Follow Your Bliss



I recognized the cars with New York license plates that lined up in front of the house. I heard my dad sigh, knowing how he was just as antisocial as Josh when it came to family. "And don't think about running away with Mike either. Shobana and mom will come find you anyway." I grinned cheekily as we walked inside.

My dad rolled his eyes at me. "Well, it was you and your mother's idea."

I laughed, "I am so telling on you."

"When don't you." He chuckled. "Watch out for her Gerard. She's a snitch. And something else." He scratched his chin. "Something that rhymes with snitch."

"A bitch!" Gerard laughed helping him out. I smacked his chest. "Don't forget violent too."

"Yeah, they have a mean slap and sharp claws." My dad laughed.

"You two suck." I rolled my eyes, but laughed with them. I saw everyone out on the deck or in the pool. "Hey grandma. How are ya?" I bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek as she hugged me.

She smiled. "Not bad. I can't complain. How are you? Where did you guys go to?"

"Pretty good. They dragged me to the movies." I smiled.

"Oh, yeah?" She looked past me and smiled. "Hi Robbie. And who's this?"

I grabbed Gerard's hand and tugged him closer. "This is my boyfriend Gerard. Gee, this is my grandma and my dad's mom, Sarah."

She took his face in her hands and laughed. "We have the same dyed hair." She laughed louder and kissed his cheek.

Gerard laughed not expecting that reaction or that comment in particular. "It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, same here mamala." She kissed his other cheek. "You're friends and brother are really nice too."

"Thank you Mrs. Haack." He smiled politely.

My grandma smiled and pushed us towards the sunroom. "Go. Go swimming or something. It's good for you to be outside."

I laughed and pushed Gerard further into the room. My mom turned around. "Oh, good, you guys are back. Shobana, Mike, this is Caitlin's boyfriend Gerard."

Mike nodded and shook his hand. Shobana walked over and gave him a hug. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you." Her Indian accent coming out thick as she spoke.

Gerard chuckled finally realizing what she had said. "Nice to meet you too."

"Hey, how was the movie?" My mom asked.

"Memorable." I muttered.

"You're not going to be up until you pass out, like last time are you?" My mom asked making me blush.

"What movie was it?" Gerard asked grinning.

I buried my head in his back as my mom answered. "Oh, the one with Mel Gibson. Signs, I think."

Gerard let out a hearty laugh. I shoved him playfully and rolled my eyes. "It was a late movie and I was tired already. I told you I suck at suspense."

"But that was a crappy movie." He continued to laugh.

"Leave me alone." I pouted.

"Oh no, not the face." My uncle laughed teasing me.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Come over here so I can rip that tongue right out of your mouth." My grandpa mocked me.

"Gerard, this is my grandpa, Ray, and my Uncle Jeff and Ant Karen." I introduced everyone.

"Yeah, there was a nice gentleman out there with my name too." My grandpa said thoughtfully making me laugh.

"Hey, Caitlin, sweetie." Warren reached over and kissed my cheek.

"Hey." I smiled. "And this is Warren and his wife, Anna."

"Alright. Come here and let me take at look at you." Anna waved Gerard over to the side away from everyone, her Bronx accent still as thick as the day she and her family moved to New Fairfield.

I pushed Gerard over. "Now, it's you're turn to get picked on."

Gerard sent me a teasing glare, but grabbed my hand nervously and pulled me close to him so I couldn't get away, making me smile, as he needed me. "So, you're the musician I read about a while back, huh?"

"That would probably be me." Gerard had a lop-sided smile on.

"Uh, huh." She nodded and placed her reading glasses on top of her head. "And is Caitlin in good hands?"

I stepped in front of Gerard, taking a stand to protect him. "Anna, Caitlin is in very good hands."

"Alright, sweetie. I'm just making sure." She laughed and grabbed Gerard into an unexpected hug. "Now, you have a very good girl here, if I find out you hurt her or put her in any harms way. You have these people to watch out for."

"Anna." I said in a warning tone.

She just waved me off and rolled her eyes. "And like the offers open for Caitlin, if you need to ever talk for any reason, I'm here."

"Anna you're sending the poor guy mixing signals." I laughed. "Go put that talking to good use."

"And here, I just called you a good girl." She laughed and smacked my butt before going over to talk with my mom and her friends.

"She's so crazy." I rolled my eyes.

"So that was the one that outed us?" He looked over my shoulder.

