Follow Your Bliss



"Caitlin!" My dad called down the stairs. "Come on, you're coming with Mike and I to Marcellino's, right?"

"Duh." I mumbled rolling my eyes and reluctantly getting up from my comfortable spot leaning on Gerard. "I'll be back in an hour tops." I kissed his cheek.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked as the alien screamed being shot.

I sighed since my dad just mentioned it. "Dropping off the Cadi." I pouted realizing I was never going to see my car again.

Josh scoffed. "You can't be seriously sad about that." He looked away from the television briefly and laughed. "You are."

"Good memories happened with that car." I defended my '86 DeVille. "And now I'm going to be car-less."

"Don't you live in Manhattan now?" Brian asked. "Where you just walk everywhere?"

I stuck my tongue at him. "I'd still like to have a car. Besides I work on the west side so it would be convenient in the winter."

"Let's go Bri; we're going too." Devin stated passing the controller to Bob, who happily disregarded our conversation.

"But-" Devin's friend began to complain, but sighed knowing he'd lose the argument and handed his controller over, defeated.

"You girls can hang out upstairs and whatever." I offered. "You don't have to stay here with them."

"And what's wrong with us?" Gerard looked up at me holding onto my towel.

"You guys smell." I smirked triumphantly and pulled on my skirt and shirt form earlier over my bathing suit. "Oh and figure out sleeping arrangements. The couch down here folds out, there's the airmatress, and I already call one of the futons in the sunroom so the other's up for grabs."

Christa followed me upstairs along with Jamia. "I love video games, but there's only so much killing a girl can ingest at once."

Jamia wrapped her arm around Christa's shoulder. "I think this pregnancy has softened you up."

I looked over my shoulder and smiled. "That's not a bad thing."

"You're just saying that because you'll have someone who'll be scared during a scary movie with you." Jamia teased me.

I stuck my tongue out at her childishly and smiled at my mom. "They're gonna join you two as I run out with dad and Mike. Devin and Brian are coming with us."

I grabbed both sets of keys to my car and a wicker basket. I smiled sheepishly seeing my dad give me a look. "I know. I know. I forgot to clean my stuff out."

My dad went through the glove box and began handing me pictures and papers, as well as trinkets and my E-ZPass. "How much crap do you have in here?" My dad said amazed when he kept finding more and more stuff to fill the basket.

"She's a girl." Mike laughed. "Of course she's going to have a lot of junk in there."

I stuck my tongue out at him childishly and yawned, "This isn't going to take long is it?"

"You just have to sign some stuff over, like the title." My dad shrugged. Devin and Brian came out talking quietly. "What are you two up to?"

"You're being really paranoid Caitlin." Brian looked at me strangely.

I returned his look. "No, you two are."

"Just get in the car." My dad and Mike rolled their eyes mumbling a complaint of the sort to each other before laughing.

I got in my car, hearing its roar as it started for the last time. I gave Devin the evil eye, hearing him say how happy he was to get rid of this car. "This was my Charlie Brown car that's all."

"Even Charlie Brown knew his tree sucked." Devin laughed.

I rolled my eyes and scowled when Devin shut the radio off. He always hated listening to it in the car, especially the type that I listened to. He was more of a Miles Davis type of music lover. Not, that I didn't like jazz, I just had a broader spectrum of things that I liked than he, which he was not opened to listen to.

It didn't take long to get to the Auto Shop in Danbury. I pulled into the small parking lot in front of the garage.

My dad and Mike were already there before us. Devin was still wearing a suspicious smirk on his lips, one that made me worry what I got myself into.

I walked over to say hello to Marcellino, before he and my dad began to speak to each other in Spanish again. My dad practically spoke it fluently, though there were a few words, here and there, that he couldn't remember.

I could only pick of on some of the words that were exchanged. I heard my dad say hija a few times, so it was safe to say that I was part of their conversations. I could hear a few numbers being said too.

