Follow Your Bliss



"I wouldn't touch that doorbell if I were you Kyle." I warned him as we came out the elevator doors, finger ready. "Three cranky girls and a pregnant chick on your ass is not a way to start the morning."

"Ah, my savior." He smirked and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "How have you been Caitlin?"

"Not bad. Bellini's been keeping me busy. How you got her to stay sleeping is amazing." I grinned at her sleeping form in the stroller. I tugged on Gerard's hand bringing him closer to me. "And I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Gerard. Gerard, this is Kyle."

"The one who offered the shopping spree," Gerard grinned and shook his hand.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I kind of deserved that didn't I for making her grab the red eye huh?"

"Just a little." I laughed and took out the apartment key. I unlocked the door and let him push the stroller in first. "Dare to enter too?" I grinned teasing Gerard taking the leashes off of the dogs and letting them run in the apartment.

"If you make me coffee." He pouted.

I leaned over and kissed his lips. "There might be a possibility." He wrapped his arms around me form behind and leaned on my shoulder as we walked to the kitchen together.

He bit my neck gently grinning at the light moan that emitted from my lips and let me move around the kitchen on my own to start the coffee for everyone. "You're too good for me." I heard him mumble.

"To you, not for you." I smirked letting him know that I had heard him. He smiled softly appreciating the correction.

Brenda came down the hallway shower fresh and greeted Kyle with a sweet kiss. "Hey, we are going to get going, unless you need anything from me?" She ran her fingers through her wet hair and grinned excited to have a whole day with just her husband.

"Alright," I gave her a quick hug and kiss. "Have fun you two. Bell wants a baby sister." I laughed at Brenda's glare and Kyle's mischievous grin.

Gerard watched as I carefully unbuckled Belli's buckle and picked her up bringing her to the bedroom where it would be quieter for her. I smiled as I successfully covered her with the blanket and walked back down the hallway to the kitchen.

"I'm surprised you were the first to pass out last night with all the sugary things you ate." I grinned at Christa sitting at the table talking to Gerard. I hopped up on the counter trying to think what I had for us to eat for breakfast. "Do you guys want something to eat, I brought bagels the other day and I have pop-tarts."

"I'm fine. I think you filled my sweet tooth last night for now." She yawned and slid her glasses on her face. She grinned giving me a look and looked back to Gerard.

I chuckled sarcastically. "You are so not funny."

"What?" Gerard looked between us skeptically confused.

"You know I'm funny and that we are all right." She grinned wider. "Even Brenda caught you on it too."

"What?" Gerard asked again really wanting to know what we were talking about.

"Nothing." I glared playfully at her. "Right Christa?"

"For now anyway." She smiled innocently.

"Morning whores." Alicia strolled in cheerfully.

"Oh, so now you're nice?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, what was up with the attacking?" Gerard pouted.

"More like retaliating." She grinned. "I needed my happy sleep."

"Don't you mean your beauty sleep?" Gerard grinned teasing her.

"Nah, I am already beautiful." Alicia smiled and fluffed up her messy bed hair.

My head snapped over to the front door slamming open. I saw Frank grin and ready to shout. "Frank I swear if you wake up that kid, you can take Belli for the day."

He stumbled over his feet not expecting to be stopped, even if by just words. "Kid?" He looked up utterly confused.

"Ant Caitlin." I heard her sleepy voice and looked to the hallway where she was dragging her floppy eared bunny with her.

I shot Frank a dirty look and slide off the counter. "Hey baby."

"Oh ho." Christa grinned. "You are so in trouble."

"You just got the cold look of death man." Gerard laughed.

"Jamia? Babe." Frank crawled on the air mattress next to her. "You gotta protect me from Caitlin."

"In a little while." She mumbled still half asleep.

I laughed softly to myself hearing their conversation and picked up Belli. "Did mommy leave yet?"

"Yup so you're all mine today for me to spoil." I grinned placing her on my hip. "So what would you like to do sweetie?"

She yawned and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm a little hungry."

"Hmm, I think I can fix that." I smiled and kissed her temple.

"She's in her element isn't she." Alicia commented quietly to Christa.

