Follow Your Bliss



"Why don't you go home Caitlin?" Dr. Jacobs offered. "You're here way past your scheduled time."

I swallowed holding back tears. "It's not fair."

He rubbed my shoulder comfortingly. "It's in the court's hands now. I'll call you as soon as I know their decision. It'll work out."

"I just hope it's not too late." I sighed and left quietly to gather my stuff from my locker.

I walked to work yesterday so Christa could have the car; she needed it for some reason. The early afternoon sun blazed down on me. I slid on my sunglasses blocking the rays so it wouldn't encourage the tears that I wanted to hold in.

I sighed and made my way to the east side in a fast pace wanting to be inside the comforts of my home. I said a quick hello to Eddie as he held the door open for me and made my way to the fourth floor.

I took out my keys and unlocked the two locks and shut the door harshly behind me. I let my bag fall on the table barely noticing it knock the vase over sending the brightly colored bamboo sticks flying all over the floor.

My legs buckled underneath me and I couldn't hold the tears in as I started sobbing.

Donna and Linda watched startled as the sticks scattered and I collapse. They came to my side urgently, asking me what was wrong. I didn't even know why they were here, but I was glad to not be left alone.

I shook my head not able to speak yet. I fell into Linda's open arms as I sat on the couch. Donna tried to comfort me rubbing my back in soothing circles.

"It's not fair." I managed to say through choking sobs as I got myself even more upset.

"What happen honey?" Donna tried to ask me again.

My chest still clenched as I tried to catch my breath. "This baby can only be stabilized if she gets a blood transfusion. But, the parents are both members of Jehovah's Witness."

Linda sighed and nodded, knowing the transcultural beliefs that nurses have to take into consideration, being a nurse herself. "They don't believe in allowing blood into their bodies from someone else. Even in their meals." She explained to Donna.

"I know I have to accept their beliefs to stay unbiased." I began to tear up again. "But, I don't understand them. How could the mother let her child die? This would save her life."

Donna frowned, not understanding either. "What's the hospital doing about it?"

I sighed and wiped my eyes with a tissue Linda had handed to me. "They brought it to court for an emergency hearing. It should only take an hour or two, but that may even be too late. The doctor is going to call me when they find out." I closed my eyes cringing as flashes of my shift appeared behind my lids. My body began to shake again as sobs escaped my lips.

"You want to talk to you're mom?" Linda asked knowing a mother always had the best touch. I nodded into her lap. "We'll get her on the phone for you then."

Donna scrolled through the caller ID before pressing talk as the number was automatically dialed. "Hey sweetie." My mom's cheerful voice rang through the receiver.

"This is actually Gerard's mother, Donna." She smiled. "Caitlin wanted me to get a hold of you."

"Is everything okay?" Christine asked worried.

"She had a rough day at work." Donna said softly running her fingers through my hair. "She needs to talk to her mommy."

I smiled as she handed me the phone. "Mommy." I hiccupped and told her what happened. She began to help me calm down as well. I heard my sidekick ringing in my bag. "Here, ma, talk to Donna real quick."

I dug through my bag and finally found it at the bottom. "Hello?" I answered and sat between the two women again, having a feeling I need to be sitting down to take this call.

"Caitlin." Dr. Jacob sighed. "We've got permission, but I don't think it was fast enough. We'll find out in a little while once the transfusion is complete."

I licked my lips and sighed. "Thanks for calling me. Let me know if she makes it."

"Of course. I'll talk to you later." He said goodbye before hanging up.

"Even Dr, Jacobs isn't sure she will make it now, even with the blood transfusion." I began to tear up again. " I just don't understand. If the mother would have just let us to begin with, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"I know baby." My mom cooed through the phone as Donna brought my into a warm hug.

Gerard walked in almost tripping over the dogs' leashes yet again. Frank laughed following him behind. He looked confused at he mess on the floor as he unclipped the dogs from their leashes, or what he calls his own personal death trap. "Logan!" He rolled his eyes as the chocolate lab took a bamboo stick happily off the floor and running down the hall. You could hear the plop of his bones hitting the floor as he scurried under the bed.

