Follow Your Bliss



"Well, don't you ladies look all jazzed up." Jamia smirked playing with Olivia.

"How was the opera?" Christa smiled digging through the fridge for something to satisfy her sweet tooth.

"It was beautiful." I smiled. "I would like you guys to meet a great friend of mine Brenda. And Brenda, this is Alicia, Jamia, and Christa." I pointed the girls out.

"Are you girls like the official groupies for the band?" Brenda smirked and plopped on the couch and slid off her heals letting out a content sigh to be off her feet.

"Something like that." Alicia grinned.

Brenda nodded, like job well done. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some Carvel ice cream sandwiches from the larger freezer in the closet and handed them out.

"Where'd you get those?" Christa pouted. "I was looking all over for something."

Brenda chuckled at her state. "Cravings are a bitch and a half aren't they?"

"Yes and no." She smiled sheepishly. "I kind of feel bad taking full advantage of Ray."

"I wouldn't." Alicia grinned. "I would totally take the opportunity to make Mikey my slave."

"It's how it's supposed to be." Brenda laughed agreeing. "They don't have to bare the pain for the actual birth so they gotta pay some other way."

"You two are horrible." I laughed and licked the rainbow sprinkles off.

"Please. Miss I'm a princess." Brenda rolled her eyes. "You'd be worse than me I think."

"Okay, maybe just a smidge." I admitted grinning. "I like being served."

"Who doesn't?" Jamia grinned and laid herself across Alicia's lap smirking up at her.

"Oh, let me get the air mattresses." I shoved the last bit of the ice cream sandwich in my mouth. I loved the sound of my heels clicking against the wooden floor as I walked down the hallway to the closet; that's my favorite part about wearing them. I grabbed the two large light blue nylon bags and hauled them back into the living room.

"Here, let's clear the coffee table out of the way and we can make one giant bed against the couches." I giggled excited. I plugged in the mattress blowing each one up as they situated the furniture. "They're the double layer queen size so we'll be fine."

"Movie fest?" Christa suggested.

"Eh, if we can't think of anything else." Alicia shrugged, not feeling in the mood for movies.

I tossed the girls some pillows and comforters and sheets to help make the beds. "So Christa, do you know the sex of the baby yet?" Logan jumped don the bed, making himself comfortable between Alicia and I.

"No," She said glumly. "Not until next month. Ray isn't sure if he wants to know, but I do."

"How many months are you?" Brenda nodded her head towards her smiling.

"Five." Christa smiled glowing.

Brenda counted the months in her head. "So, it'll be a Christmas baby."

"Yeah," Christa nodded her head grinning and munched on her ice cream sandwich. "It'll be a good present."

"She thinks she's having a boy, but get this, Ray wants a girl." Jamia grinned letting Liv off her lap to go over and lay down next to Logan.

I grabbed a pack of playing cards and shuffled them as we shifted on the beds to sit in a circle. "I could totally see him spoiling her." I smiled and began to deal the whole deck for a game of BS.

"What about you two?" Brenda organized her cards as she got them. "You want any kids?"

"One day. I can wait though. I rather just have fun for a little while longer." Alicia shrugged and put down the ace of spades to begin the game.

"And you?" Brenda asked Jamia.

"Yeah, soon hopefully." She bit her bottom lip smiling with a tinge of red in her cheeks as she blushed.

"What about you Caitlin?" Alicia grinned. "Do you want Gerard's babies?"

I laughed blushing with the attention turned on me and buried my head in Brenda's shoulder. "That's a yes." Brenda laughed and nudged me. "She just realized that she loves him, but is too chicken shit to say it."

I hid my face behind my cards. "You're mean." I pouted and but a couple of two's down when they should have been four's.

"Bull shit!" Christa shouted excited. I groaned and grabbed the whole pile and began to organize my cards.

"Nah, we pick on you because we love you." Jamia grinned and laughed at my misfortune; I had about half the neck now.

"Then I must be really loved." I smiled sarcastically.

"Don't worry we do. We didn't believe Christa at first that you really existed. You were just too good to be true." Alicia admitted laying down her cards.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her confused and drank some of my iced tea.

"Sweetie," Brenda wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I moved my cards so she couldn't see them and looked at her. "You are the nicest person I've ever met. Too nice, but that's not a bad thing. It's just hard to believe that's all. You like never lose your temper and always look out for other's well being."