"Yeah, and to think that that's gonna be me soon." Christa grinned excited and rubbed the bump of her tummy.

Gerard smiled behind his hands and looked back towards me as I walked back into the kitchen. "Would you like me to get Frank for you?" He leaned his head back so he could still see me, grinning.

"Nah, karma will even it all out." I grinned ruffling his hair affectionately with my free hand. "I would like you guys to meet Brenda's kid, Bell." Bellini lifted her head hearing her name and saw all the new faces. She smiled shyly and hid her face against my neck clutching her arms around me a little tighter. "Aww, they're nice girls and Gerard's here again."

She pulled away again and smiled at Gerard. "Hi."

"Hey Bellini." Gerard smiled and waved.

Bell struggled to let me put her down. I placed her on the floor and she went over and climbed up on his lap. "Are you married yet?"

"No." He smiled chuckling. "Not yet."

I laughed and grabbed the pop-tarts putting the package in the toaster. "Are you married Bell?"

"No!" She squealed laughing. "I'm too little to get married."

"Hey Bell?" I grinned mischievously, tucking some of my hair behind my ear and bending down closer to her level.

"What?" She matched my grin and stuffed a pop tart in her mouth.

"I know what we can do today." I bit my lip giving her an excited look.

"What?" She asked eagerly.

"We should have a princess day."

"No way." Her mouth dropped in awe.

I ruffled her hair. "Yes way. We haven't done that in a while."

"What's a 'princess day'?" Alicia asked curious.

"Only the best day ever!" Bell grinned finishing her pop tart. "Can we get ready now?"

"Yeah, come on cutie. The stuff's in the room you stayed in." I laughed at her excitement, watching her run down the hallway.

"No really," Christa chuckled at Bell's behavior. "What's 'princess day'?"

"Like Belli said, 'only the best day ever.'" I grinned and walked down the hall to the spare bedroom. I opened up the closet and took down the large purple storage container sporting sparkly stickers and plastic gems glued on.

"Yes!" Bell jumped up and down excited.

"Okay you choose which crowns and stuff we should wear today and I'm gonna go change okay cutie?"

"Yup." She smiled and took off the lid, engrossing herself with princess things I had collected over the years. I went into my bedroom and grab some clean clothes to change into.

I unzipped the dress and tossed it into the hamper. I pulled up my shorts and buttoned them up as the door opened.

"Sexy smexy." Gerard's breath caressed my bare shoulder.

I smiled and leaned into him. "Feel like being a princess too?"

"Yeah, why not?" He chuckled and turned me around to face him. He smiled letting his thumb trail over my cheek and leaned down brushing his lips against mine briefly.

"That's it?" I whispered teasingly. "I thought you missed me."

Gerard looked into my blue eyes grinning and pulled me closer. He captured my lips once more showing me how much he missed me.

I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck going limp in his arms. "I think I missed you more." I smiled resting my head on Gerard's shoulder letting him just hold me.

Gerard sighed. "I have another meeting with Brian today."

"Oh so you can't hang out with Belli and me?" I pouted.

"Not right away I can't." He chuckled taking my shirt from my hands. I giggled as his fingers gently tickled my sides, running softly over my skin. I lifted my arms so it would be easier for him as he dressed me. He pulled the shirt over me and let his hands rest underneath it on the small of my back. "You're so beautiful." Gerard murmured.

"Thank you." I whispered sealing the space between us. Gerard didn't waste any time and pushed his tongue past my lips mating it with my own. His fingers combed through my hair taking the elastic out so my hair, still curly from the night before, fell around my shoulders.

"Cooties!" I heard two shrieks.

Gerard and I parted to see Bellini on Frank's back, both of them wearing jeweled and feathery crowns. I laughed, "Nice look you got going there, Frank."

"You have like a zillion tiaras in there." He laughed.

"Not man enough to wear a tutu Frank?" Gerard mocked him.

Bell wiggled down his back and ran over with two more crowns, wands, and another tutu. "You get to be a berry today." She grinned.

"What no wings?" I laughed placing the crown on my head and put the other on Gerard.