"Hey what's wrong?" Frank asked noticing the three women on the couch visibly upset.

Gerard looked up confused and saw me upset. "Jane, sugar?"

I brought my head out of Donna's shoulder and smiled seeing Gerard. Donna took the phone and talked to my mom again. I got up and ran over, wrapping my arms securely around his waist.

"What happened?" He mouthed.

"A bad day at work." Linda smiled sadly.

He nodded and rubbed my back. I sniffled and laughed a little. "I forgot you were coming home today."

Gerard kissed my head and smirked. "Thanks, sugar, I feel so loved." He poked my side getting me to giggle.

"Thanks Donna." I took the phone from her to say goodbye to my mom. "Thank you mommy. Love you too. I'll talk to you later." I hung the phone up on the charger and yawned, exhausted from crying so hard.

Donna rubbed my back. "Go take a shower honey, it'll make you feel better."

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" I asked since they were guests.

"Caitlin." Frank rolled his eyes. "Go get your ass in the shower. It's not like Gerard and I don't know our way around your place."

I laughed and nodded. "Thanks." I walked quietly down the hall into my bedroom. I stripped out my scrubs and tossed them into the hamper. I turned the silver tap to make the water hot. Steam started to fill the bathroom.

I sighed in relief as the water beat down on my back, loosening its muscles. I sat down in the tub, pulling my legs close to me and rested my head against them. I heard a knock on the door and pulled the curtain back, smiling seeing Gerard.

He walked over and sat on the floor next to me. "Are you okay?"

"I will be." I smiled softly. "I always am in the end."

He chuckled kissing my hand, tasting the water on my skin. "I know. That's why I worry about you."

I ran my hand through his bleached hair. "I feel bad that I'm in a sucky mood on your first day home."

"So what." Gerard shrugged. "Are you up for going out to dinner with everyone?"

"I'll take a nap after your mom and Linda leaves and I'll be all set to go." I smiled.

"Sounds good." He kissed my lips sweetly. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer, happy for him to be back. "Hey." He pulled back when he got his head wet. I bit my lip giggling. "You think that's funny."

I wrapped him in a passionate kiss pulling him under the water again. "No. I know it is."

He gave me a sly look and pecked my lips again. "Now, I have to change my shirt."

I closed my eyes letting the water wash over me. "Mhmm."

"Don't go to sleep in there." He teased.

I yawned reaching up to shut the water off. "Hand me that towel."

"Too bad they're over." He grinned wrapping the towel around me.

I leaned my head on Gerard's shoulder, letting him lead me into the bedroom. "And why is that Mr. Way?"

He chuckled leaning close to my ear. "Because, Ms. Hack, maybe you could fulfill those text messages you sent."

I smiled shyly. "How do you know if they were from me?"

"Believe me, I know." He grinned kissing my shoulder and changing his t-shirt.

I blushed when he winked at me before leaving the room. I sighed, feeling much better than before. I pulled on a white polo and some dark blue skinny jeans, staying barefoot. I ran a brush quickly through my hair and let it just air dry, not caring if it were to flatten or get frizzy.

I smiled smelling pizza, freshly ordered. "Smells good." I sat next to Donna.

"I ordered it myself." Frank grinned proudly waiting for a kiss from Jamia.

I reached over the table pushing Jamia's face into Frank's. "My work here is done." I laughed.

"Come on sexy." Gerard pulled me to the bedroom. "Let's take a nap."

I smiled wrapping my arms around him. "I like that idea."

"Good. Because I haven't been able to sleep without you." He pouted.

I clenched the soft cotton material of his shirt and pulled him close to me, biting the bottom lip he had sticking out as he pouted. "I missed you."

He sighed; his breath caressing my lips. "Jane, I missed you so much. I don't know what I'll do for three months."

