

I shook my head, “It’s fine.” I said.

“Sorry about that. I couldn’t stop. I’m Zacky by the way.” Zacky said and held his hand out.

“It’s okay. Nice to meet you. I’m Joey.” I replied.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from Brian and these two.” he replied gesturing behind him at Johnny and Jimmy.

There were footsteps in the hall and Brian came into view, “What the hell happened? Why is Short Shit on the floor?” he asked.

“Four way collision.” Jimmy said.

“Whatever. Get your ass up. C‘mon I‘m making popcorn.” Brian said and pulled Johnny up off the floor.

Once Johnny was up I picked up my purse and guitar and the five of us walked to the kitchen.

“So how was school?” Brian asked as he poured the popcorn into a bowl.

“Not bad. Some bitch got on my case but whatever. She’s not worth my time.” I replied popping some of the buttery treat in front of me I my mouth.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t pick you up but my wife’s plane got in from New York at the same time. Her and the other girls were out there doing some fashion stuff for our upcoming tour. They’re doing something at Val’s right now. They’ll be over after they’re done. They’re excited about meeting you.” Brian said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Hell yeah. We don’t really have anyone your age around here so now they have someone to unleash their shopping powers on other than the five of us.” Johnny said.

“So where’s Shadows?” Jimmy asked.

“He’ll be here in a few minuets. He forgot his wallet at the studio.” Zacky replied and as if on cue the front door opened and a moment later M.Shadows appeared in kitchen.

“Hey.” he said as he pushed his aviators up and flashed his trademarked dimpled grin.

“Shads! Meet my new neighbor. Joey this is Matt, Matt meet Joey.” Brian said.

“Nice too meet you.” I said and shook his hand.

He smiled at me but the look in his eyes was odd and I couldn’t really read it, “Nice to meet you too.”

I saw him glance at Jimmy who matched his look before he took a seat on the stool beside me.

“So how old are you?” Matt asked.

“Fifteen.” I replied.

Matt just nodded and took handful of popcorn.

We talked about random stuff for awhile until the door opened once again.

“Brian?” a female voice called, other ones chattering behind it.

“In here!” he called and a moment later five girls trooped into the kitchen.

“You must be Joey!” the one I recognized as Michelle squealed and a moment later I was enveloped in a hug.

“Uh…yeah. And you’re Michelle.” I replied.

“Sorry about that. I’m just excited to meet you.” she said with a smile.

“It’s okay.” I smiled.

The other girls gave me a hug and introduced themselves to me as well.

“Hey who’s guitar is this? Zacky did you get another one while I was gone?” Gena asked looking at my guitar which was leaning up against the wall.

“Nope that’s Joey’s.” Zacky said.

“Ooh do you play?” Gena asked.

“I’m okay.” I replied.

“God! Why do you keep saying that!?! This girl is amazing! She kicked your ass at Seize The Day Brian and you didn’t even know it.” Jimmy said.

“Did I now? Well let’s hear it.” Brian said smiling at me.

I knew that it would be impossible to get him to let up and that if he did the others most likely wouldn’t. So I got up and grabbed my guitar. I thought for a moment what to play before settling on ‘Curse Of Curves’ by Cute Is What We Aim For.

As I played I mouthed the words to the song. They were running through my head and it was a habit that I had. I didn’t realize that I was even doing it until after the first verse when Jimmy yelled, “Sing it girl!”

I shook my head.

“C’mon please?” Jimmy asked.

I sighed and started singing.

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse of curves
So with the combination of my gift with one liners
And my way
My way with words
It seems I'm too hip to keep tight lipped
And you're on the gossip team
You're making something out of nothing
And jealousy's the cousin, the cousin of greed
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams (I want someone)
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone)
From what I've heard with skin you'll win

We All have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah, that's where mine go
that's where mine go
We all have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah that's where mine go
Where the reality grows:
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams (I want someone)
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone)
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
With skin you'll win
Skin you’ll win

I finished the song and everyone clapped.

“You’ve got some chops kid.” Jimmy said wrapping me in a one armed hug.

“Thanks.” I replied.

“Now who wants to go in the pool?” Jimmy asked.

“That sounds amazing. It’s hot as hell outside. Joey do you have a suit with you?” Val asked.

I shook my head, “They’re all at home.”

“Well we can fix that. C’mon I probably have something you can wear.” Michelle said and grabbed my hand pulling me from the kitchen and up the stairs, the other girls following.

“Let’s see you look about my size so….here.” Michelle said and handed me a two piece swim suit.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly changed from my jeans and t-shirt into the bathing suit and emerged from the bathroom I walked over to the vanity and stood beside Leana who was pulling her hair into a bun and proceeded to do the same.

“So how are you liking Cali-OH MY GOD!” Leana said and grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was facing away from her.

I knew what she was looking at.

Remember those bruises I mentioned earlier from my ‘D’? Yeah one of them was about the size of a softball and was on my lower back/ hip area. I’d forgotten about it somehow.

