Follow Your Bliss



I sighed under the warm water. I was taking my own quick shower after giving Belli a bath, washing out all the silly string from her hair. My own hair was quite a mess as well as I fought with it to get all the neon colored silly string out of my hair. I heard the door slam shut and a nervous giggle, while there was knocking on the door.

I pulled back the curtain and looked at the four-year-old, who seemed to be up to no good. "Bell?" I got her attention skeptically, not sure if I wanted to know what was going on in that little mind of hers.

"Gerard said he looooves you." She grinned. The knocking stopped on the other side and I heard heavy footsteps fade away. My heart skipped a beat thinking about the possibility that he might feel that way about me. "Are you going to marry him?" Belli's question interrupted my thoughts.

"I don't know." I shrugged and sighed turning off the water knowing that five minutes of peace were over. I wrapped the towel around me and pulled back the curtain all the way. Belli was sitting on the chair with a innocent smile. "Did you lock the door?"

Her expression turned guilty. "Yes. Oh, and Gerard made a mess Ant Cait!" She tattled trying to take down Gerard with her.

I sighed gathering my patience and chuckled seeing how fast she sold Gerard down the river. "Go apologize to Gerard first for not listening."

"Fine." She sighed and pouted, but ran out of the room to find Gerard.

I went into my bedroom and pulled on some underwear and a baggy t-shirt that ended halfway down my thighs. I heard Belli saying sorry and them making up. I chuckled. "She's right, you did make a mess." I teased looking at the dishes in the sink and the tomato sauce all over the stove.

"I told you." She grinned satisfied.

"Go wash your hands Bell." I told her and walked slowly over to Gerard and stood in front of him. "I'm tired." I whined and pouted my lips.

"Pour Jane." He kissed my lips and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks for making dinner." I sighed contently, breathing in the faint smell of his aftershave. I ran my hand gently over his five o'clock shadow.

"My pleasure." He grinned. "Guess what?"

"What?" I smiled looking up at him.

"This weekend is not a problem." He assured me that he could go meet my parents.

"Really?" I smiled extremely happy. "You won't miss anything important?"

"Nope." He chuckled.

"I'm ready for dinner!" Belli announced bouncing into the kitchen.

After dinner, Belli and I laid in Gerard's arms as we lounged on the couch watching The Little Mermaid. Belli fell asleep towards the ending. I carefully lifted her and tuck her in the bed in spare room.

Gerard channel surfed as I flopped in his arms and made myself comfortable. "How horrible is it that I'm tired and it's not even ten? I'm so old."

Gerard laughed. "Sugar, if you're old than I'm ancient."

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Bren's coming early to get Bell." I went limp in his arms as he snaked one hand under my t-shirt and began to rub my back.

"How early is early?" He laughed remembering when I had to go pick them up from the airport the other day.

"Unfortunately, around seven." I groaned.

"Oh, so if I want to sleep in, I should be staying at Ray's tonight." He laughed.

I looked up and pouted. "You're gonna leave me?"

"Would I do that to my Jane?" He smirked.

"Maybe." I yawned and laid my head back on his chest. "Gerard?"

"Hm?" He flipped the channel back to leave on 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?'.

I ran my finger up and down his side drawing invisible patterns. I took a deep breath. "Never mind."

"You sure?" He looked down at me briefly knowing that was not the case. But if I didn't want to talk, he would just patiently wait.

"Yeah, it's nothing." That was a lie; it was something. I was just too nervous to ask if what Bell said was true. Call me old fashion or call me a wuss, but I was always too shy to make the first move.

I smiled enjoying him rub my back. I grinned and leaned up kissing his neck. Letting my teeth graze the skin around his adam's apple. I planted a soft kiss below his jaw and laughed softly as he tensed and held me closer to him.

He looked at me abruptly making me jumped. I laughed at my little spaz. "You think you're just so cute." Gerard smiled.

"No, I know I am so cute." I grinned wrapping my arms around his neck.

Gerard grinned and leaned down capturing my lips. I let out a low satisfied moan as he didn't hesitate to slip his tongue through my parted lips. I ran my fingertips through his short hair enjoying his soft lips against my own. He ran his hands up my thighs and over my butt, slipping his warm hands under my shirt and holding my waist.

I sighed over his lips when he pulled back for some air. His kisses were always refreshing and still left me blushing. He rubbed his nose against mine and leaned his forehead against. I grinned setting my head in the crook of his neck and couldn't imagine myself in anyone else' arms holding me safe.

"Can you rub my back again?" I asked innocently.

"Of course." Gerard smiled and kissed my temple. He shifted into a more comfortable position against the arm of the couch and moved his hand from my waist up on my back. And, as promised, his fingers began dancing softly across my skin as he rubbed my back. "So, tell me what's your family like?"

