Follow Your Bliss



I yawned as I unlocked the door getting in at a quarter to two in the morning. Logan barked a few times when I opened the door before realizing it was me.

He started jumping and pulled the leash off the table. I rolled my eyes, "Okay, okay. I get the idea Logan."

I plopped my backpack on the floor and wrestled with him for the leash. I laughed as I flew back a bit when he let go unexpectedly. "Dumbass." I laughed scratching behind his ears and slipped the leash on his red collar.

I grabbed my keys and made my way back downstairs again. I let Logan tug me down to his usual patch of grass.

It was hotter out now than when the sun was blazing out overhead this afternoon. I could feel the heat radiating off the asphalt.

I looked up at the sky past the tall buildings. It's quiet times like these when I miss living at home in Connecticut. Looking up at the sky and seeing how the stars seem to go on forever.

But, here the sirens and taxicab lights have become my shining stars. Not that I mind it's just a different atmosphere to love. A total contrary, but sometimes the variety of the two extremes creates an unnatural balance.

After I finished picking up after Bruno, I unlocked my door welcoming the air conditioning. I took the leash off Bruno and gave him his biscuit.

I sighed kicking off my sneakers walking down the hallway to my room where my bed was beckoning me.

Hopefully I would get at least a few hours of sleep before I went back to the hospital to cover Jenny's shift.

I stripped out of my scrubs to my underwear and just crashed under the comforters.

It was weird not having Gerard there to snuggle up to.

It's not like he stays here every night, but I just have gotten too comfortable when he does. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I rolled onto my side and curled up to a soft pillow seeing that the enormous bruises on my back and stomach from the dirt bike are preventing me from sleeping in either of those positions. The bruises were going away, but they were still in the tender stage.

All too soon my alarm clock went off at six. I groaned and slapped the snooze button to cease that irritating beeping.

I definitely was not used to being up so early in a long time. I desperately needed those two more hours of sleep that I usually got.

I squinted my eyes seeing the early morning rays reflecting off the building across from my window.

I sighed and sat up allowing all the blood to rush from my head hopefully willing my limbs to move across the floor into a warm shower.

I didn't have to be at the hospital until eight, but I left plenty of time knowing that it would take me a while to wake up. Three and half hours of sleep were not going to cut it for me.

Logan looked at me like I was crazy for being up so early and closed his eyes gingerly once more.

"Lucky bastard." I grumbled pushing the covers off me and shivered at the sudden cold air making goose pumps prickle on my skin. I debated shutting off the air conditioning, but I knew that the temperature would rise once again in a few hours so I just left it be and bared the cold air for now.

I twisted the taps turning on the hot water. I put on a proper cover over my arm instead of the makeshift one Gerard and I had made protecting my stitches. Next week couldn't come faster; I just wanted them out already. Slipping out of my underwear I stepped into the steaming shower I felt all my muscles relaxing.

I rinsed my body off and took care of shaving first so I could enjoy my shower. I figured that I would take clothes with me and depending how late it was I would change at work or even when I got to Gerard's parents.

I grabbed the almond scented shampoo, one of my favorite smells ever, and lathered my hair. Repeating the same with the conditioner.

After I just stood there letting the warm water soak my skin. I could feel my fingers started to wrinkle and turn pruney. But, that didn't stop me. I was going to enjoy the few moment of relaxation I had before I would return to the hectic hospital and would be rushing around like everyone else in this bustling city.

I stepped out of the bathroom and dried myself off thoroughly before taking the cover off my arm.

I switched on the television, as I got ready to see the news and weather. I went to the right side of my closet where my scrubs were neatly hanging in a row. I pick a pair of light purple pants with a Dumbo themed shirt. I pulled on some underwear and put a cami on over my bra.

I slid the door shut and opened the left side grabbing a pair of jeans off the shelf and a black shirt and belt to change into for later.

I groaned hearing the weatherman say how the next week would be reaching the hottest temperatures yet. Surpassing 97' F, isn't my ideal temperature, no matter how much I may love the warmth. Rethinking the jeans I threw in a skirt as well just in case I changed my mind.

I went back into the bathroom and blow-dried my hair to my liking. I stuck in a hair band and contemplated wearing make up. I shrugged figuring 'why not' and popped in my contacts. I grabbed my gray eyeliner, drawing a thin line on my lower rim and a thicker line on the upper lid, like in those classic 40's movies. I grabbed my mascara lengthening my top lashes only.

I looked in the mirror and smiled satisfied with my work. I grabbed my socks and slipped them on as well as my sneakers shaking my head at the news being broadcasted. There was never anything happy reported anymore. I know we need to be informed on everything going on, but it just gets so depressing. I sighed and shut off the television.

I stuffed the change of clothes in a bag and left it by the front door. I went into the kitchen feeding Logan and grabbing a granola bar. I ate it as I walked him one more time before work.

I grabbed my bags and keys making a quick stop at the fridge getting the fruit salad I made last night to bring with me. Looking over to make sure I had everything, I said goodbye to Logan and made my way to the parking garage.