“How the fuck did you get that? Shit. Val, Gena, Lacey, Michelle get your asses over here!” Leana said.

The girls walked over from different parts of the room and each one expressed shock over my bruise.

“It’s nothing really. Please don’t make a big deal about it okay? I fell and it looks so much worse than it is.” I said quickly.

They all looked at me, I really don’t think that any of them believed me but if they didn’t none of them said anything to me.

“Well the guys’ll flip more than we did so why don’t we get you in a suit that’ll hide that?” Michelle said and rummaged in her drawer again and pulled out another swimsuit.

This one was red with white polka dots and was a pin-up type one-piece. I went into the bathroom and changed into it.

“Wow that one looks really good on you.” Michelle said.

“Thanks.” I replied and we headed downstairs.

The rest of the afternoon was spent swimming and just hanging out. Brian put chicken and hamburgers on the grill for supper and we ate out by the pool. Jimmy was completely smashed by the time the ice cream was brought out for dessert and started an ice cream fight.

I ended up covered in chocolate ice cream and whipped topping. The lot of us jumped in the pool and by the time we climbed out again I realized that I had to get going.

“Well it was fun guys but I’ve really got to get out of here.” I said.

“Nooooo! Don’t leave me Joey!!” Jimmy yelled and wrapped his arms around me.

“Jimbo I gotta go okay? I’ll see you as soon as I can alright?” I said and he nodded and gave me one last hug before he let me go.

I headed inside to change back into my clothes and Leana was right behind me.

“So Jimmy seems to be getting attached.” Leana smiled as I climbed up the stairs.

“Is that normal?” I asked.

“Yeah pretty much. Listen though Joey I know you were lying.” Leana said.

I froze, “L-Lying? About what?” I asked.

“I know that you’re lying about that bruise on your back. You didn’t fall Joey. Who did it?” she asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said and turned to walk away but Leana caught my hand.

“Please Joey let me help you.” she said.

“Look Leana I know you’re just trying to help and thank you for that but there is nothing that you can do. It’s my step-dad who hits me okay? But like I said there is nothing that you can do. If anyone found out they’d take me away from my mom and Brad and then I’d have no one.” I said.

“Don’t you have some family you can go to? Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts? What about your dad?” Leana asked.

“My grandparents are dead. My mom has one brother but she doesn’t talk to him or about him so I don’t know anything about him and he most likely knows nothing about me. It’s the same with my dad. I don’t think he knows I exist. My mom didn’t list his name on my birth certificate and she doesn’t have photos of him around. Hell she won’t even tell me what he looks like. I. Have. No. One.”

Leana sighed, “Fine I won’t say anything to anyone but you have got to promise me one thing.” she said.

“Fine.” I replied just wanting to get out of here and get home before Mom and Brad got home.

“If things get too bad you call me or Jimmy. When I went to the bathroom earlier I put our numbers in your phone. One of us will come get you okay? Do you promise?” Leana asked.

“I promise. Now can I go get dressed? I have to get out of here before they get home.” I said.

“Okay hon.” Leana said and gave me a quick hug and left me to change.

I dressed quickly and hurried downstairs. I gave everyone a quick good-bye and hurried out the door. I had an hour to get things together. It was my job to make dinner for them and then do the dishes after they were done.

Once home I put my things away quickly and hopped in the shower. I washed the smell of chlorine from my body and changed into pajamas before heading upstairs. I tossed a box of spaghetti into a pot of water I’d put onto boil before I’d started my shower and quickly browned the beef, mixing in the sauce and throwing garlic bread in the oven. I mixed the spaghetti and sauce and spooned it onto two plates just as Brad and Mom came through the front door.

I sighed with relief that I’d gotten everything done.

“Hi honey how was your day?” Mom asked.

“Good. I asked the teacher for a retake of that test and I got an A this time.” I said and pulled the test out of my pajama pants pocket and handing it to Brad.

“You’d better have girl.” Brad said.

“How was work?” I asked.

“It was nice. I love the new office.” Mom said brightly.

She and Brad sat down at the table and I sat the plates of spaghetti in front of them before walking over to the oven and pulling out the pan. I placed two pieces of garlic bread on their plates and brought them extra cheese and lemonade.

I sat down at the table to wait for them to finish so I could do the dishes. However I was having a lot of trouble keeping my eyes open.

“Joey baby why don’t you go to bed? You look tired and it’s been a long week for you. I’ll do the dishes. Is that okay Brad?” Mom asked looking to her husband.

“Since she made up that grade yes she may go to bed.” he said and went back to his spaghetti.

I thanked Mom and kissed her cheek before bidding them both good night and heading downstairs.

I didn’t bother turning on my light. I just walked over to my bed and crawled under the covers. I loved curling up in my bed. With my blankets pulled up around me I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay another chapter done! So did you hear that Nightmare has reached #1 on the Billboard charts?!? Woo! We've done it! Jimmy's gotta be up there smiling! Anyhow though thanks to everyone who reviewed and please keep em' coming!!!