"Yup." I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist. "So that's my family. I have a few relatives we see on holidays in Long Island, but you've pretty much met them all."

"Is this all your dad's side?" Gerard asked as I lead him out on the deck to where the guys were.

"Yeah, his sisters live in Long Island. And my Uncle Jeff is one of his brothers." I grinned at Bob lounging on the bright pink float sipping his drink with a straw.

"What about you're mom? Is she an only child?" He asked curiously wanting to know more about my family.

"Nope, but she might as well be. We cut ties off with them awhile ago." I shrugged. "And my Grandpa John died years ago in Aruba. But, you'll probably meet my Oma some time, that is if her lungs don't give out on her first."

"Wow." Gerard gave me an odd look, not expecting such a pessimistic response from me, especially the sour tone in my voice. One, he definitely wasn't used to.

"Sorry, it's the reason why I don't like you smoking." I said softly. "If you only saw the state she put herself in, you'd be angry too. Especially, since she still blames it on New York's pollution." I muttered bitterly.

"So how was the movie?" Mikey asked blocking the sun out his eyes, breaking the awkward stare between Gerard and I.

"Not bad." Gerard shrugged and laughed. "It was funnier to see Jane's reactions instead."

"Hardy har, har." I rolled my eyes and plopped onto a patio chair. "It was cool that the chicks didn't need rescuing from guys though, as they got killed one by one or left each other to die. Really, such a cheerful[/n] movie."

"Get this, she's even afraid of E.T." Gerard chuckled. "I still can't believe that."

I rolled my eyes. "Have to be afraid of something."

"But, E.T.?" Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"At least be afraid of the Exorcise or something to that nature." Bob chuckled and sipped his drink happily.

"See, now, I thought that movie was pathetic." I laughed at how I was backwards with what was and wasn't scary to me.

"But, still, it's just E.T." Bob shook his head at me.

I went to object, but I head a familiar laugh. I squealed and took off, jumping the stairs and ran to the front of the house.

"Okay." Ray said slowly. "That was random."

I laughed and wrapped my friend into a hug, not caring that she was still on her cell phone. "Hi, Rob." I said into her phone to her husband.

"He says hello too." Anna laughed before hanging up. "Hey, party girl." Her Spanish accent sounding beautiful as always.

I laughed at my old nick-name from when she and few other girls went to a club for my first time. "I've missed you so much."

"So, you're new boy is here huh?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah," I grinned. "Oh, and be nice. He's another rocker guy."

"We can't seem to get you away from them can we." She laughed teasing me. She hooked her arm with mine as we walked to the back yard.

"The movie was too much for her and turned her into a crazy psychopath." Frank grinned. "And that is why she screamed and ran away."

I rolled my eyes at Anna and made her laugh. "Guys, this is my Anna. And I'm not a psycho Frank."

"Of course not sweetheart." He made the crazy sign, twirling his finger around, earning a slap from Jamia.

Anna laughed and wave. "Anna meet Mikey and his fiance Alicia, uh, Frank and his fiance Jamia, Ray and his girlfriend is around here somewhere, and Bob." They all waved and said their own hellos.

Anna stepped forward and shook Gerard's hand. "And you must be the new boyfriend, being saved for last."

"You want something to drink?" I offered.

"Yeah, something fruity if you've got any." She nodded.

"Any other orders?" I asked and chuckled as everyone shouted something different. "Okay, I'll be right back."

Anna eyed Gerard skeptically. "So Mr. Perfect huh?"

"I wouldn't say perfect." Gerard smiled.

"Of course not." She laughed and sat in one of the chairs. "I love my husband, but he's not perfect either."

Gerard chuckled. "So shall the interrogation begin?"

"Nah. I've heard all about you already." She smiled and shook her head. "I already know she hates you're smoking habits."

"I'm working on it, but you gotta die from something." Gerard shrugged.

Anna's head shot up and looked at Gerard. "You didn't say that to Caitlin did you?"

"No, why?" He looked at her funny.

"Good. Her first patient that died said that." Anna shook her head. "She was the only one that worried about a patient dieing on them in clinical, and ironically it happened to her a couple of times."

"How old was she?" Jamia asked curiously.

"Oh, I don't know. I was 28 so she was 20? Something like that anyway; it was our first clinical, towards the end of the semester. The patient had said that earlier in the year to her and you just don't say that to Caitlin. It pisses her off because she had to be there and see a painful death." Anna looked at Gerard and chuckled. "Fair warning, you know?"