"Yeah, it's like a freak of nature that you don't have like a mean bone in your body." Alicia laughed.

I scrunched up my nose, "So I'm a freak of nature?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Jamia laughed.

"Just checking." I chuckled shaking my head.

"But especially after the last girlfriend he had, we weren't sure what to expect of you." Alicia mumbled shuffling her cards.

"Oh, don't remind me." Christa shook her head.

"Dish the details." Brenda grinned asking nosily.

"No," I shook my head. "I can't hear it."

"Why not?" Brenda turned and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Because, if Gerard hasn't told me about her, than I shouldn't know unless it comes from the horses mouth sort of thing." I explained and got rid of some cards.

"There you go again." Alicia shook head. "Besides it's not bad hearing those things from us. We just didn't like her; she was bad news."

"For a long time." Jamia muttered, but looked up and smiled reassuringly at me. "Don't worry you're cool in our books."

"Aww, Caitlin, you hear that?" Brenda cooed at me. "You're an official groupie too!"

"Shut up." I laughed and yelled, "Bullshit!" I startled Christa, who was trying to get away with putting down two eights when I have all four.

"Ass." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Alright, I want to hear a deep dark secret from you, now that you're an official groupie." Alicia sat up straight waiting to hear some details.

I shrugged trying to think of something. "I don't have any." I laughed.

"Yeah right, come on." She egged me on.

"Sadly, she's telling the truth." Brenda came to my defense.

"Alright, tell us old boyfriend stories. Those are always good." Christa grinned.

"Which one?" Brenda muttered under her breath.

"Hey, they weren't all boyfriends. Just random dates that I should have never said yes to." I frowned remembering those awful dates wasted. "It was horrible experimenting."

"How about that cop guy?" Brenda laughed almost in tears.

"Oo, do tell." Christa rubbed her belly.

"His name was Jim, and I always swore that I would never marry a cop, let alone date one because they tend to be too hard edge from the job and emotionless. Which, I understand for the type of work they have to deal with." I rubbed my face remembering the date. "But, none-the-less, I said yes because my friend Jez egged me on to do so. Bad idea. He had just gotten off the job and was still in that watch your back mode even more so. He wasn't as bad as some other guys, but when he pulled a gun on an old guy, I unfortunately ended the date."

"What?" Jamia's eyes widened not sure if she should laugh of not.

"Tell them what happened." Brenda wiped away the tears.

"He heard something suspicious so he said and told me to stay put at the booth we were in at the restaurant. The date wasn't so great to begin with and this was the last thing I needed. He wasn't the brightest guy to begin with. It turned out this man dropped his can and Jim still suspicious totally pulled and interrogation right there on the spot with a flashlight in the guys eyes and everything. Needless to say, I left shortly after."

The girls were in tears laughing with Brenda. "Oh, honey you just didn't have the best of luck?" Brenda tried to consol me, but just laughed harder.

"Thanks so much." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, we almost forgot an important fact." Jamia sat up smiling like a fool. "You love Gee?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know. I mean I- no I don't know."

"You are too cute." Alicia reached over and pinched my cheeks.

I pouted at her. "Meanie."

"No really do you?" Jamia pressed.

"She's so confused that she even looked up the definition of love in the dictionary." Brenda ruffled my hair.

"Don't worry we're almost positive he loves you too." Christa smiled and patted my knee.

"Yeah, I just have never gotten so serious with someone so fast you know?" I sighed. "It's just crazy."

"It'll be fine." Alicia winked at me.

They left me alone about the question after that, knowing not to push it. We watched a few movies that were on television until we began to pass out one by one until it was only Brenda and I left.

"I'm going to miss you when you go back to Berkley." I sighed feeling sleep tugging at my eyes.

"I didn't tell you." She grinned. "We're not just here visiting family. Kyle and I are looking for a house in Danbury hopefully."

"Really?" I squealed excited until a pillow was chucked in our direction telling us to be quiet.

"Yeah," she whispered. "Kyle got a promotion for either New York or LA and he knew how much I wanted to come home so he chose New York."

"Aw that's so sweet of him." I smiled. "Now, we'll be able to do this more often."

"Totally." She grinned and kissed my forehead. "Night babe."

"Night Bren." I sighed content and let sleep win over me.

I woke up to a tickling sensation on my neck. "Stop it." I giggled and tried to go back to sleep.

"But, you look so purtty." Gerard whispered and went back to kissing my neck.

