Follow Your Bliss



"Hey!" Josh yelled through the receiver.

I groaned not fully awake yet. "Why did I pick up the phone?"

"Because it's payback for all the times you've done it to me." Josh chuckled. "Besides, it's 2:30."

"And you're up?" I joked and looked over to my side to see Gerard sleeping. Olivia and Logan were at the end of the bed so I assumed he was up earlier to walk them, seeing that Olivia was at Rays last night. "I didn't get home until that time this morning."

"Yeah, yeah." Josh probably rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I figured you and I could head over to the track before I go home.

I sat up in my bed. "No yeah, I'd love to." I grinned at the offer.

"Good I'm picking you up. Be ready now." Josh laughed and hung up.

I shook my head and put the phone back on the charger. I groaned and rested my arms over my eyes. It couldn't be that late, could it?

I smiled when Gerard wrapped his arm around me and pulled my closer. "Afternoon sleeping beauty." He groaned and played with my shirt.

"Are you sure I don't look more like a drag queen?" I smiled and rubbed my eyes. I more than likely had raccoon eyes.

"Well I wasn't going to say anything." He chuckled. I bit my lip as his warm breath teased my neck. "But, you might want to take lessons from a drag. They could give you some good pointers."

"Ouch." I pouted.

"Mmm." He chuckled sleepily. "Logan woke me up since you refused to."

"He just knows who the suckers are thats all." I grinned.

"Thanks." He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. He laughed lightly when I squirmed. "So who disturbed the peace?"

"Josh." I stretched out my legs. "He's coming to pick me up and take me to the track."

"You're going to leave me. After I took care of your precious baby?" Gerard teased.

"That was you're fault." I laughed and sat on his hips. "I can't help that you're a sucker."

He pulled me down smirking. "You are so high maintenance. Having me feed and walk the dogs."

I looked at him for a second, thinking over if there was any intention behind it. Because I know that I can be high maintenance, but usually I'm just doing that in a joking manner. I saw the teasing glint in his eyes and grinned. "You had to take care of Olivia and she's your baby, not mine. Besides I'm worth it "

"I suppose that I could agree." He leaned in.

I pulled back and smiled innocently. "I got to get dressed."

"Tease." He mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"For now." I shrugged and went over to pick some clothes out of my closet to change into. I stepped inside the bathroom and chucked my pajamas in the hamper and jumped into the shower rinsing out the dirt and sweat from last night's concert.

I wrapped a towel around my and wiped the condensation off the mirror. I didn't bother drying my hair and just tied in back into a messy bun. I grabbed a t-shirt and jeans out of my closet to wear.

I went into the kitchen to see Gerard making coffee. "So what are you going to be doing all day?" I asked sitting on his lap.

He shrugged, "Don't know. Maybe go bug Frank and give Bob a call."

"Ask him what the weather is like for me." I wrapped my arms loosely around his shoulders as his slipped around my waist.

"Why would you want to know?" He laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Never been to Chicago."

"Alright," He laughed and shook his head. "I'll ask."

I nuzzled my head into his shoulder and scrunched up my nose. "You stink." I got off him and went to put my boots on.

"I do not. I took a shower." His jaw dropped.

I put on some mismatched socks and watched in amusement as he made a face thinking of how to take my comment. "I'm sure you did."

"I did." He insisted.

I shrugged. "I didn't say I doubted you did I?" I rolled my eyes. "You just smell like cigarettes."

"Hey." He sauntered over to me. "You do have to give me credit though. I have cut back a lot for you."

"And Ray got you in on his weaning off steps for Christa." I teased. Since Christa found out she was pregnant she got Ray to quite smoking. Well, he's being cutting back little by little anyway. I grinned up at his pouting face. "I know and I'm proud of you."

"I saw that." Gerard smirked.

"Saw what?" I asked unsure of what you did.

He can closer and pushed me back on the couch. "How you licked your lips staring hungrily at my own."

I laughed insanely at him. "Hungrily?"

He nodded his head and leaned closer pinning my hands on either side of my head. "Hungrily."

I smiled as he kissed the corner of my mouth and continued down my jaw. My eyes fluttered shut and I leaned my head back as he reached my neck. I felt the corners of his mouth turn upward into a smile satisfied with the gasp I took when he started nibbling a trail to my earlobe.

He breathed softly on my neck running his warm hands under my shirt on my sides. He ran the bridge of his nose back down my jaw until he moved so his lips reached mine. I played with the short hairs on the back of his neck as his tongue softly slipped past my lips grazing my teeth before exploring my mouth.

The door buzzed, luckily it was locked so Josh didn't barge through. He pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes and sighed. I chuckled and patted his cheek sitting up making him sit back. The dogs started barking and waited near the door for me to open.

"So, I'll see you later maybe?" He asked handing me my other boot.

"Yo, Caitlin, open up." Josh shouted through the door.

"Of course you will." I smiled unlocking the door. "If not you'll call."

"What took you so long?" He looked over my shoulder. "Oh. Hey man." Josh nodded his head hello to Gerard.

"Hey." Gerard nodded back and waved.

