Follow Your Bliss



We walked further, hearing the music getting louder. I watched an old Japanese man draw a portrait of a kid really capturing his facial expression. "Would you like to go get one?" Gerard whispered in my ear making me jump in surprise of his voice.

I glared playfully as he laughed at me. "Could we?" I asked shyly.

"Of course." He kissed my cheek and we waited off to the side as he finished drawing the kid.

Gerard asked the artist for me and told me to take a seat in what looked like the kind of chair that a director would use when making a video. "Wait?" I looked at Gerard funny standing out of the artist's way. "You have to be in it with me."

He looked like he was about to refuse so I pouted. "Alright, fine." He huffed jokingly and joined me. We posed looking at each other. Me trying not to laugh and the stupid faces Gerard made at me.

"That's not fair." I whispered. He just stuck his tongue out at me and smirked.

"All finished." The man informed us; amused at the way we had been teasing each other.

We turned to see the charcoal drawing as he sprayed it sealing the fibers in the paper. I laughed seeing the smirk drawn on Gerard's face and my nose all scrunched up trying not to laugh. "That's beautiful." I complemented his work; it was us to a T.

The artist thanked me and matted the drawing sealing it in plastic and slipping that in a plastic bag handing it to me as Gerard paid for it. "Do you like it?"

I hooked my arm with his. "I love it." We walked toward the sea of people dancing to the reggae music. I couldn't help but shake my hips with the rhythm of the drums. "So Gerard, are you a good dancer?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, one of my favorite mannerisms he tended to do whenever he was nervous or shy. I bit my lip anticipating his answer. "Not really." He said honestly.

"So?" I wavered my head back and forth smirking. I grabbed his hand still holding on to our portrait in the other, forcing him to move back and forth to the beat much like Alicia did to me last night.

Gerard laughed getting into it, looking like an idiot with me. A rumble of thunder sounded in the background. I grinned like a fool hearing it, absolutely in love with storms. "When I wanted to do photography at one point when I was little, I wanted to shoot that."

"What?" Gerard smiled waiting for me to continue my story.

"Go storm chasing in Arizona or any place with storms and film the lightning and deep purple/black skies." I laughed and spun around as another roll of thunder sounded through, but everyone continued to dance as the band still preformed.

"And get electrocuted by lightning too?" He teased. "Your poor mother having to deal with your scandalous ideas."

I laughed. "Please, I was the perfect child right?" He stuck his tongue out me. "Do that again and I'll bit it." I warned him.

Gerard grinned and you know what he did? He stuck his tongue out at me again.

I leaned up and kissed him passionately and when he slipped his tongue through teasingly, I nipped at it. He pouted at me and kissed me again nibbling on my bottom lip slightly. There was a crack of lightning heard in the background and no sooner than that had happened, it began to pour buckets down on us.

Most of the crowd ran for cover, but I just wrapped my arms around his neck enjoying the moment.

"You're wet." He chuckled at my drenched hair sticking to my face.

I felt my dress sticking to me and saw that Gerard's shirt and pants doing the same to him. "You are too." I retorted childishly laughing at our wet state.

When lightning flashed again, he grabbed my hand grinning as we ran, looking like idiots once again, to the car for safety. We slowed down to a walk once under the open warehouse. I couldn't believe how late it got; trucks were already beginning to come in as well as forklifts being driven around to help them unload the ice and crates of fish imported from a fishermen's catch of the day.

Gerard unlocked the door on the passenger's side so he could open the door for me keeping up his gentlemanly manners the whole date, not that he's never anything but a gentleman to me. I sat in the middle seat again so I could cuddle against him as he drove home.

I slipped off my sandals carefully laying the portrait on the table and putting the leftovers from the restaurant in the fridge. I took out my contacts putting drops in my dry eyes. A smile appearing on my lips at the tulips each time I passed them. I turned off the air conditioning once inside the apartment and opened all the windows slightly so we could hear the storm clearly. I smiled as the smell of wet asphalt as the rain continued to fall in sheets.

