Follow Your Bliss



"So you'll tell Bob and not me?" I heard Gerard's hurt voice.

I raised my hand to block the sun's glare allowing me to see him and Frank with Jamia not too far behind. "You'll tell Bell and not me?"

Jamia glanced between Gerard and I sensing the awkwardness. She dragged Bob and Frank down to the water, giving me a small reassuring smile and wink as she passed me.

I looked over to where Gerard sat on the mat next to me. He chuckled. "That's what you were going to ask me last night weren't you?"

I moved my sunglasses on top of my head and nodded. "Yeah." I said softly.

"You could've." He leaned back on his hands and let out a soft sigh watching the waves crash as he felt me study him. "You know you can ask or tell me anything?"

I tucked some hair behind my ear and smiled. "I know."

"Good." I saw him smile. He turned to face me and grinned. "So you love me?"

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but grin as well. "So you love me?" I mocked his words. He leaned over and pulled me closer. I closed my eyes as he kissed me softly. I laughed and sat back. "For some reason with you, I thought it would be a fairy tale moment."

"You mean telling other people first isn't part of the fairy tale expectations?" He said sarcastically making me laugh.

"No," I bit my lip and felt my cheeks heat up and not just because of the sun. "But, I kind of thought you would just whisper it in my ear when I least expected it."

"This coming from the girl who isn't into chick flicks." Gerard chuckled and dug his feet into the sand.

"No, I just don't like those corny ones with the predicable lame lines. I never said I didn't like to be romanced." I grinned and grabbed the sunscreen to put more on my face and shoulders.

"And I don't romance you?" His jaw dropped in shock as he feigned being hurt.

I shook my head grinning. "Nope never, because I just hate being kissed in the rain or being carried to bed when I fall asleep." I chucked him the sunscreen and ran down to the water joining the others.

"I'm not in trouble am I?" Bob pouted innocently to me.

"You should be." I narrowed my eyes, but couldn't keep a straight face and smiled. "But, you're not."

"Told you Frank." He retorted childishly and jumped a wave to punch him in the arm.

Jamia rolled her eyes at them and smiled at me. "So you two still cool?"

"Yeah," I watched Gerard's pale white chest coming down to join us. "We're still cool."

"Good." She grinned and hugged me. "You two are like meant for each other."

I laughed seeing him run into the wave. "I wouldn't mind that."

"Wouldn't mind what?" Frank nodded his head over to me.

"Flying." I laughed jumping to avoid a larger wave. I squealed as I was grabbed from behind forcing to be hit by a wave. I spit out the salt water and pouted at Gerard.

"What?" He laughed at me shaking the water off of his short hair.

"Nothing." I huffed and started laughing at Jamia's hair all over her face.

She moved over to me letting the waves push her. "Hey." She grinned linking her arm with mine.

"Hey." I grinned back as we jumped over the waves and went out further than the guys.

"Dudette you're awesome." She said randomly.

"No, dudette you're awesome." I giggled. I went to take a step, but the sand was lower than I had thought and I just went right under.

Jamia laughed pulling me back up. "You okay there."

"Perfect." I laughed wiping the water off of my face.

"Yo Jamia! No drowning my woman." Gerard shouted over to us as he fought off Frank trying to dunk him as the waves passed over them.

"Drinking a little salt water didn't do no harm to anyone." She grinned back innocently.

As soon as he was able to detach Frank off of him, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Aw, aren't you sweet protecting me."

Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist and jumped up to avoid an oncoming wave. "Of course I'm always going to protect my Jane." I bit my lip blushing still like it was our first date and smiled shyly.

It seemed like only minutes had passed when the lifeguards were blowing their whistles several times before jumping off of the tall chairs. They grabbed the flags and the life preservers as they finished their duty for the day.

We stayed a bit longer playing and having fun in the waves. Because everyone knows the best waves are usually as the sun goes down.

"What do you guys want to do for dinner?" Bob asked rubbing his empty stomach as we dried off.

I tossed him some food I had packed in my tote bag to keep him satisfied for now. "I have some leftovers or some stuff in the freezer if you want me to heat that stuff up." I offered.

"Sounds good." Bob shrugged and munched on the carrots.

"I wish we had a kite." Jamia pouted.

"Me too." I plopped down on the mat net to her. "Wait, I haven't used my camera yet." I climbed over Frank and Bob's legs to my bag grabbing my digital out of it.

We sat around just making random faces or group hugs as I took pictures. We rolled up the mat and packed my bag to leave whenever. Jamia and I climbed the lifeguard chair with Bob and Gerard took a picture of us doing Charlie's angels poses.

I took pictures of the sun setting and the empty beach and the candid shots of them having fun.

Frank grabbed the camera out of my hand. "Get your ass up there with him."

I laughed and clumsily climbed the tall white lifeguard chair. Gerard reached over and took my hands in his pulling me up onto the seat with him. "Hey!" I grinned.

"Hey, sugar." He smirked.

"Look at me fuckers." Frank yelled up to us cheerfully.

Gerard and I both made faces as Frank clicked away. Gerard leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I love you."

I scrunched my nose smiling as his breath tickled my ear. The sun was setting cascading brilliant pinks, oranges, and purples along the sky. The waves were crashing against the glittering sand creating a soothing white noise.

And I got my fairytale moment.

I turned looking into his captivating hazel eyes and pressed my lips against his, tasting the salt from the Atlantic Ocean. "I love you." I whispered back my lips brushing his. Gerard grinned and kissed me.

"Yeah, go Gerard!" Bob cheered him on.

I broke the kiss laughing. "What? He did good?" I teased as if I were Gerard's prize and leaned against him.

"Duh," he shook his head shamefully at me, like I was an idiot.

I patted my hand on his leg. "Yeah, you did pretty good." I grinned. I looked down and saw how Frank was handling my camera. "Frank! That's my baby!" I jumped off the lifeguard chair and landed gracefully on my ass. "Ow." I groaned.

Gerard peered over the edge. "You alright there sugar?"

"I think her ass there could use a good rub." Frank nodded his head over to me.

"Well then, why didn't you say so?" He smirked. "I can handle that."

Jamia wrapped her arms around Frank from behind and leaned her head on his shoulder. "That's a cute one." She commented on the picture Frank took of Gerard and I.

"Of course it is. I took it." He grinned proudly making her chuckle. He tilted his head back slightly and kissed her cheek affectionately.

"Hey young lovers." Bob interrupted the moment. "Hurry it up; I'm staring."
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You don't know how tempting it was for me not to make the shadow Gerard haha