I Swear This Time I Mean It


“Bam!” April shrieked again.

“What?” He groaned, obviously annoyed.

“I was on the phone!”

“Those people can stop calling our goddamn house. I haven’t even done shit yet!”

“It wasn’t the township!”

“I don’t care.”

He grabbed a water from the fridge and started to walk out to the basement when April’s voice stopped him.

“It was Zooey.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and spun around on his heels. He stared at his mother with wide eyes and a total shocked expression. “What?”

“Well thanks to you’re little stunt you pulled there, I’m no longer talking to her.”

“Why didn’t you tell me she called?” He practically sneered.

“Because she didn’t call for you. I was just about to tell her that you wanted to talk to her, but you had to come down and be an idiot about it!”

“Fuck!” He shouted, slamming the bottle of water against his head. “Every fucking time I do this.”


He looked at his mother like he was about to cry. “Well don’t you have her number or something?” He shouted at her, as if she could actually do something.

“I don’t have her number!”

“She just called Ape!”

“Fine! You want to argue with me, fine! Go out and get her yourself!” She hollered, storming off past Bam and upstairs.

“Ya know what, that isn’t a bad idea,” He said smiling to himself.

Bam walked out on to the back deck where all of his friends were. He was going to need some help if he wanted to get her back.

“Dunn! Dico! Raab! I need you!”

“I am not getting naked and parading around again,” Dunn clarified, setting down his beer on the table.

“I don’t need you to get naked you idiot,” Bam sneered, hitting Dunn on the back of the head.

“What do you need oh sir holy Margera?” Dico responded.

“I need you guys to help me find Zooey.”

All three of them looked at Bam like they had just seen a ghost. No way in hell did Bam want to find her again. Not after everything that happened.

Raab scrunched up his nose at the idea of this. “Why would you want to do a thing like that?”

“Because.” Was Bam’s only response.

“Dude, even after all the shit you and her went through, you still want to find her?”

“She called Ape and I was a dumbass and hung up on her.”

Dunn sat up straighter in his chair and put his hands on the table. “So you’re telling me that you want to find a girl who you haven’t talked to in months, just because she called your mom?”
