Follow Your Bliss



Gerard looked up from combing his fingers through my hair and grabbed the phone that had brought him out of his daydream. "Hello?" He asked slightly quiet as I slept against his bare chest.

"Hello. Who is this?" A woman's confused voice rose through the receiver.

"Uh, Gerard." He said slowly just as confused, if not more. "Who is this?"

"Oh, so I finally get to informally meet the boyfriend after a couple of months." Laughter filled Gerard's ears. "This is Christine, Caitlin's mom."

"Nice to meet you." Gerard stumbled over his words once he finally got over his shock, not ready to take on this conversation on his own.

"Same here. So Gerard," he shifted nervously under the tone of my mother's voice. Even a state apart, only connected through a landline, his palms were beginning to sweat. "Are you taking good care of our daughter?"

"Of course ma'am." He said politely. "I wouldn't think of anything otherwise."

Christine smiled to herself, pleased with his answer. "That is what I would like to hear. Is Caitlin around by any chance?"

Gerard looked down in his arms. "She fell back asleep after Brenda came to pick of Bell." Of course leaving out the events that followed after Brenda and her daughter left.

"Oh, don't wake her. I know Bell can be a handful." My mom chuckled. "Do you know if she still plans on coming up tomorrow? You are more than welcomed to come too, if Caitlin hasn't asked you already."

"If you don't mind of course." Gerard scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"No, not at all." Christine reassured him. There was a slight pause making Gerard squirm a bit more. "Gerard? There is just something I need to say."

"Go ahead." He swallowed hoping that the verdict wouldn't be too bad.

"I'm just a bit unsettled over your past." She said hesitantly. My mom hated putting people on the spot like that. It just wasn't in her nature, but she felt that she had to in order to protect me. "I don't know what Caitlin has told you about my own history with my family, but I just want you to know," she took a deep breath. "I will try to go at your relationship with an open mind and trust Caitlin. I'm not about to lose my daughter over this disagreement."

"I have a feeling that she would pick her family over me in a heartbeat." Gerard chuckled. He couldn't help but smile, thrilled that they weren't going to exile him. "But, you don't know how much that means to me that you aren't going to shun or outlaw me because of my mistakes."

At that comment, she couldn't help but feel slightly connected to his words and knew she didn't have to worry so much. Yet, as a mother, she had to give him her warning. "However, if you do anything to hurt Caitlin-"

"I wouldn't." Gerard said firmly.

"It sounds like you wouldn't, but it's also my duty to say as much." Christine explained to him calmly.

"I understand." He sighed and began to run his fingers through my hair again.

"Well, Gerard, my husband and I look forward to meeting you when you guys come up." My mom smiled feeling a lot better about this relationship, hopefully he wouldn't ever prove that wrong.

"I'll let Caitlin know you called." He said remembering the real reason being in this phone call in the first place.

"Alright, thank you Gerard."

He said his goodbyes to my mom and sighed in relief when the conversation was over. He hung the phone up on its charger and leaned back against the pillow.

Gerard jumped at least five feet hearing the phone ring again. He looked down at me amazed that I was still sleeping soundly. Though, smirking, he couldn't blame me from being tired from this morning's events.

He looked at the caller ID first this time and felt his nerves calm when he saw Ray's number. "Lazy much?" He chuckled.

"No, that would be Christa." Ray groaned. "Look, you wanna come out with me? I have pick up some craving foods for her and need to get out of the house."

"Yeah, let me just take a shower and I'll be over in a few." Gerard chuckled and hung the phone back up in its place. He let out a tired sigh and smiled at me when I snuggled up to him in my sleep.

He chuckled as he unwrapped my arms vice grip hold around him and laid me down on the bed to take a shower and get dressed to meet Ray.

I woke up to a pair of warm lips on my forehead. Squinting my eyes to see Gerard stand over me dressed and with damp hair, I groaned and stretched.

"What time is it?" I asked feeling out of place from falling back asleep.

"Just about ten. You haven't been asleep for too long." He laughed when I grabbed his shirt pulling him onto the bed.

I pulled the comforter around me and snuggled up to him. "Where are you going?" I asked curiously.