Marcellino called to someone in the garage and said something in Portuguese, his native tongue. A few minutes later, the other garage was being opened.

"Go." My dad told me smiling.

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"He said go." Devin shoved me forward. "That means move."

I gave them another odd look before listening to their order. "No way." I grinned. There in the garage was this year's model of the VW Golf TDI, aka my dream car. "You guys!"

"All yours princess." My dad grinned proudly.

I ran my hand down the glossy black paint. "How did you guys find it?"

My dad shrugged. "A guy needed a few cars that we just happen to have."

I smirked, knowing I would never get the full story on that one, and opened the door, taking a seat inside and looking at the miles that were already on the car. "Not even a thousand miles?"

"Nope." My dad grinned. "It was really only used when the guy drove it here."

Marcellino motioned for me to open the hood and start the car. I smirked gladly and laughed excited hearing it start.

He and Mike began point out all different things under the hood so that I knew where the oil and power steering was, among other things. It was absolutely beautiful under the hood.

Some people want a fancy sports car for their dream car. Don't get me wrong; I would love to try driving a Shelby Cobra with a stock engine.

But, my dream car to own was always a golf. I just like its shape. All I needed was a four-door car with a hatchback. Josh always said I should wait for the GTI model, but I could care less for a sports car look.

"It's a diesel too." Mike informed me making me grin wider. A pretty car with good gas mileage, what more could a girl ask for.

"And here I thought I would be taking the train home or having Ray drive me." I chuckled and gave Marcellino and Mike a hug, saving my dad for last.

"I drive it first!" Devin called out.

My dad slapped him upside his head. "Don't be an idiot."

Mike snickered. "Devin already drove it anyway."

"Killjoy." I teased pouting slightly that my brother drove it before me.

"The temporary plates last for another three weeks." My dad let me know. "You have 'til then to get you're New York plates. If you weren't in a different state, I would have had it already done for you."

"I know the drill dad." I smiled following them into the cramped office. I've had several cars in my name before for their little business. Since I was a student, it was cheaper for them. I didn't care and would always just sign my name on the title for them.

"Here you go." Marcellino handed me the paper work. I let my dad point out where I needed to sign my John Hancock, even though I already knew.

He pulled out the title for my new Golf TDI. "Sign here and you are officially the new owner."

I gladly signed my name neatly and handed the pen back over to Marcellino. He gave me an okay sign and smiled, before saying something in Spanish.

"He likes this one." My dad translated.

"You like every car Marcellino." I teased making him laugh.

"Come on." Devin begged following me on my heels. "Please."

"Devin. I need to play with the car first." I laughed shutting the hood gently. "Besides, Mike said you already drove it before me."

"I'll see you at home." Dad kissed my forehead. "Come on you two." He pointed to Devin and Brian. "She needs to take it for a joy ride."

"Damn straight." I laughed and got into the driver's seat. I found Hartford's new radio station playing the corny songs from the 90's and today that I absolutely loved. I sighed in relief seeing that the car was an automatic.

It wasn't that I couldn't drive manual. No, my mom, painstakingly, made sure that I learned how to drive a stick. I just preferred automatic, less to think about when driving.

I chuckled waving goodbye and going the really long way home by going through Bethel. Too bad it wasn't daylight. I've always loved the older homes and the large old trees that shaded them. It probably made no sense to go this way. I had to go in a huge circle to go back through Danbury.

Bye this time, it was easier to just go on the highway from where I was, not that I minded. I wanted to see what I could do with this car.

I had to laugh at how I was thinking. It almost sounded like I knew what I was doing.

I only know how to check the fluids on a car and how to survive if it broke down, with the help of dialing up AAA, which I had programmed into my cell phone. I probably knew more than most people in my generation about how to check a car and what to look for, but I was no wear near an expert.

