Follow Your Bliss


As soon as the stronger dose of morphine had worn off, or that is what I am blaming at the moment, Bob's tranquil demeanor wore off as well. He pulled out his IV again and was itching to get out of the hospital.

I shook my head as they egged Bob on, giving him positive reinforcement for leaving the hospital early to begin their tour. I tugged forcefully on Gerard's sleeve to get his attention. "Why are you not going to talk him out of it?"

He gave me a weird look, upset with me being such a 'downer'. "You heard the doctor, Jane. Bob would only be here for observations. There really isn't any other reason for him to stay any longer than he has to. You've seen how much Bob hates hospitals."

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. "You're not getting this, are you?"

Gerard's nostrils flared in frustration. "Then, explain it to me," he said quietly through gritted teeth, wondering to himself why I wouldn't let up.

I rolled my eyes at his frustration. "They keep people in for maybe three days at most after surgery when things carry out smoothly. Don't you think that maybe since the doctor advised him to stay at least another day that that alone should be more than enough reason to listen?"

"Jane," he sighed. "You're going to take that happiness away from him that he's finally getting out."

I swallowed and shook me head, not understanding why no one was taking this more seriously. "I'm going to get going."

He raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

"Out, Gerard." I sighed. "If you're not going to listen, I don't feel like sticking around." I shoved passed him, needing to get out of there. It seemed like I was the only one worrying about the consequences of Bob ignoring the doctor's suggestion.

I sighed entering my apartment and smiled at the happy greeting from the dogs. "At least someone loves me." I cooed, running my fingers through their short fur coats.

After running them out, I scribbled a note say what time I had left and that the dogs have been walked, but nothing further. I was still too frustrated and upset to give any notice of when I would come back or where I was going. I wasn't too sure of that answer myself. I needed to be alone and just breathe.

I smiled as I pulled in front of Josh's house. I knew he wasn't home since he was with the guys doing some shows downtown. They were promoting their CD that was being released next weekend, finally.

But, his truck was here and so were the dirt bikes. I locked my car and strolled up the driveway to the garage, flipping open the security panel I punched in the code to open the door. I took the spare car key hanging off a bent nail in the concrete wall.

I climbed into the truck and started it, pulling it out to make room so I could load my bike up. I screamed and slammed on the brakes when a body threw themselves onto the hood of the truck. I opened my eyes and stared into a pair of brown ones. I glared at the sheepish smile hidden behind the goatee.

I jumped out, slamming the door behind me. "Fred," I shrieked. "What the hell do you think you are doing!?"

"Caitlin?" He began laughing to himself. "I thought someone was stealing the truck."

I rolled my eyes. "How would a thief know the code, oh wise one?"

He grinned. "Caitlin, haven't you seen those things were you plug it in and the lock opens or they could have messed with the wiring."

"You watch too many spy movies." I chuckled, shutting the truck off. "Well, now you can help me load up my bike."

"And the other one, I'm coming too." Fred gave me a large, proud smile.

"Sure," I smiled softly.

He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. "What's wrong, babe?"

I shrugged grabbing the jackets and helmets. "I've had a rough weekend."

"Rough with the boyfriend?" Fred wiggled his eyebrows, making me laugh. He grabbed the planks and set them against the bed of the truck.

"Not in the way you're suggestion." I giggled and sighed. "Their band mate- wait why aren't you with Josh, teching?"

He shrugged taking my bike and loaded it up, strapping it down securely. "Eh, I wasn't feeling to well, it was something I ate so Pepto and Tums have been my friends."

"You sure you're okay to come with me, then?" I looked at him concerned.

"Yeah, no sweat." He waved me off and grabbed the other bike I rolled up for him. "So, why are you feeling the need to blow off some steam? You interrupted…yourself." He laughed. "Something about a band member."

"Yeah, their drummer got blood poison, a nasty staph infection; he lost a bit of feeling in the left side of his face. And, they've just checked out of the hospital instead of staying one more night, like recommended. And, Gerard wouldn't listen to me either; he wouldn't stand up for me." I sighed feeling my chest constrict as I got wound up again.

"Ah," Fred sat on the edge of the truck and stroked his goatee. He pulled me over so I stood in between his legs. "Want me go pop him one for being stupid?"

I smiled and shook my head, leaning my arms on his thighs. "Nah, it's okay."

He brushed away a lone tear with his thumb. "Don't cry over that; it's not worth it. Come, let's go harass Chase." I grinned and pulled him down.

"Should I have any ambulances on call?" Chase teased seeing us unload the truck, holding his arms open for me.