"Out with Ray to satisfy Christa's cravings." He ran his fingers softly over my shoulders. "And then from there, I have a few things to get done." I yawned and nodded. "Oh and your mom called a little while ago."

"Oh, yeah?" I looked up at him. "About what."

"Tomorrow." Gerard smiled down at my crossing his legs over comfortably. "You know, you're a heavy sleeper."

"Not usually, but this morning I had some vigorous exercise." I grinned and laughed to myself. "You talked to my mom."

"What's so funny about that?" He looked at me.

"Because you were stressing out as bad as I was about your parents." I chuckled and yawned.

"Yeah, but you were way worse." He retorted childishly and laughed at himself at the way he sounded.

"And that is because I got lost in New Jersey all by myself. When someone told me that 'any idiot can find it.'" I mocked his words.

He sighed, "Well, I guess you're worse than an idiot."

"Thanks." I smacked his chest.

"Abuse!" He shouted and held his hand to his forehead dramatically. "Now, I must take my leave. I know when I'm not wanted."

"Drama queen much." I rolled my eyes, but groaned when he got up, taking all the warmth I had mustered with him.

"You going to miss me?" Gerard grinned hiking up his pants a bit.

"Maybe." I inspected my nails casually and looked up to his pouty lips. "Of course." I sat up on my knees and wrapped my arms around his shoulders giving him a quick kiss. "And if you wouldn't mind to go grocery shopping for me? I already have a list on the kitchen table made out."

"Didn't you just go last weekend?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's for this weekend." I grinned cheekily.

"Alright." He kissed me again. "I have my phone if you need me."

"Sounds like a plan Stan." I wrapped the comforter around me, like an Eskimo.

"You're such a dork." His laughter echoed slightly as he walked down the hall.

I yawned and laid down hearing the front door shut. Logan's nails clicked against the floor before he jumped on the bed. I heard Olivia's tiny bark as she came trailing behind, making herself comfortable on the bed. I scratched Logan's ears and grabbed the phone off the charger dialing my parent's house.

"New Fairfield's Insane Asylum. How may I help you?" I rolled my eyes at the corny line my dad uses when he answers the phone.

"Hey old man." I laughed.

"No, that's not until Saturday." He chuckled. "I better be getting something good."

"Don't get your expectations up too high." I teased. "So what's up? Mom called me earlier."

"I have no clue what your mother is up to. But, guess what?"

"What?" I said not feeling like guessing much.

"I sold the Cadillac." He said proudly. My dad buys and sells cars with a few of his friends. Something my mom wasn't too happy about, but couldn't do much to stop him. As long as it kept him and Mike, a friend of ours, busy and they didn't come out short in the end, then my mom could care less and was happy if it brought some money into the house.

"Which one?" I laughed. Cadi's are probably my dad's favorite car. I like to say he's trying to relive his childhood when he gets them from the 80's and early 90's when Cadillac's made a 'good car'.

"The red '86. It sold for about two grand on eBay." And yes, my parents were among the eBay freaks. My dad sold cars through eBay, which was actually how I got it in the first place, or though some car ad. And my mom, finally grew confident enough to sell some of her own art on the famous bidding website as well.

"Wait, isn't that my car?" I asked confused.

"Sure is." I could just picture that proud grin on his face. "Which, is why when you come on Friday, we'll have to drop it off at Marcellino's." Marcellino was our mechanic and was in on this whole car selling deal too.

"So how will I get back home?" I had to laugh sarcastically as I saw myself stranded on 84 with the cliche pouring rain one gloomy night.

"Don't worry about that, we'll figure something out." Famous last words coming out of my dad's mouth. And as soon as I heard them, I started thinking of the different possibilities of how I would get back home. Most likely just take the Brewster North to Grand Central.

"Do you guys need anything for this weekend?" I asked making sure I had everything on the list.

"Not that I know of."

"Is mom there?" I asked, knowing that she would know if we had everything.

"What?" My dad feigned being insulted. "You don't trust me?"

"Nope." I laughed. "Just go get the old battleaxe."

"So you slept in on me?" My mom laughed into the phone.

"I was tired." I bit my lip thinking of my lovely morning.

"Sure, sure. What time are you coming tomorrow?" She asked moving the conversation along, knowing I would debate it against her just for the sake of it.