I figured I would just leave from the hospital to make better timing knowing I would already be late as it is.

I don't think that I would want to change from my shift for a while. It is no wonder that Jenny didn't mind taking my shift for me. Utter chaos is all I can say for the morning-afternoon shift.

And all I can think is that I have to survive eight hours of this.

But, as selfish as this thought is, I cannot be so grateful for my injury at this moment. I can work in the nursery and at the desk filling out paperwork and such, but I can't go into the delivery room for risk of infection.

I shut my locker and wrote a sticky marking my Tupperware container as my so no one picks at it before putting it in the refrigerator to keep cool. I draped my stethoscope around my neck and clipped my Id to my waist.

I walked down the hall and took my place at the desk to fill out the necessary paperwork and update the files by hand as well as on the computer.

I groaned when I saw the two very large stacks of manila folders. Kristy laughed seeing the apparent joy in my face.

I looked up at her unamused. "You guys are just taking advantage of me now."

"Well someone has to do it." She teased. "Why no make the crippled one?"

"Thanks." I said dryly and set off to get this over with. It seemed like it took forever until my lunch break finally came. Which ultimately meant that I only had a few hours left.

A typically nursing shift is about eight hours, the normal 9-5 ordeal. But, at least I'm not in some cubical or behind a desk. I always knew that with whatever I did choose for my career, I would never end up there. I couldn't handle that day in and day out. I would end up going crazy and pulling my hair out!

Well, today is an exception for being behind the desk.

I laughed as I finished typing in the last file. I'm surprised they even trusted me with this secretary type of work. I don't know how they stay that organized, secretaries that is. I once volunteered for community hours at a chiropractor's office sorting through files and when putting away my piles I guess I had alphabetized them backwards.


So yeah secretarial work isn't exactly my forte. I didn't find out that I did that until long after I had stopped working there. No one ever corrected me during the process so I'm not fully to blame.

I grinned when the clock finally read 3pm. I clocked out and made my way to the locker room. I contemplated changing here, but it would already take about an hour to get to his parents traffic depending so I grabbed my container of fruit and decided to change when I got there.

Before I got on to I-95 and the Garden State Parkway, I stopped at a bakery and got a cheesecake to bring as well. It's something my family always does when we go to someone's house we'll bring desert as a token or whatever you want to call it.

"It's real easy." He told me.

"No problem." He assured me.

"You won't get lost." He swore.

Trust me Gerard was wrong.

Some how I managed to miss merging, which made me miss exit 62, and just helplessly watched as the toll passed me by on the other side.

I suck at directions if you hadn't noticed. Always have; always will. The first week I lived in New Fairfield, I went to my new friend, at the time, Amanda's house. I assured her mom that I new the way home. Well one road looks like the rest in the suburbs.

Word of advice, never trust a second grader that they know where they are going.

I know how to get form point regular A to point B, but further than that, yes sadly, I am that incompetent, without a few wrong turns anyway.

Somehow I did manage to get on to the Parkway, don't ask how, because I wouldn't have an answer.

Going through the toll and getting off the next exit without further complications. I went straight, left, right, left again, and then another right. And what should have been a 45-minute drive turned into and hour and a half.

I pulled up on Salter Plane, and laughed childishly and the house number, 69. Guessing by the long line of cars, I was in the right place.

I slung my pack back over my shoulder and got out the fruit salad and cheesecake. I locked the car and shut the door with my butt.

I took a deep breath looking at the small brick house and walked up the stairs. I bit my lip nervously looking at the two doorbells trying to remember which one Gerard told me to push.


I pushed the one on the right and let out a breath of relief when I saw Mikey.

"You're late." He laughed.

I blushed and glared teasingly. "Well your brother sucks at giving me directions."

He laughed. He eyed what I was carrying. "What do you got there?" Mikey asked curiously.

"It's for your parents. Not for you and if they feel like sharing maybe you'll get some." I grinned cheekily.

"I'll take them for you." He grabbed it out of my arms anyway and let the screen door shut with me still on the outside.

"Thanks so much Mikey for inviting me into your humble home. I feel so welcomed." I place my hands on my hips and rolled my eyes.

"You have two hands don't you?" He smirked.

My jaw dropped. "Mikey whatever your middle name is Way." He laughed harder at me and tripped over his own feet. "Don't drop it!" My face showed my apparent horror.

"Still good." He grinned sheepishly at me. "And what are you still doing out there Caitlin?"

I gave him blank stare and let myself in. "Does your mother know that you let strangers into her home?"

"Only pretty ones." He batted his eyelashes.

I held out my bag. "Do you have anywhere I could change real quick?"

"Yeah, down the hall first door on the left. You sure you don't want to flaunt Dumbo more. Sexy smexy." He snickered.