I laughed hearing the dogs shake the water of their fur as Gerard locked the door behind him wetter than before, if that was even possible. His socks squished against the wooden floor making funny sounds as he walked over to me sitting on the bay window. "It's raining out." He grinned childishly, his dimples deepening.

"So it seems." I grinned back laughing softly. I bit my lip looking up into his hazel eyes. "I may just need some help getting out of my wet clothes." I whispered shyly.

I looked down chewing on my lip afraid to see that powerful look that washed over his face. I felt his damp hand underneath my chin and slowly lifted my head so I would look into his eyes again. An intense, loving look adorned on his face. He smiled softly and leaned down kissing me lightly.

He ran his fingers through my wet hair trailing his hands down my sides and to my legs wrapping them around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders kissing his jaw and chewing on his lobes as he carried me to my room. He gently let me stand up as we stood in front of the bed.

Gerard smiled softly at me watching as I unbuttoned his shirt sliding it off his shoulders. He helped me take off his wet, now transparent undershirt. I giggled excited, kissing him roughly as I ran my fingers over his bare chest feeling him shiver underneath them.

The room was completely dark except for the occasional lightning striking lighting up the room in a soft romantic blue glow.

I shivered as the breeze blew through the window grazing my wet skin. Gerard's intense look in his eyes held my gaze as he slowly unzipped my dress. He leaned down kissing my shoulders and collarbone as he slid the dress down my arms hearing the fabric fall with a soft swish to the floor. I ran my hands through his short hair enjoying his touch.

My skin felt on fire beneath each soft kiss he placed. I softly led my hands down his damp skin to his wet pants that clung to him. I moaned as he nibbled on my neck. My hands trembled with excitement as I reach for the button, pulling his pants down a little until he kicked them off.

He pulled me close to him dipping his head down to capture my lips with his again. "You always taste like cherries." He commented softly. I smirked pressing my lips back against his.

Gerard took that notion and led me on the bed. The down pillow sunk with my wet hair sprawled out. In one swift motion he had the lacy strapless bra on the floor. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear as his hands wandered, making all my blood flow to the surface of my skin. I bit my lip paralyzed, letting my senses take control and letting every nerve spike feeling his touch.

Needing to feel more I wiggled out of my underwear working my fingers around the elastic waistband of his. He chuckled, his breath teasing my neck. Gerard rested on his elbows looking at me as if trying to remember every detail. He pushed stray strands of my hair out of my face. My breath caught as my feelings seemed to overwhelm me almost to a suffocating point.

Gerard kissed me lustfully as he sunk himself into me, swallowing a loud moan. I wrapped my legs around him as he began to set out a rhythm much like the reggae band we were dancing to. He smirked at the tiny sounds of pleasure that my lips released.

Our laboring breaths mixed together until I threw my head back, deeper into the pillow seeing stars behind closed lids. Gerard moaned my name in my ear as I was sent spiraling into what seemed like a never-ending whirlpool of pleasure.

Gerard, completely spent, kissed me between my breasts as he laid his head on my stomach. That was not just sex that a couple shares after being together for a while.

That was love.

I only briefly had ever experienced love, but this, even these past few months, had completely surpassed that.

I played with the hairs on his neck as he held me as we tried to even our breaths, contemplating if I was scared by that thought.

The lulling of the thunder and rain brought me into a sleep even though the sun should probably be coming up in a little while behind the thick storm clouds.

Gerard felt me taking deeper breaths and smiled at my sleeping form; my head turned slightly to the side with my lips hanging lazily open ajar. He shifted us so he could cover us with the down comforter. He looked to the clock ticking on the end table, the hands pointing to half past five in the morning.

He propped his head in his palm resting on his elbow and just watched me sleep for a few moments. He traced my jaw slowly and sighed. He was going to miss these types of moments immensely in a few weeks. We hadn't even talked about it and just lived in denial pretending that time was not going to catch up with us.

He laid down and pulled my naked body close to his need to have the feeling of me in his arms to savor and to tell him that this was all real.

No, this was not a dream.

He could physically feel my skin against his own. He gave into sleep having to be satisfied with that as his only assurance for now.