I snuggled up to his side and wrapped my legs with his. "My dad may come off as intimidating."

Gerard laughed. "I think any daughter's father is supposed to have that effect."

I chuckled agreeing with the cliche. "I know, but I'm not going to lie, he's a big muscular guy with a little teddy bear gut. And he knows he can be intimidating so he uses it to his advantage. But," I laughed thinking how many stories I have holding truth to my description. "He'll play extremely stupid to find everything out so don't let that fool you. He has a hot temper and little patience since he has trouble remembering things from his car accident. And that's where Josh gained his short fuse too." I laughed knowing how much alike my brothers are to my dad.

"Okay." He chuckled my description. "Stay on his good side and don't piss him off."

"Oh," I pointed my finger at him. "And have a firm handshake. He rather you practically braking his hand showing him personal strength, then some wimpy hand shake."

"Got it." He kissed my finger. "How about your mom?"

"As much as I hate to say it. I have become my mother. But, with sugar and spice to it." I grinned. "But, she's pretty cool. Protective of her baby girl."

"I'm sure." He smirked.

"But, she's gotten more conservative and a worry wort over as she's gotten older. My dad always says she was so laid back when he first met her. I call him a liar." I snickered. "But, no, she's not that extreme. It's the child's responsibility to exaggerate about their parents."

Gerard laughed at my response. "What about the other brother I haven't met?"

"Devin." I smiled. "Devin's the pain in the ass little brother to a T. He is extremely competitive and cut throat sometimes. He'll harass you to the end of the earth and back to get his way. Thus, the business major. That and he loves crunching numbers. Biggest Yankee fan ever." I sat up. "You do like the team right?"

Gerard chuckled and stuck his tongue at me when he saw I was serious. "Yes, I own a Yankees hat. Is that good enough for him?"

"It'll have to do." I laughed. "But, he turns into the biggest softy and does whatever it takes to make you happy. Especially on birthdays. That's where my crowns are from mostly. Because on my birthday he covers a chair with streamers for my throne and will make sure I feel like a princess. And he was the first one there for me when I would fight with my friends or Matt. So although he can be a pain, he's the best brother I could ask for."

Gerard smiled at the strong relationship with my family. He knows how much he has appreciated his brother always being at his side. "So will your parents mind that I'm older than you?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "My dad's eight years older than my mom. So that's definitely not an issue." I still saw the uneasiness in his face. "Besides Gerard, we don't go up until Friday, I think."

"You think?" He looked at me oddly raising one eyebrow.

"Well, my mom didn't say anything about specific dates or times when I talked to her the other day. And I haven't really figured out which day we're going to the lake. Because it depends on if they're coming up for my dad's birthday. And that depends if my uncle's down there and if he's coming. And if that's the case we'll stay at my parents house a little longer."

"So you basically know nothing." He teased.

"Basically." I confirmed proudly and shrugged. "I figured there's always tomorrow or Friday morning to make sure."

Gerard chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, and don't think I forgot that you owe me a horror movie."

I groaned and shut my eyes. "I was kind of hoping you had."

"Nope." He grinned.

"I think I'll stick to comedy for now." I opened my eyes and turned my attention to the TV show as Collin and Ryan acted out non-sequiturs written by the audience.

Gerard smiled down at me as I breathed in and out lightly. He turned off the television and tossed the remote on the coffee table. He debated just crashing on the couch, but waking up with a stiff neck didn't seem to appealing. He used the advantage of me laying on his chest and scooped me up. He laid me down on the unmade bed before kicking off his own sneakers and grabbing his pajama pants from last night.

Gerard climbed into bed and immediately rolled over to wrap his arms around me as he pulled the comforter over the both of us. He laid there combing his fingers through my hair savoring the moment. A light smile on his lips as closed his eyes, knowing he didn't have worry about having a restless nights sleep.

I woke letting out terrifying gasp and looked around me to gather my surroundings. I looked to my right to see the reason for being woken up so suddenly. "Are you okay Bell?"

She rubbed her eyes and shook her head.

I smiled and patted the bed. "Come on sweetie." With great effort Bell climbed on the bed and snuggled up to me. I sighed and calmed myself down rubbing her back, like Gerard had done earlier for me, as she went back to sleep.

I groaned hearing the buzzer go off way too early for my exhausted body and looked down. Bell was laying on my stomach and I was laying on Gerard's shoulder with one of his arms still holding me. I carefully got out of my human knot laying Bell down on the bed.

I pulled my t-shirt down smoothing out the wrinkles and yawned. It felt like I was learning again as I staggered to the front door.