I laid my head on his chest, the warm breeze from outside running over my bare arms. "It won't be so bad. We'll both be busy; the time will fly by. I signed up for a dance class so on those days I'll do, it's a regular nine to five day for me."

"What about the rest?" Gerard asked wanting to make sure he'd be leaving me safe in a couple of weeks.

"Unless things change, seven to seven or I have off." I stretched out my limbs before curling up to his side. "Leave in the light, come home in the light." I traced my fingers down his sides. "You're mom told me about what happened in England. How come you didn't?" I asked referring to the Reading Festival.

"I didn't want you to worry." He shrugged. "Besides, nothing bad happened and I rather focus on the good. I mean who else sells out in 15 minutes." I smiled feeling him shiver as I slipped my cold hands on his stomach. "My God woman." He laughed. "You're always freezing."

I smirked. "I have the cold hands of death." I couldn't help but let another yawn slip out. "What time's dinner?"

Gerard pulled me closer and began to rub my back, knowing that was my weakness to relax. "You have plenty of time to sleep, Jane."

"And you'll be right here?" I mumbled finally feeling tired.

"I'll be right here." He whispered, kissing my temple. Gerard groaned and looked over to where my sidekick was dancing around on the end table, in vibrating mode. He rubbed his eyes before reaching over and answering it. "Hello?"

"Is Caitlin Hack available?" A males voice streamed through the receiver.

"She's sleeping right now, can I take a message?" Gerard asked, trying to wake up himself.

"This is Dr. Jacobs. Let her know that the baby survived the transfusion and everything has been going as smooth as one could hope for at this point. She'll know whom I'm talking about."

"She'll be happy to hear that." Gerard let out sight of relief after saying goodbye. He put the phone on the table and laid back down. Groaning, he rubbed the sleep from his face. He smiled playing with the golden locks that were spread out over my back. He looked out the window seeing the sun was starting to sink below the horizon, the brilliant pinks and oranges reflecting off of the building across the street.

He slipped out of bed, letting me sleep a little longer while he ran the dogs outside. He hooked Logan and Olivia to their blue and black leashes, shoving his feet into his sneakers, not bothering to retie them. He walked around the block, breathing in the fresh night air. He felt the box of cigarettes in his back pocket, taking them out briefly, before putting them pack in place and reaching in his other pocket for the plastic bag.

Gerard took another deep breath, glad to be home. He looked up at the hazy sky remembering how the stars looked when he laid in the hammock with me in the backyard at my house. Taking in the scenery, knowing that the time would go by quickly before they would be on tour.

I sighed, smiling hearing the door shut and the toenails of the dogs clicking against the hardwood floors.

Gerard slid into bed and wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my stomach. "Guess what?"

"What?" I opened my eyes slowly.

"That baby made it. Dr. Jacobs called not too long ago." He kissed the nape of my neck.

I rolled onto my back underneath him, grinning. "That's so good." I smiled kissing him. "So where are we going?"

"Mikey was feeling in a sushi mood." He chuckled. "So we're all going to Sushiann."

I smiled loving that restaurant. It was one of the few I actually trusted to have raw fish from. "I feel bad if they are going to have to deal with all of us."

"Well it's just you, me, Mikey, and Alicia at first. Frank's going to stop by with Jamia later." He let his weight lean on me.

"What about Ray and Christa?" I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Pregnant." He chuckled. "No fishy for her and she suckered Ray into staying with her."

"I doubted that he needed any persuasion." I laughed. And pushed him off sitting up. I stumbled off of my bed, flipping off Gerard as he laughed at me. I stayed sitting on the floor where I landed and grabbed some socks and my sneakers.

I grabbed my bag, swinging it as I walked passed him.

Gerard growled and grabbed my around my waist, swinging me around. "Who do you think you are? Passing me like that."

"Why, I'm just little 'o Jane." I said with a southern bell accent, smirking.

"Don't sound all innocent when I know you're not." He bit my neck.