Follow Your Bliss



I sat on the floor in front of the couch playing with Logan getting him riled up as Gerard rested on it. Riling him up was always so much fun; he would paw at my arms and put up a tough guy act, even with a small growl to try and be intimidating. Though, unfortunately, I have to admit his puppy growl is starting to mature.

Gerard watched as I got up off the floor and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. He looked at the passport on the table still untouched, the gold emblem gleaming in the light. "I don't see why you won't come."

I resisted sighing heavily, knowing that would only spark an argument faster. We had been over this several times, but he kept asking anyway. "I can only handle one huge excitement at a time Gerard. I just moved here not too long ago and barely finished settling in. And my job; I can't just leave abruptly, that wouldn't look good."

The argument playing out much like last time; the exact, same words being said. Only this time, the fight was becoming blown out so much more. Things were being tossed and faults were being brought up, stuff that didn't even go with the topic at hand.

"I don't even know why I ever loved you." I shouted in frustration, the words hitting Gerard like a ton of bricks. "How could anyone love someone as screwed up as you?"

Gerard felt his heart hit the floor and shatter. He didn't know what to say. Even if he did, he didn't know what to say. His breath caught as I slammed the door, walking out of his life.

I noticed Gerard's breath deepen and grow quicker. I tossed the toy down the hall, letting the two dogs chase after it. I heaved myself off the floor and got on the couch, straddling his waist. I placed my cool hands on his face, warmed and slightly moist. I frowned at the twisted expression on his face.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Gerard." I whispered gently. I flinched startled as he gasped and grabbed my arms.

"What?" He asked scared and disoriented. He looked at me confused and looked at the coffee table only to see it littered with several magazines and the TV Guide. But, there wasn't a passport.

A dream; it was just a dream.

I slid onto his lap as he sat up, shifting into a more comfortable position, his grip on my arms loosening. I watched, as he looked around the room still confused. I gently pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back, cradling my head on his shoulder. It took a moment for him to react, but soon his arms were tightly around my waist. "I love you." I whispered, feeling the need to say it.

Gerard's warm breath flowed across my shoulder as he let out a deep breath. He kissed the small skin that was exposed at the nape of my neck, extremely grateful that it was just a dream. "Even if I'm a screw up?"

I pulled back and placed my hands on his cheeks. I resisted laughing at the ridiculous question, seeing that he really meant it. I smiled softly and shook my head. "Gerard, what makes you say that?"

"Just answer me Caitlin?" He said desperately.

I looked at him strangely. "What was your dream about?"

"Please just answer me Jane?" He asked quietly.

"Oh, Gerard." I ran my thumbs back and forth gently over his cheeks. "Flaws make us who we are, Gerard. We are only human." I smiled, gazing into his hazel eyes. "Of course I love you."

He leaned forward, rubbing his nose against my cheek his breath now hovering over my lips. "You always say the right thing."

I laughed. "Isn't it the guy who is supposed to do that?"

He nipped at my bottom lip. "Meanie." He pecked my lips. "I love you."

"Sugar, you're stuck with me from now until the end of time." I grinned.

"Aren't I supposed to say 'sugar'?" He chuckled, teasing me.

"Says who?" I whispered kissing his lips. I ran my fingers underneath his white undershirt up his sides. He shivered at the coldness. I grabbed the hem and began to inch it up over his pale stomach.

Gerard smirked, breaking the kiss. "What do you think you are doing?"

I smiled innocently and batted my eyelashes. "Nothing." I laughed and ripped his shirt over his head gracefully. Well, at least tried to. I burst out laughing as it got stuck under his chin. "It suits you." I giggled as his head was completely covered by the shirt.

"Thanks, sugar." He said, stealing back his word. His words were soon drowned out by a groan emitted from the back of his throat as I bit his neck and grinded my hips against his. He ripped the shirt off of his head and pinned me to the couch. "Ready to fulfill some of those promises?" He said quietly, his fingers playing with the hem of my underwear.

I giggled. "I might be." I grinned in anticipation as he let go of my wrists and pushed his t-shirt off of me.

He ran his warm hands down my sides as he left a trail of kisses down my neck, leaving little love bits every so often. I gently took his face in my hands and kissed him hungrily. He removed his hands and untied his pajama pants shimmying out of them quickly.

I pulled back laughing as Gerard pulled at my underwear so I would be just as bare-naked. "What?" He grinned.

"Nothing." I shook my head smiling and lifted my hips, making it easier for him. "I love you."

Gerard pressed his lips roughly against mine. "I love you." He whispered against my lips.

He nibbled on that one freckle on my neck, making me moan, as he gripped my hips. I pulled back from the kiss, throwing my head back, breathing out a moan, as he plunged deep into me. I gripped onto his shoulders, looking into his hazel eyes.

I pulled Gerard even closer, listening to his labored breath as he nuzzled his head in the nook of my neck. I bit his shoulder as he slid his hand under my hips, resting it on my lower back, bringing the pleasure to a whole new level as he pulled me even closer.

I arched my back, pressing my body against his intimately, matching his rhythm. My breath hitched before I cried out as my body tensed up feeling that spiral of never-ending gratification. Gerard groaned, biting onto my collarbone.

He rested his head between my breasts contently as we caught our breaths. "I didn't think you'd be up for this after your meeting and rehearsal." I chuckled, teasing him.

Gerard smirked. "Sugar, I always have the stamina." He pushed himself up and picked me up.

I tiredly laid my head on his shoulder. "Just don't hurt your back." I mumbled.

"Always, being the little nurse." Gerard laughed. He laid me down gently on the unmade bed and climbed in over me, pulling up the comforter.

I sighed rolling over and curling up to him, tangling my legs with his own. "I can't believe it's almost September already."