"Oh yeah!" Her eyes lit up remembering them and dragged me to go put some on. She pulled on some pink wings to match her flowered tutu and handed me a pair of purple ones.

"What about the guys?" I asked grinning as I pulled the tutu on over my shorts. "Don't they need to dress up for their meeting?"

"Now, you see Caitlin, that's no way to get me back." Frank crossed his arms smirking with an awfully smug expression on his face. "I have no problem wearing this sh- uh stuff." He grinned tilting the tiara on his head, cleaning up his language for the kid.

"Okay." I shrugged not bothered.

"That's it? No big extravagant plans to get me back for waking the kid up?" He looked at me skeptically.

"Even if there were 'big extravagant plans', why would I tell them to you?" I laughed.

"Did you really think that Jane was a ditz?" Gerard laughed and bent his head forward so Bellini could wrap a bright purple feathery boa around his neck.

"There were times. The blond hair kind of says it all." He laughed dodging a pillow I chucked at him.

"You have to look beautiful for your meeting." Belli instructed them.

I bit my lip from laughing at the serious tone in her voice as she began to put her Little Mermaid pink lipstick on Frank. "Oh, you are doing an amazing job Bell."

She looked over her shoulder and gave me a big charming smile. "Thank you. Hmm, what else do you need?" She mumbled to herself as she began to dig through the container. She pulled out purple glittery bat wings and handed them to Gerard, who politely put them on.

"Hey, how come he gets wings and I don't?" Frank pouted teasingly at Belli.

"Well because you didn't ask for wings silly." She put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah silly." Gerard laughed at Frank. "You didn't ask for any."

"Don't worry, I'll make you pretty." Bellini reassured him.

Frank fluttered his eyelashes. "Aren't I already pretty?"

"With a little help, then sure!" She went back to work looking through the box, while Gerard and I rolled onto our backs laughing.

"Oh," Frank's jaw dropped not sure how to react to the four year old. "Well then."

"What's going on in here?" Alicia laughed at Frank's hot pink lips. "You look so pretty Frankie baby. Jams come see your lover! He looks better than ever."

Jamia came up behind Alicia and rested her head her shoulder. "Oh, wow Frank, you've really outdone yourself this time."

"All thanks to my new stylist babe." He grinned proudly.

"You'll need this too." Bell handed him a hot pink and blue tutu.

"Oh, I don't know if I can." He looked at the tutu and back at Bell trying not to hurt the kid's feelings.

"Aw, come one Frank. I'm wearing the wings and the boa." Gerard grinned.

"Yeah, Gerard dressed up so you have to too." Belli nodded her head and gave Gerard thumbs up making us break out in more laughter at the things she was saying and doing.

"Alright. Alright now I see how it is." Frank stood up and squeezed into the tutu.

"You're getting chubby babe." Jamia chuckled teasingly.

Frank pouted. "You're just jealous that you don't get to wear one of these." He spun around fashioning it off for us.

I heard the front door open and shut before Ray showed up shortly at the bedroom door with Christa. "Should I come back at another time?" He chuckled as Frank stopped in mid spin.

"It's princess day." Alicia grinned. "I want some part in this."

Belli ignored them as they started talking about the tutus and crowns and crawled onto my lap. "Ant Caitlin?"

"Yeah cutie?" I smiled and held her into a hug.

"Where are we going to go for princess day?" She smiled excited.

"Hmm," I put my index finger against my chin and pretended to think hard about the question. "How about the park again? And we can have a picnic and bring bubbles. And. . ." I leaned in close and whispered in her hear. I pulled back laughing as she screamed. "Sound good?"

"Sounds awesome!" Bell high-fived my hand that I held up for her with a big smile on her face.

"Alright well we have to get going." Ray rounded up Frank, Gerard and Alicia for their meeting about the tour. That much I knew or speculated anyway. I know I for one had been in denial about Gerard leaving. Brenda was right; it's not the same as when Josh leaves.

Yet, I still couldn't bring myself to talk to him about it. Even though we would have to at some point, but I rather let that topic simmer on the back burner for a little while longer, at least until after this weekend.