"Maybe lunchtime tomorrow?" I played with my hair thinking it over. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Well, maybe a late lunch?"

"Good you can pick up some for everyone to eat. We have nothing good, as usual." My mom laughed. "So, he seems like a nice boy."

I rolled my eyes. That sentence will forever haunt me. "He is a nice boy." I mocked her words. "That is if you didn't scare him."

I heard her scoff. "Would I do that? That's more your father's job."

I laughed. "Well, there's a first for everything."

"Well, what did he tell you that I said?"

"That you called about tomorrow." I shrugged.

I heard silence as she paused for a few seconds. "That's about right."

"Alright." I said slowly not believing her. "Is that all? I want to shower."

"Yeah, go do that because I don't want some smelly girl visiting me." She laughed.

"Love you too." I said sarcastically.

"Aw, you know I love you darling." She continued to laugh as she hung up.

"I don't smell." I mumbled to myself as I lazily go out of bed to take a quick shower.

I wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the shower grinning having the best idea ever. I sifted through my closet to find my bathing suit and grabbed some shorts.

I felt like going to the ocean, just a spur of the moment thing I felt the need to do. I threw my wet hair in a messy bun.

I knocked on Christa's door and adjusted myself waiting for her to open. I heard a cranky "What?" before she swung the door open.

"Nice to see you too." I looked at her oddly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm tired and my stomach really hurts. Is it supposed to do that?" She rubbed her belly nervously almost in tears.

"Come on sweetie." I grabbed her hand and walked over to the couch for her to lay down. "Show me where." She pointed to where the baby would be position. I palpated the area and smiled. "Theres nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?" Christa asked innocently, like a first time mom would.

"Positive." I smiled to reassure her. "It's your ligaments stretching that's causing you that pain. Just remember this baby is pushing all your organs around to make room for him or her."

"That's so gross." She laughed thinking how her insides were being pushed around. She smiled, relieved. "Thanks Caitlin."

"No problem." I grinned.

"Do you think I can have one of your old school books on pregnancy?" She sat up pulling her shirt back down over her belly.

"No, you'll only focus on all the diseases in there. I'm not about to get into trouble with Ray for you getting upset over every little twitch." I laughed and doge a slap she sent teasingly my way. "The poor guy's tired enough getting ready to promote their new CD and dealing with your cravings as it is."

"He is getting tired isn't he?" She said rhetorically.

"Do you want to go to the beach with me?" I asked sitting on the couch by her feet.

"I think I'll pass this time." She yawned.

"Would you like me to tuck you in?" I teased and let myself out.

No soon than I crossed the hall and entered my apartment, the buzzing of my intercom went off. "Yes?" I pushed the speak button.

"Miss Haack, there's a gentlemen here saying that he knows you." I hear the doorman's voice.

"Caitlin, tell him to let me the fuck in." I heard Bob's annoyed voice in the background.

I laughed and pushed the button. "It's okay Ed, he's a friend."

I went around the apartment stuffing necessities in a big beach bag that I would need for the afternoon. A few minutes latter I heard the dogs going crazy and the front door open and shut.

"I could have had so much fun with you stuck downstairs." I laughed at his sour face.

"Where are you going?" He asked seeing my outfit.

"The beach." I shrugged finding the sunscreen and throwing that in the bag.

"Which one?" He made himself comfortable on the couch.

"Jones Beach is closed." I moved on into the kitchen looking for cold water and snacks. "They found your used needles again. I keep telling you not to dump them in the ocean Bob."

"Yeah, sorry I was getting sloppy about it." He chuckled keeping up the charade.

"I guess I can forgive you." I smiled over the fridge door and went back to my rummaging for food. Grabbing some fruit and baby carrots, I kicked the door shut. "So I guess Long Beach. Want to come?" I pouted watching him contemplate the invitation. "You won't make me go all by my lonesome will you?"

"Why? Where's everyone else?" He laughed at my face and pushed his sunglasses up on his face.

I grabbed my beach mat from the closet and laid it on the table next to everything else. "Ray and Gerard went out, Christa's sleeping, and I have no clue about everyone else."

"Fine." He huffed dramatically as if it were killing him to agree. "I'll come with you."

"Awesome." I grinned slipping on some flip-flops and grabbing the car keys. "The dogs are fed and walked so we're all set."