"I hate you so much." Came my raspy morning voice.

"No you don't." She pinched my cheek and grinned cheekily walking past me.

I scowled at her shutting the door. "Where's Kyle?" I asked finally noticing his absence.

"Down in the car waiting for me." She shrugged picking up the few stray toys Bell had lingering around the living room. "So was she good for you?"

"Yeah, the usual. Bell with a little spunk, but she knows not to over do it with me." I leaned against the back of the couch and rubbed the rest of sleep out of my eyes.

"I wish she would do that with me." Brenda sighed and let a little yawn out herself.

"So how was your little romantic getaway?" I grinned.

"Amazing." She laughed. "We really needed it, so I owe ya."

"No problem."

"So you'll be going up tomorrow?" She asked tying her hair back into a low ponytail.

"I think so. I have to call my parents to see what's going on." I chuckled.

"So where is the little queen bee?" She grabbed Bell's backpack and slung it on her shoulder.

"In my bed sleeping." I laughed. "She scared the shit out of me last night when she came in to sleep with me."

Brenda laughed at me and followed me to my room. "She looks so innocent when she's sleeping."

"If the world only knew." I joked.

"He's not so bad." Brenda nodded her head to Gerard keeping her voice down. "He'll be fine with Chris and Rob." She said referring to my parents.

"I know. I just hope they'll give him the chance to find that out." I smiled.

Brenda gently picked up her daughter and placed her on her hip. "Don't worry Caitlin, they will." She told me once we reached the front door. "He really respects you too."

I smiled blushing a bit. "I know. I'm really lucky."

"No," she shook her head. "He's the lucky one. Anyone is lucky to have you in there lives."

"Thanks." I whispered giving her a hug.

"It's true." She gave me a quick kiss. "I'll give you a call."

"Alright," I smiled. "I'll talk to you soon girly."

I waved watching her go in the elevator down the hall before shutting the door and locking it behind me.

I felt awake and happy and the fact that Gerard was sleeping, was not acceptable. I scurried down the hall, avoiding a trip to my death over the dogs, and climbed into bed.

With a wicked grin across my face I sat on Gerard's hips and kissed around his collar bone. I sat back admiring my work and giggled seeing the discolored skin as a hickey formed.

I let out a squeal of surprise feeling a pair of hands on my hips. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I shrugged smiling innocently.

He rubbed his neck to feel it still moist. "You didn't."

"Did what?" I looked at him funny. I laughed when he flipped me down and crawled on top of me.

"So you think that this is funny?" Gerard asked pulling his collar down. "You gave me a hickey!" He exclaimed.

I erupted into another fit of giggles seeing how large I had made it. "I am so sorry it's that big."

He just grinned as he sat on me and rubbed his hands together. "Well, it's just time for payback then."

I smiled in anticipation as he lowered his head closer to me. I closed my eyes feeling his chapped lips barely graze my skin. I opened my eyes seeing his hazel ones staring intensely at me in return.

He looked like he wanted say something, but before I could ask anything, they were on mine sending me into another world. I gasped when he moved his lips down my neck biting and nibbling at the skin getting his revenged.

My breath became quicker and shallower as my body warmed up and shivered from the effects Gerard was having on me. "You're wearing too much clothing." My voice wavered pulling at his shirt. He sat up slightly and raised his arms so I could finish the job. Yet, in response, he felt the need to discard my shirt as well.

My eyes fluttered shut feeling his lips between my breasts and over my heart. "I can feel it pounding so fast." Gerard murmured placing more kisses against my heart.

I slid my hand down from his shoulder over his own heart to feel it pounding just as intense. "So is yours." I whispered.

I closed my eyes tighter and bit my lip as a moan vibrated through my throat. I was sent into pure ecstasy when he bit down, his mouth working the area. He looked up at me and whispered in my ear, "Let it all out." He kissed me, making me let go of my lip. "Let me hear you."

With the tone of his potent voice, sent me over the edge. I did nothing to hold my voice back while my muscles clenched tightly. He kissed a trial from lips to my belly button. I giggled feeling his tongue swirl in it. He chuckled at my reaction. I smirked at him. "You're so funny mister." I tugged at the string to his pants noticing the stiffness just below my hands. "I need a repeat of Sunday already." I said breathlessly.

I felt his hot breath hovering over my ear. He played with the waist band of my underwear. "Is that your way of saying that you're horny?" He teased.

I groaned feeling his hands rub down my sides and around my thighs. "Yes." I breathed frustrated. Gerard laughed at my aggravation, but pulled the last bit of material covering me off.

I cried out in relief as he made us one.

The sound of the busy traffic and honking cars that was seeping through the open windows were drowned out by our shallow breathing.