"I know." Gerard said softly, running his hand through me slightly tangled hair.

"What was your dream about?" I asked timidly, looking up at his closed lids.

He fluttered his eyes open, meeting my gaze. "You." He sighed feeling slightly stupid. "You left me. We said really mean shit to each other. Then, you left me; for good."

I leaned up kissing his cheek. "Well, I don't plan on leaving you for a long time, eternity even!"

Gerard chuckled. "Eternity, huh?"

I nodded and nuzzled my head into his chest, getting comfortable. "Eternity." I repeated tiredly. "Even death couldn't separate us."

He kissed my temple, still damp with sweat, completely satisfied with his life. "Goodnight, Jane."

I woke up, lying on my stomach, listening to the shower run in the bathroom. I shivered, goose bumps rippling over my body, as I got out of bed, walking across the hard wooden floors to the bathroom. I pulled back the curtain. Gerard turned around and smiled as I stepped over the white porcelain edge.

I wrapped my arms around him trying to warm up. He laughed and pulled me closer under the steaming water. "Morning." He kissed my forehead.

"Morning." I leaned my chin on his chest and grinned. "So are you excited about the VMA Pre-show?"

"Hell yeah." He beamed. "On top of the GE building; how crazy is that?"

"Which platform is it on the roof?" I asked knowing there are two or three that could be accessed, once up there.

He shrugged, moving the bar of soap down my back. "Whichever is the highest. Can you believe it? Over 60 stories high! Hope you're not afraid of heights, sugar."

I scoffed, grinning. "Me? Afraid. I laugh in the face of fear."

He chuckled at my manic laugh. "So that's why you were practically screaming when we saw that movie with your dad?"

I rolled my eyes at his all-knowing smirk. "That's the way I laugh at the face of fear?"

"What a way to scare fear." He mocked and leaned down kissing my lips, his tongue trailing across my bottom lip.

I parted my lips, letting his tongue push through, tasting every crevasse as his hands gently rubbed my sides. I loved having his hands on me, he always knew me so well, giving me what I wanted.

I sat on the floor pulling my socks on. "So what do you plan on doing until later?" Gerard asked smelling his t-shirt, deeming it okay before pulling it over his head.

I laughed. "Probably laundry. Throw your stuff in the pile." I shook my head tugging on some sneakers. I stood up grabbing the damp towels off the floor and added them to the pile. "You know that you're going to have to learn how to do your own sometime."

"I know." He shrugged grinning. He snaked his arms around my waist holding me from behind and kissed my neck, making me smile. "But, I'll have you to help teach me."

"Maybe." I laughed, turning around, kissing his lips quickly. I grabbed my bag and the dogs' leashes. "Ready?"

"What do you think?" He smirked, holding Olivia, Logan trailing behind him into the elevator, wagging his tail happily.

"I think that you're going to chicken out at that height." I laughed, teasing him.

"Oh really?" Gerard took a step closer making me lean against the wall.

"Yeah, really." I smirked. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

"I could do lots of things." He grinned.

I bit my lip in anticipation, but unfortunately the doors had opened up before he had the chance. "Too bad we didn't come down from a higher floor."

Gerard laughed and smacked my butt as he followed me into the lobby. He looked up noticing thee van out front waiting for him. He hugged me from behind, leaning his chin on my shoulder, and walked in step with me. "You gonna miss me?"

"For the few hours we're apart?" I mused. "I might."

"Good." He kissed my neck, taking the leashes from my hands and putting them on the dogs for me.

"Hey, fellas." I smiled at Ray and Bob. My smile fell, however, see the pallor look on Bob's face. I hopped in the back seat of the van with him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said slowly, looking at me oddly.

"Uh, huh." I said not believing him. I put the dorsal side of my hand against his forehead. "You feel warm."

"I'm just tired Caitlin." He whined, pulling away.

I sighed annoyed that my pager went off, interrupting my assessment. I looked at the number and pulled out my Sidekick, flipping the screen open to dial the hospital. "Gina, I have off today and tomorrow." I sighed. "Give me an hour at most, I'll be there."

"What happened?" Ray asked.

I looked over at Gerard leaning on the door, before giving Ray my attention. "Emergency C-section with triplets." I smiled. "Multiples are my specialties to help the doctor with."

"Will you be back in time?" Gerard asked with a straight face.

I knew he was upset. "Won't be a problem." I assured him and tried to assure myself as well. I didn't know the mother's condition nor how far along she was. I turned to see Bob leaning his head on the window. I looked in my bag, digging around for an icepack that I knew I kept around for emergencies. I found it under my makeup bag. I grabbed it and smooshed it together, activating it.

Ray laughed. "What the hell? Who carries around icepacks?"

Gerard laughed with him. "Apparently Jane does."

I looked over at them innocently and shrugged. "Hey, I am prepared aren't I?" I smirked and handed it to Bob. "Keep it behind your neck, Bob."

"I'm telling you, I'm just tired, Caitlin." He pouted, begging me to just leaving him alone, but complied.

"And I'm telling you, that I do not believe you." I chuckled getting out of the van to let them go. I tugged on the bottom of Gerard's shirt.

"Yes?" He smiled, looking deeply into my blue eyes.

I kissed his lips. "I'll see you later."

He grinned capturing my lips once more. "I had better." He handed me the leashes and climbing into the van.

"Oh, and if I don't see you before the show, you better be good." I smiled. "It'll be my first time seeing you guys live." I shut the door on Gerard's shocked face and waved goodbye as the van drove away.

I felt my whole bag shake from the Sidekick on vibrate. I laughed reading Gerard's sarcastic text. 'No pressure, right?'

I flipped the screen open to the keyboard and smirked. 'That's entirely up to you.'