"You ready?" Josh asked me.

"Yup." I grinned and grabbed my purse.

Josh rolled his eyes and teased, "Aren't you going to give you're boyfriend a kiss goodbye."

"Why not?" I grinned sheepishly and moseyed my way over to Gerard.

"Well don't I feel special." Gerard mocked.

"Oh," I raised my eyebrows. "So you don't want a kiss?"

He leaned forward and kissed me hard on the lips. He pulled back shortly after. "I didn't say that."

I smiled and shook my head. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't forget to lock the door for me when you leave."

"Have I ever?" He smirked and bulged his eyes.

I laughed and pushed him back. "I'll see you later Gerard."

"By Jane." He grinned when I scrunched up my nose.

"So, he's living with you?" Josh asked when were in his truck. "You never told me that."

"That's because he's not." I flipped through the radio stations. "He just stays over sometimes and we hang out."

"Oh is that code for sex." Josh flipped the radio off and put in Wolfmother, since they were one of the bands we agreed on. Josh said that I lean more toward emo shit, whatever that means. That must have been the generation after me.

"No!" I laughed. "I have not slept with him in that sense before."

"Caitlin, I don't want to about you're sex life. I was just fucking with you." He laughed. "You know what I mean."

"Don't worry. I gotcha." I laughed and drummed my fingernails against the window to the rhythm of Tales From The Forest Of Gnomes.

"So," he opened the hatch of the truck. "Have you told mom yet?"

"Josh." I laughed. "You the only person I've talked to today. Well, besides Gerard."

"Caitlin." He began in a warning tone as he unlocked my bike, but I put up my hand to stop him.

I laid the wooden plank against the edge and helped roll it off. "Besides she already found out through a tabloid."

"Fuck," His smile fell." Are you kidding?"

"I wish." I sighed rolling my bike to the side and put the kickstand down. "That's not even the worst part. Anna was the one who told her what she read and they had the bright idea to go search him on the internet. She's so pissed off at me Josh."

He jumped down from the truck and pulled me into a hug. "I told you that you would- just have to wait it out and let things settle. I'll talk to her when I go home okay?"

"Okay." I let out a deep breath slowly so I wouldn't cry.

"Did you tell her how you met?" He asked unlocking his bike. I gave him a look. He laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, that was a stupid question."

"You think? I barely got a few words out." I laughed and wheeled his bike off. We grabbed our helmets and jackets and checked it. We sat on a bench next to our bikes. "Josh?"

"Yeah?" He zipped up his jacket and buttoned the collar.

I sighed. "I know you all think I'm making a big mistake, but something in me is telling me that I am making the right decision and I don't know how to make her see that?"

He chuckled. "That's because she won't, well not for a while any way." He sighed. "Caitlin, you just have to ride this one out and take it as it comes. I know he's not a bad person and we all have our demons." He saw me open my mouth to comment on it, but he cut me off. "Don't start with me, we're discussing your problems at the moment."

I closed my mouth knowing better to just listen for now. "Josh, do you think if she met him that it would make a difference?"

Josh smiled sarcastically and shook his head. "Too soon Caitlin. Seriously, you know not to push her, just wait for her temper to fade."

I sighed knowing he was right. "Well then, I don't know about you, but I have some steam to blow." I zipped up my coat and slid on my helmet.

Josh just shook his head again and laughed. "Yeah, I've got some to blow."

This time since there weren't that many people, I decided to go on the advanced track. I qualified, and honestly it wasn't completely my fault those two guys almost crashed that one time. I just tend to freeze up and second-guessed myself sometimes. So I figured I should give it another go on the advanced track.

I was doing good going off of jumps and making transfers. I actually was able to do a table, although it probably looked completely horrible.

Josh, much to his amusement would scare the living day lights out of me and either jump over me or play a game of chicken and pull away at the last possible moment.

I laughed doing a wheelie past Josh only to have him do one longer and higher than me.

The lights went on since the sun had more than half way sunk below the horizon. Josh went in front of me and sprayed some dirt. "Hey fucker!"

Josh laughed and pushed up his goggles. "Yes?"

I pushed up my own. "Want to race?"

"I don't want to hear you complain when lose." He pulled his goggles over his eyes. "And we'll stick to the hills and do transfers."

"So no ramps?" I wanted him to verify. I slid my own goggles over my eyes.

"No." He shook his head. "Three times around. The first to go past this light post wins." We backed up just before the post and nodded to each other. Revving the bike's engines before taking off.

So far I was making every transfer. Landing perfectly from one mound to the next and was able to stay clear of the ramps and other obstacles.

I smirked as I was still able stay neck and neck with Josh on the last lap. We were just half way around the track from the light post designated as our finish line.

I went off one of the last mounds and got a little more air than I should have.

Too much air and not enough distance.

I should have just let go. That would have been the smarter thing to do.

But, I didn't and I gasped as the wheel landed wrong, knowing that I will pay the consequences.

I closed my eyes as the wind was knocked out of me from the impact of landing on the ground and the bike on top of me. I coughed as I tried getting air. I heard another bike come near me and turn off. I opened my eyes to see Josh.