"Thanks." Gerard smiled weakly. "I'll keep that in mind."

"So you're a nurse too then I'm assuming." Alicia leaned on the edge of the pool, looking at the maroon scrubs she was wearing.

"You assume correct." Anna smiled.

"So what kid of stuff did you guys see in school?" Jamia asked standing next to Alicia.

"What didn't we see?" I laughed coming out with Christa helping me hold all of the drinks. She sat in the chair in the shade rubbing her belly and said a quick introduction to Anna.

"I know right?" Anna laughed taking the Mike Hard Berry. "And we were worried we wouldn't be prepared."

"So you dealt with death as a student?" Gerard asked pulling me onto his lap.

I opened my own Mike Hard and took a sip. "Yeah, lucky me. I was like the grim reaper. It was only twice though. The first one was a male in long-term care; hospice was in there teaching me things, so I knew he didn't have much longer. Then, in med serge two, a clot when straight the patient's brain so fast the doctor didn't even expect it."

"Wow, how did you keep going?" Gerard asked rubbing my back.

"Caitlin may have been the baby in our click, but she was the strongest one." Anna leaned over rubbing my knee, giving me a wink.

I smiled appreciating the gesture. "It wasn't so bad. The nursing director had me go to one of the therapists at school to talk it out." I sighed and shrugged. "So, anyway let's talk about something cheerful. Anna, how are the kids? You should have brought them with you."

"I know, but Chris is with Rob at Tai-Quan-Do and the girls are at my mother-in-law's so I came alone after your mom called me." Anna chuckled. "I love your mom, she's so sweet."

"CC!" I heard a little voice.

I smiled looking at my ex's two year old. "Hey Ryan." I got off Gerard's lap and scooped him up. I smiled seeing Matt walking up to the deck sporting a vintage band t-shirt and worn jeans as he held his son's sippy cup. "Hey babe." I kissed his cheek. "Got kiddy duty today?"

"How can you tell?" He smirked sarcastically. "Josie decided to go out with her girlfriends. So, that him up there?" He nodded his head towards Gerard.

"Yeah, be nice." I laughed pulling him towards everyone with Ryan still on my hip. "See Anna, you should have brought the girls."

"Oh, my gosh. He got big Matt." She smiled taking Ryan from me.

"How are you?" He kissed Anna's cheek.

"Not bad, not bad." She smiled. "You look good."

"Better than one of his tight suits." I winked at her receiving a nudge from Matt.

"Thanks." He stepped forward and shook Gerard's hand. "Taking care of my girl?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gerard, this conceited ass is Matt. Matt this is Gerard."

"Matt!" My grandma came outside to give him a hug.

"Hey Mrs. H." Matt chuckled.

She went over to Anna to say hi and gushed at Ryan as well. "Oh, Caitlin, let me see you're arm."

"What happened to you're arm?" Matt and Anna asked at the same time.

"Eh, little dirt biking incident." I held out my arm for my grandma. "The stitches are out, but I still have a scar."

Anna rolled her eyes and Matt scoffed. "Yeah, when ever it's a little incident, you know it was something big."

"It was just a few stitches." I laughed.

"Yeah like twenty-something." Gerard rolled his eyes.

"But, only in for a week. It really was a pretty superficial laceration." I shrugged.

"Caitlin, there is no such thing as a superficial laceration. Once you tear skin, it's no longer superficial so don't try feeding me that bull shit." Anna laughed.

Frank and Bob snickered hearing my grandma farting as she walked. "What's so funny?" I laughed at them.

"Nothing." Frank giggled.

"You guys are so mean." Jamia shook her head.

"Oh, that?" I laughed realizing they were laughing at my grandma's habits. "Grandma, tell them what you say."

My grandma chuckled and grinned. "Better out in shame then, in with pain."

That made them crack up laughing. "I like that one." Frank laughed.

After dinner, Anna and Matt cleared out. Ryan was asleep in his arms as I walked them to their cars. "Alright, let me have it." I told them crossing my arms waiting for their reviews.

"The hair is different." Anna laughed. "But, he's a nice guy."

"That's it?" I looked at her shocked.

"Honey," she hugged me. "He's the one."

"How can you be sure? It's only been two months." I sighed.

Matt shut the door after putting his son in the car seat and leaned against his car. "Caitlin, babe, you gotta stop over analyzing everything." He chuckled. "You guys seem really happy together."