I flipped him off and followed his directions down the hall. I locked the door behind me and changed. I pulled on some jeans, weaving a belt around my waist, and slipping on a shirt. I slipped out of my sneakers and socks from work and into some cuter shoes

I check my appearance in the mirror and I took the hair band out and placed it back in neatly. I smiled satisfied with my appearance and picked up my bag.

I jump back startled to see Gerard. He was leaning against the doorframe smirking at my reaction. I glared. "You first get me-"

He took one step closer and took my face in his hands cutting me off with a longing kiss.

"I'm still mad at you." I kissed him again. I leaned my nose against his. "You got me lost."

He laughed. "How could you get lost? I gave you the easiest, most directed route."

"I told you I would and you didn't believe me." I pouted.

He kissed my lips. "Well I guess I had a little more faith in you than I should have."

I hit him in the stomach. "Thanks so much."

He made a face at me for hitting him. "So have you met anyone yet?"

I shook my head. "Just you and Mikey."

"Nice to meet you." He kissed my lips briefly again.

I laughed softy. "Same here."

He took my hand in his. "Ready?"

"Not really." I followed him as we walked slowly down the hall, leaving my bag in the living room.

"Don't worry." He kissed my hand.

"So this is the house you grew up in?" I looked around the living room. I smiled, it reminded me so much of my Oma's house in the Bronx from the warn carpet to the furniture. Especially, the lingering smell of cigarettes and perfume.

"Yup." He grinned proudly.

"I would have thought that by now you and Mikey would have bought them the most lavished mansion in New Jersey." I teased him.

"I like her already." A voice started me. "So Gerard where's my mansion?"

I stood slightly behind Gerard nervously. I looked up to see a woman in her fifties with blond died hair combed in a funky New Jersey style.

"Ma this is the infamous Caitlin." Gee tugged me out from behind him.

I took a shy step towards her. She laughed. "I'm not gonna bit you kid. Donna." She held out her hand.

I blushed and laughed. I took her firm hand and shook it with the same amount of strength. "Nice to meet you."

"Same." She smiled genuinely. "And thank you for bringing dessert."

Gerard laughed. "I told you that you didn't have to do that."

I stuck my tongue out at him feeling more in my skin once more. "It's the right thing to do."

"Didn't you learn anything from me?" She rolled her eyes.

"Not a thing." Gee grinned.

"Figures you wouldn't listen. Well sweetie go grab something to eat. Matt will throw something on the grill for you if there's none left."

Gerard tugged me through the kitchen where a bunch of people were talking. He looked down and smiled at me when I gripped his arm tighter and pulled myself closer to him. "Who's Matt?"

"My uncle." He laughed. "Are you always this nervous when you meet new people."

"Not so much nervous anymore, just shy." I smiled when he wrapped his arm around me for comfort.

"Well how about a few familiar faces?" He suggested.

I nodded and followed him down the back steps to the cement driveway where everyone else was sitting in lawn chairs. They looked at me confused by the new face.

He led me over to the small patch of grass next to the garage. "So no more sexy Dumbo?" Mikey pouted.

"Sorry to disappoint you." I laughed and sat in Gerard's lap.

Logan jumped out from behind Frank and attacked me with kisses on my face. I laughed and leaned into Gerard to escape the slobber. "You guys kidnapped my dog."

"Oh good, he really is yours." She punched Frank. I looked over to see a girl with choppy black dyed hair and blue eyes.

"Fuck Alicia, I told you that we weren't breaking into a random place." Frank rubbed his arm and pouted at Jamia.

"You broke into my apartment?" I looked at Frank accusingly.

"Well not really. We stole the key from Ray." He laughed. "Gee told me too."

I shook my head. "Never mind. I don't want to know."

"Caitlin, Mikey's chick Alicia. Alicia, Gee's chick, Caitlin." Frank introduced us. "The apartment we saved the dog from." He chose his words carefully to make himself look like the hero in the end.

"Now you can see why Ray has the key and not you." I teased. I looked at Alicia. "Finally get to meet the girl Mikey goes on and on about."

She laughed, "I could probably say the say for you."

Gerard laughed at us and petted Logan. He stood up and helped me up. "We're gonna get some food."

"You just want to show her off." Frank teased. "Wait! Let me see the battle wounds."

"Which one? My back's completely bruised." I lifted up my shirt showing my stomach a bit where there was more bruising, but pointed to the lighter colored area. "The bike burned me a bit here. And the best feature, 23 stitches." I showed him my left forearm proudly. "Totally outdid my brother, Devin, on stitches."

Jamia shook her head amused at how Frank and I were so into our injuries. Alicia winced. "How'd you manage those?"

"She crashed dirt biking on the track." Frank answered for me looking at my arm. Mikey came over and scrunched up his nose at the injury taking a seat next to Alicia.

"Yeah but you should've seen the height I got. It was amazing." I frowned. "It would have been better if got more distance."

"Or there was no gravity." Gerard laughed and kissed my neck.

"Definitely," I agreed and leaned into him. "Though how many people get to say that they flew?"

"That's what planes are for dumb ass." Mikey laughed at me.