"Hey, we'll be at the park with the dogs if you guys want to meet up later." I offered.

They nodded and head for the door. Gerard crawled over to me. "Can't leave with out my kiss."

"No you can't." I smiled and leaned up happily kissing him.

The girls and I walked over to central park to hang out and have our princess picnic. Christa and Jamia each wore a crown as well. I was able to refrain Bell from dressing up the dogs though. We snagged a spot under a tree in the shade shielding us from the strong rays of the sun.

I took the tray and bubble wand out of my oversized tote bag. I unscrewed the cap of bubbles and poured the sticky liquid into the tray. I handed the wand to Belli, who happily took it and had a ball in awe of the large bubbles she was producing. The dogs were chasing the bubbles that she made trying to eat them.

"So are you going with them on tour Caitlin?" Jamia pulled me out of my thoughts.

"No, why would I?" I looked at them weird.

"Have you and Gerard talked about the tour at all?" Christa asked cautiously.

"Nope." I gave a carefree shrug.

"Why not?" Jamia leaned on her elbows.

"No reason really." I began to twist my long hair into a loose braid. "We just haven't gotten around to talking about it I guess. Why are you two going?" I gave them a funny look when they shook their heads no. "Than why would I be going?"

Christa gave Jamia a subtle nudge to keep quiet. "Just curious."

"Ant Caitlin?" Belli came up to me shyly.

"Yes?" I smiled. "What are up to?"

"Nothing." She grinned. "Can you do the bubbles now?"

"Sure." I took the large bubble wand and dipped it in the tray before making large bubbles for her.

"Have either of you two heard any of their new music?" Christa asked as she laid down on the blanket and frowned when both Jamia and I said no. "They're so under wraps about this album."

"Just think of it as a really awesome surprise when they do decide to let you hear it." I offered not really curious about the new CD. I mean I was, but I was patient enough to just wait.

"So this is princess day huh?" Jamia smiled amused.

"Yup, just a day to have fun and go out in public dressing like a nut." I laughed and did a spin so my tutu would go up. "Besides I am a princess." I grinned.

"Oo, me too! I'm a princess too!" Bell grinned before getting distracted by a really big bubble.

"I like princess day." Jamia grinned and kicked off her sandals.

We sat around bullshitting and just relaxed playing with the bubbles and just having fun. Bell ran over and jumped on me. "They're coming." She whispered excited.

"Ready then?" I grinned.

"Ready for what?" Jamia looked at me skeptically.

"Nothing." Bell and I said simultaneously making her roll her eyes in disbelief. I laughed and grabbed the can of silly string out from my bag taking the neon pink cap off for her. "Go get 'm."

Bell let out an evil chuckle making us laugh as she took off to attack the guys. "Nice one." Jamia gave me a high five and laid back down.

"Thank you." I smiled satisfied and laid down as well, closing my eyes.

We laughed hearing their surprised shouts when they got attacked, especially Bob's first scream. "Think she'll get them good?" Christa laughed.

"Of course, she's my Belli." I grinned.

I sat up surprised to feel a cool string on me. "What the heck?" I shrieked and realized that they found the other cans of silly string in my bag and came back with vengeance.

"Having a kid do you're dirty work for you?" Frank tisked me as he stood over me holding the can still in the crown and tutu.

I laughed seeing him covered from head to toe in hot pink. "What can I say, she's good at it."

"You do know now that this means war?" He grinned evilly mimicking Bug's Bunny's voice.

I laughed and went to find Gerard to hide behind. I wrapped my arms around him. "You'll protect this poor, distraught damsel in distress won't you?" I pouted.

"Of course my lady." He grinned looking over his shoulder at me shaking the can of silly string. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that he was still dressed up in the stuff that Bell gave him too. "It's my duty."

I grinned and kissed his cheek. "Go forth my noble stead."

"What?" I ran into his back. "Why am I a horse?"

I laughed at the sad look on his face. "Fine bat? You have the wings."

"What can a bat do?" He pouted. "Why not a dragon?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes letting out a huff. "Fine, noble dragon go slay Frank?"

"That's better." He kissed my lips quickly before running after Frank with his can to defend my honor.