"What about a note?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"And they told me you were the dumb one." I laughed and scribbled a note.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

Gerard looked up from the list I had written out, making sure he got everything. "Not so much. I talked to her mom this morning."

"How did that go?" Ray grabbed the Twizzlers that Christa was asking for.

"Not so bad. Jane's mom seems nice." He shrugged. "It's hard to tell over the phone."

"I know, I always hate the awkward silences when you're meeting people, especially family, for the first time." Ray started to go down the next isle.

"Way to reassure me, thanks man." Gerard laughed pulling his hood up.

"No problem." Ray grinned. "But, I think you'll be fine. Caitlin 'll save you."

"I know she'll look out for me." He smiled rubbing the back of his neck.

In the elevator riding up to the third floor Ray lifted his head out of thought, "Hey Brian wants to know if Caitlin's coming with us for the promoting in the UK or on the Black Parade tour."

"I kind of haven't asked her yet." Gerard replied nervously knowing that he should have had this done weeks ago.

"You're living dangerously." Ray laughed.

"I figure after this week was out of the way, I'd bring it up." Gerard tried to open the apartment door only to find it locked. He rang the buzzer, but only heard the dogs barking. "Ray." He stopped him. "You have Jane's key?"

"Yeah, Christa has it, hold on." Ray went into his place to fetch his girlfriend's keys and drop the groceries on the counter. "Here."

"Thanks." Gerard caught the keys.

"How come you don't have a copy?" Ray asked out of curiosity.

Gerard shrugged handing the keys back. "Never asked for one."

Ray picked up the extra bags for Gerard and carried them inside. "Looks like she went out."

"Ran away to Long Beach with Bob. They found his needles at Jones. Join us or I'll see you later." Gerard read the note out loud chucking at my dorky humor.

I laid on the straw mat next to bob with my sunglasses protecting me from the strong UV rays radiating down on us. "Do you think that Gerard and your relationship is moving fast?" He asked carefully breaking the silence. He was probably playing messenger boy.

"How do you mean?" I frowned.

"Well, you just met his parents last week and now he's meeting your family this weekend." Bob shrugged. "I don't mean to sound judgmental, but I'm just curious about your opinion."

"No, it's fine. I guess it's because we both silently know that you guys are going to get really busy fast, but I don't think it's crazy. I'm coming from a family where my dad proposed to my mom three weeks after dating her." I smiled thinking how romantic that was. Knowing right away how much they were meant for each other.

"No shit, really?" He looked at me shocked. "How did that go over?"

"They'll be married for 26 years in May so I'm assuming pretty well." I chuckled. "They didn't get engaged with a ring for a year or something like that. But, my mom moved in with my dad three months after dating."

"And her family didn't have a problem with this?" His eyebrows perked over his sunglasses.

"My Oma, grandma," I corrected myself to prevent confusion. "Told my mom that she chose either him or her. She didn't hesitate to choose my dad. It was a messy time in my mom's life and she needed to get out of there so my dad came and rescued her."

"Wow." He smirked impressed. "And, how old was you're mom at the time?"

"That was in February," I recalled the dates when this occurred. "So my mom just turned 22 at the end of January at the time.

"That's a good story. Gives hope you know." Bob smiled down at me as he sat up and crossed his legs over.

"Yeah." I grinned looking at the tinted clouds in the bright blue sky.

"So what about you and Gerard?" He smirked slyly.

I couldn't contain my smile. "I don't know what you're getting at."

"You know you do." Bob chuckled.

"Well, why can't he say it first, if he even feels that strongly at all." I ran my fingers through my wet hair, stiff from the salt water. I sighed trying to not work myself up about the topic.

"Do you really doubt that he loves you?" Bob frowned hoping that wasn't the case. He knew how much his friend was head over heels for this woman.

"No, but hearing those words brings things to a whole new dimension." I smiled knowing that I couldn't wait until I could reach that point in my life. Sure, I have exchanged those words before. But, this time I felt it would be different.

"But, you love him don't you?" Bob smirked looking past me away from the sun.

"Of course, I love Gerard." My voice trailed off in confusion as I watched Bob's smirk widened. I looked up over my sunglasses to the shadow that fell over me.