I sighed content as the car easily picked up gears as I merged onto the highway. I was going in a really, really big circle in the end. As soon as I was on the highway, I got off at Exit five and took Clapboard Ridge to the reservoir.

I laughed by the time I reached Barnum, it had taken me a half hour, a ride that could have easily been accomplished in 15 minutes had I gone straight home.

I had a grin plastered to my face as I turned off the car. I noticed Mike and Shobana's car was no longer there as I jogged up the stairs inside. I saw my mom with a silly smile on her face as she sat talking with the girls. "You knew!" I pointed a finger at her. "And you didn't tell me!"

"Do you know how hard it was to keep that a secret?" My mom laughed, relieved that she didn't have to watch what she said any more.

"She finally get her car?" Gerard asked coming upstairs.

I turned around to face him and my jaw dropped. "You knew too!"

"You're dad may have mentioned it once or twice before." He shrugged.

"I feel so betrayed." I laughed sitting next to Alicia and leaning my head on her shoulder.

Devin patted my head. "No worries. Now you know you really can't trust anyone."

"Thanks a bunch." I rolled my eyes and yawned.

"You can't possibly be tired." My mom teased. "Which way did you come home?"

"I went through Bethel to near Brenda's parents before getting on the highway." I smiled sheepishly as she rolled her eyes.

"So everyone figured where they're sleeping?" My mom asked making sure everyone was covered.

Gerard nodded. "Yeah."

"Alright, I'm exhausted." She stood up and gave me a kiss good night. "Congrats with the car Caitlin."

"Thanks." I smiled hugging her back, before letting her go down the hall to her room for the night.

I turned on the deck lights and stripped out of my shirt and skirt. "I thought you were tired." Gerard leaned against the railing, watching me get into the pool.

"It's still warm." I smiled and floated on my back. I heard the water splash and looked up to see Gerard wading towards me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I am so happy with the way things turned out this weekend."

"Me too." He smiled carrying me around the pool.

I smiled and cupped his cheeks, lowering his head closer to mine. I kissed the corner of his mouth before brushing my lips against his.

He leaned his forehead against mine. "I'm so in love with you Jane."

I smiled and kissed him. I rested my head on his shoulder and gently kissed his neck. "I love you." I whispered closing my eyes.

"Come on." Gerard rubbed my back. "You are tired.

I laughed and climbed the ladder up out of the pool. "I'm jumping in the shower real quick, I want to wash out the chlorine."

"Is that an invitation." Gerard chuckled, wrapping a towel around the both of us.

"For a shower." I laughed. "I'm to tired to do anything else."

"I know." He kissed my nose. "I'm just teasing you."

After a quick shower, and after waiting in line for either bathroom, I was finally in a comfy t-shirt and under the covers lying down with Gerard on the futon that took forever for Frank and Gerard to pull out.

"Gerard." I tried to shake him awake. I couldn't sleep since I would just get nightmares about the movie.

So why should I suffer alone? It was Gerard's idea in the first place.

He just turned slightly making that horrible gurgling noise the monster had made in the movie.

"Gerard." I said a little more urgent getting nervous as I let my imagination get the best of me.

He just emitted another low growl like the monster.

"I know you're not sleeping." I said panicking slightly when he still didn't open his eyes. Sleeping out on the sunroom was definitely not the best idea, now thinking back.

It was probably the worst idea.

The water of the pool rippling and the scratching of the trees against the window sounded made me jump.

"Gerard, you're not sleeping right?" I closed my eyes only to see the fire and the creepy monsters from the movie.

I shoved him again. "Gerard it's not funny; wake up."

He moaned again, only this time, he started to laugh tiredly.

I pushed him roughly. "I hate you." I crossed my arms and turned facing the other way.

"No you don't." He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my closer to him. He kissed my shoulder gently before growling again.

"Gerard!" I elbowed him in the gut as he laughed because I jumped. "You are so mean."

"Ah, but, you love me." He kissed my shoulder and growled again. "You know that I'll protect you."