I let in a deep breath when he took the bike off me. "Caitlin! You okay?" I licked my dry lips and nodded as best I could. I heard him call Chase for help. "You want me to call an ambulance?"

"Yeah, and waste $400 on a drive we can make ourselves." I laughed.

"I'm serious Caitlin." He kneeled down next to me and carefully took my helmet off. "Don't move. Where does it hurt?"

"Shit," Chase ran over. "Why didn't you let go?"

"Chase?" I mumbled.

"Yeah?" He took a step closer.

"Shut up." I sighed finally being able to catch my breath. "I think I'm bleeding."

"What where?" Josh looked me over trying to find a wound.

I sat up against their protest. "Guys, I'm a nurse. I think I know what I'm doing." I grinded my teeth moving slowly since my body had stiffened.

I gasped when I tried moving my left arm. The left side was the side that the bike landed on. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before proceeding to take my jacket off. I heard the guys' gasp and curse. "What?"

"You're bleeding alright." Josh mumbled and held my left arm still. "Something on the bike must have hit it."

"Well, why don't we go to the office and I'll wrap it. I can use my right arm still." I rolled my eyes. Though, both men still had a concern look on their face.

"I don't know Caitlin." Chas shook his head.

Josh took my jacket and put pressure on my arm ignoring my glare. "It's going to need stitches."

"Fine." I sighed giving in. I couldn't get a good look at my arm where I was injured. But, I could feel the pain shooting through my arm. "You two load the bikes and we can go to the emergency room."

Josh sighed and turned to Chase. "Let's move fast so this idiot doesn't pass out from blood loss."

"Hey!" I whined following them and held my arm above my heart. "I'm right here you know. And, like I said I know what I'm doing."

"Caitlin!" Josh yelled frustrated with me jumping off the back of the truck. "I know you know what you're doing. I also know how stubborn you are and will ignore that knowledge."

I rolled my eyes. Chaz chuckled locking in the bikes for Josh. "He's right you know."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up." I groaned not liking being picked on.

"Stop pouting and get your ass in the truck." Josh scolded me. I sighed, but listened and shook my head at this stupid handshake they did before Josh got in the truck and took off. He looked over at me and frowned in concern. "How's your arm?"

"Throbbing." I said honestly. "Could you go to St. Joseph's?"

"Why?" Josh looked at me like the most absurd thing I've every said. "That's like 20 minutes away from here!"

"Yeah, but since I work there, I know they will take me in right away."

"Caitlin, no matter where we go, they'll have to take you right away. You're loosing a lot of blood." He drove faster and sighed. "Fine, but if your arm needs to be amputated, it's your fault."

"I don't have a problem with that." I shrugged at how he was blowing everything out of proportion.

"Did you here that?" He helped my balance in the elevator in my apartment building. "I was right you should have just taken an ambulance."

"Shut up." I mumbled trying to keep my eyes open. We were in the emergency room for several hours. I got 23 stitches and needed to have an IV drip to re-hydrate me. They also gave me some other drugs, which at the moment I am too drowsy to remember the reason for them.

Something about infection I think. "What time is it?" I slouched down against the wall next to my door while Josh searched through my purse for my keys.

"I don't know Caitlin." He said frustrated. I knew it was from exhaustion.

I vaguely heard the dogs barking inside. "I think Gerard's in there, just knock."

He sighed thankful and did as I said. "Finally." I heard him say under his breath when the door opened.

"Where's Jane?" Gerard asked slowly.

Josh chuckled and looked down on the floor where I was nodding off. "Can you walk on your own yet?"

"Nope." I yawned.

"Your lovely girlfriend." Josh picked me up. "Took a nice fall today."

"I flew." I giggled softly and closed my eyes leaning into Josh.

"Yeah and plummeted down too." Josh shook my head and carried me into my room.

Gerard leaned in the doorframe and watched Josh take off my boots. "Is she okay?"

Josh smiled softly at his true concern. "23 stitches right below her elbow, which will make it easier to heal. But, that's it. She's pretty lucky with the fall she took. Well, it was the bike that gave her the gash, but no concussions."

Gerard nodded still keeping an eye on me. "What took so long though? Stitches are a fairly simple procedure."

"Of course it is." Josh smirked and shook his head. "But, she's stubborn. She refused to let us call an ambulance and she wanted to go to the hospital she worked at." Josh laughed and patted Gerard's shoulder as he past him. "Good luck with her. I gotta make a call. Night."

"Yeah, night." Gerard called over his shoulder. He walked over to me and ran his hand through my hair.

I opened my eyes and smiled seeing Gerard. "Hi."

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Sore." I smiled sleepily. "You staying here, right?"

Gerard smiled softly at the question. "Sure." He kicked off his sneakers and pants.

"Good." I whispered and kicked off my jeans. I smiled and curled up to him.

"Caitlin." Josh knocked and stood in the doorway. "Mom wants you to call her tomorrow and I'm gonna stay here instead of going home tonight."

"Okay. You can turn the a.c. on higher in there if you want." I yawned. "Thanks Joshy."

"No problem." Josh smiled. "Night."