"What time is it?" I mumbled rolling on my back to look up in his deep hazel eyes.

"Around eight. The girls are still asleep." He kissed my lips.

"And you felt the need to wake me up?" I chuckled softly and groaned stretching only to get another pillow chucked at me. "Shit, Alicia, that's the second one."

"Then shut up." She mumbled grouchy and went back to sleep.

"Come with me to walk them?" Gerard pouted keeping his voice down.

"Yeah," I threw the blanking off of me and Gerard pulled me up. I slipped on my flip-flops that were near the door as Gerard put the leashes on Logan and Liv.

"So, is that what you wore last night?" He spun me around getting me dizzy.

He chuckled as I held onto him so the lobby would stop spinning. "Yeah, I even wore this cute hat and shoes that would make me taller than you."

"Well you still look gorgeous even with bed head." He grinned ruffling my hair making it worse.

I pouted and stuck it back in a messy bun as he held the door open for me. "So you gonna stick around with me and Belli today? I'm watching her while Brenda and Kyle have a day to themselves and she's staying the night with me too."

"I might be able to work something out." He smirked and wrapped his free arm around me while we walked around the neighborhood. "So you have fun last night?"

"Yeah." I laughed and buried my head in his chest. "It was random, but fun."

"The guys miss their girls last night. And were big babies that you stole them." Gerard chuckled and leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I was the biggest of them all. I haven't seen you all week."

"And whose fault is that?" I laughed. "It's only been a couple of days and I offered for you to hang out with me."

"True, but would you really have wanted me there complaining with Belli?" He grinned.

"No. Besides, like you said I wouldn't have been able to talk about you." I grinned back and kissed his cheek.

"Oh?" He laughed. "And what were you saying?"

"Nothing." I said in a singsong tone with an innocent smile. I spotted a couple of teenage girls walking in our general direction sporting My Chemical Romance pins on their messenger bags. I smiled as their eyes widened spotting Gerard and whispered giddily to each other. "And so it begins." I teased.

"It's too early." He mumbled into my neck. "I should have worn my hoddie."

"Yeah," I scoffed. "Like that would really help you blend in on a hot sunny morning."

The girls just smiled politely and kept walking. Gerard sighed in relief, but I stopped him. "Go give them an autograph."

"What? Why?" He looked at me funny.

I looked over his shoulder to see the girls looking back. "Because they did the nice mature thing. What if it were Blaze Bayley or Steve Harris walking by you at that age?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "When you put it that way."

I smiled and waved my hand to flag them down. "Hey girls!" They stopped and pointed to themselves. "Yeah, come here."

"I hate it when you're right." He grumbled.

"Darling. I'm always right. Even when I'm wrong, I'm right." I grinned cheekily. The girls ran over and looked to their shoes shyly. "Don't worry Gerard's highly trained; he won't bite."

Gerard glared playfully at me. "Jane thought it might be a good idea to give you an autograph to thank you for being nice and respecting my privacy. That is if you want one of course."

"Really?" The shorter of the two looked up thrilled.

"Really. Really." He smiled and held out the leashes for me to take. "Well?"

"Yes?" I looked down at his hand and back up at him.

"Jane, honestly, don't you know you need two hands to do this?" He grinned at me.

"You owe me twice now." I smirked grabbing the leashes. "You got me up early." I shrugged at mock shock and made the dogs sit and stop jumping on the girls.

"Are you his girlfriend?" The taller one asked and covered her mouth feeling rude. "Sorry."

"Nah, it's fine." I smiled down at her, but didn't answer her question.

"That's just Jane." Gerard said with the pen cap in his mouth as he scribbled on CD case.

"Oh?" I placed a hand on my hip playfully. "I'm just Jane now?"

"Caitlin." He pouted whining.

"Fine." I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes. "You are forgiven."

"You two are cute together." The taller one continued.

"What makes you think that we're together?" Gerard smirked taking her scrap piece of paper to sign.

"You two have that kind of chemistry." She smiled and shrugged.

I laughed as Gerard turned his head and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me. "Thanks, I think."

"No thank you so so so much for stopping us." She smiled appreciative. "Our friends would have never believed us otherwise."

"It's no problem." Gerard smiled. The girls thanked him one more time before we continued on our way.

"Now, didn't that feel good to do something nice?" I nudged him.

"Yeah, they were cute kids." He wrapped his arms around me as we continued our walk. "And did you hear that? We have chemistry." He grinned and kissed my neck.