"Is it stupid that I'm not making his past a big deal right? And the fact that he'll be gone months at a time." I bit my lip worried.

Anna shrugged and Matt sighed. "Caitlin, only you can say that. If it doesn't matter to you, then it's not a big deal."

"Well put." Anna chuckled and patted his back. She came over and hugged me goodbye. "I'll give you a call soon party girl."

I laughed and hugged her back. "No more months passing between visits."

"Of course. Hey, I may be 31, but I can still go clubbing with you." She chuckled giving me a kiss on the cheek before getting into her SUV.

Matt and I waved watching her car drive off. I turned towards him. "I can do this right. I mean him being away for so long?"

Matt chuckled and put his hands on my shoulders. "Caitlin, I know you can do it. Besides I thought you were taking those dance classes. And it's not like you don't have friends to hand out with."

I sighed. "I know, but-"

"It's not the same." Matt smiled finishing my sentence. "Oh! Don't you have to get in touch with your old professor if your looking in on that volunteer thing."

"Yeah, I want to go out there by July." I nodded remembering all the plans I had thought about doing.

"See!" He smiled. "There goes September and most of October. And I'm sure you're going to visit them while on tour so it'll go by in no time."

"Thanks Mattie." I smiled hugging him.

"No problem babe." He grinned giving me a quick kiss goodnight. "Give me a call when you finally figure out your plans. I think I'm more excited than you."

I laughed and waved watching him drive off as well. I went through the garage to my old room and put on my bathing suit from yesterday. I jogged around back and cannon balled into the pool splashing Bob full on.

"Caitlin! You got me wet!" My grandpa complained teasing me.

"Water's good for you." I laughed not caring, even if he was being serious.

"So that was the Matt you were talking to on the phone when we helped you move in?" Mikey asked.

"Oh, yeah." Frank chuckled. "I'll love you till the stars die or something like that."

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yeah, that's Mattie."

"Cool guy." Frank nodded in approval. "I didn't know he had a kid."

"Yup." I smiled. "I introduced him to his wife, Josie."

"Nice ex-girlfriend." Bob laughed splashing me back.

"Of course, I'm perfect. Right Gerard?" I grinned.

"Jane, you are the definition of perfection." He smirked.

"You're a kiss ass. Probably get you some baby making time." My grandpa laughed turning off the grill before going inside.

Ray and Bob laughed at Gerard's shocked expression. I giggled, blushing and stole my tube from Frank. "Aren't you guys you came? Got to see my weird, sometimes too open, family." I laughed.

"Hey, I'm glad you have a pool." Bob grinned before having his raft flipped over by Ray.

"Did you're brother ever come?" Gerard asked knowing it was important to me.

"Yeah, both my brothers and their friends are downstairs in my room playing Halo on x-box. I think the second one too." That got the guys attention.

"And you didn't bother to mention this why?" Frank looked at me like I was a moron.

I shrugged and laughed when they all got out of the pool to join in the alien killing.

Christa sat on the edge of the pool dangling her legs in the water. "Do you regret leaving Matt?"

"You guys looked cozy together." Alicia commented.

I shrugged. "I usually don't regret decisions I've made, and he's no exception so far."

"We love you, don't take our questions personally, but we've got to look out for Gerard too." Jamia smiled.

I smiled as we talked before getting out of the pool because the mosquitoes were getting too annoying. I wrapped a towel around my shoulders and lead the girls downstairs. "Can I play?" I asked smiling already knowing the answer.

"No!" A unanimous chorus rang from my brothers and their friends.

"What's so bad about having her play?" Ray asked as the blue blood of the aliens splattered on the green grass.

"Trust me, with this game, Caitlin's the last person you want to play with." Brian, Devin's friend, answered him.

"It's not like we didn't give her enough chances." Devin said not taking his eyes off the screen. "And it's only Halo she can't play."

"May I ask why?" Gerard laughed.

"She screams every time she gets shot." Devin rolled his eyes.

"And not just a little scream. It's like they came out of the TV and murder her." Josh added chuckling.

I placed my hand on my hip. "Am I not supposed to scream when getting shot at? I mean that is some pretty serious stuff, murder."

"Caitlin." Devin laughed. "If it were only the first few times getting shot, it would be okay, but after the twentieth, it gets annoying."

"That's okay Jane." Gerard pulled me onto his lap. "I'll let you play Halo with me sometime."

"You'll regret it." Josh laughed warning him.