"We'll see." I grinned, welcoming his hug. "I'll try though to stay in one piece."

"I hope so." Chase placed his hands together and began to mumble a prayer.

I smacked him upside his head. "Cheeky ass." I hopped on the bed of truck and pulled on my boots. I slipped on the jacket and patted the chest protector, shifting it into a more comfortable position.

Fred gave me a hand down. "So, what do you want to ride on?"

I tapped my lips thinking over the three courses. "Let's hit the trail. I need to see some green. Got that Chase?"

"I got it, Caitlin." He chuckled. "I'll see you guys later."

I pulled my hair back, twisting it into a sloppy braid before shoving the helmet on. I adjusted the goggles above my eyes as we walked the bikes over to the proper course.

Fred sat on his bike waiting for me to get comfortable as I fixed my goggles once more. "No thinking okay. What happened this weekend is done; got it?"

I smiled behind the grid. "That sounds really good."

"I know." He started his bike. "I'm a genius." I followed suit and rushed ahead, avoiding the trees and other ATVs.

I looked at my tank seeing the needle near low. I waved my hand, hoping that Fred would see it in the dark. "This is my last time around. I've got to refill the tank when we get back; I'm near low."

"Yeah, that's fine." He pulled off his helmet briefly wiping the sweat off of his forehead that had collected over the hours. "It got dark fast."

"Or, it could be because we've been here a good while." I laughed at the look he was giving me.

"Let's go finish, babe." Fred rolled his eyes and put his helmet back on. He let me take off first, following behind me so he could keep an eye on me.

Fred grabbed the red container filled with the petroleum fuel. I unscrewed the cap and stayed sitting on the bike to keep it steady as he replenished the bike's tank.

"I don't have to go home, do I?" I bit my bottom lip nervously.

Fred shook his head, chuckling. "I thought we forgot about what had happened this weekend?"

"We did." I nodded in agreement. "I just remembered it again."

Chase slinked an arm over my shoulder. "Does someone need some fun?"

I grinned up at him. "Yeah, and a whole lot of it."

Chase smiled slyly. "There's a block party tonight near the ally by my building, if you guys want to come to. It's a little something early for Labor Day tomorrow."

"And I will be covered in dirt, in crappy clothes?" I raised my eyebrows at him, pulling on my dirty t-shirt to emphasize my point.

"The dirt looks sexy on you." Fred assured me. "It looks like you just won a mud fight."

"Turn around." Chase placed his hand on my hips examining my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked, squirming.

"Wait." He said, pulling my t-shirt back so my midriff showed and tied a knot tightly. "She looks hot right?" He asked for Fred's approval, which he received eagerly.

"That's all it took?" I laughed, running my hand on the exposed skin. I followed Chase on his motorcycle to his apartment, which was further up near Prospect Avenue. My sidekick was ringing. "Pick it up if it's Chase."

Fred looked down at the phone and answered it. I turned the music down for him as they talked. "He said that he'd let you take his parking spot near where some security is since we have the bikes." I sighed in relief and followed his instructions of where to park. Sure enough there were some standard security guards outside this one building. I left my stuff inside the car and tossed the keys to Fred.

We slipped under the yellow tape, where the street was cut off for the party. I hooked my arms with theirs as we walked to this party. You could hear the bass from here. I watched as people were in the streets dancing as there were people playing live. I grinned, excited. "This is just what I needed, Chase."

"You looked like you did." I smiled in thanks as he got Fred and I a couple of beers.

I pulled the hair tie and ruffled my hair. "Who wants to dance?" I looked at the two and frowned as they looked elsewhere.

"Chase will." Fred grinned, volunteering him. He took the beer out of Chase's hand and took a sip. "Go on, man."

Chase went to object, but saw my pout and sighed. "I hate that face; it only means trouble for those that look at it."

I rolled my eyes and tugged on his hand. I finished my beer and handed it to Fred. "Come on." I shook my hips, pulling him into the crowd. There was a part that had opened up where guys were dancing off. I just closed my eyes and moved with the rhythm. I felt safer knowing Chase was near me.

"Hey, can I bum a light?" Someone asked Fred. He had chosen to stay to the side and talk with some people as I had been dancing for a while now.

"Sure." He stuck his cigarette in his mouth retrieved his lighter from his front pocket.

"What's going on here?" The guy asked Fred, handing him back his lighter.

"Block party," Fred shrugged. "For Labor Day."

I squealed, running into Fred and tried ducking behind him. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "You have to hide me!"

"What did you do?" Fred asked smirking.

"Caitlin!" I heard Chase calling me.


I looked up shocked to see Mikey and Frank. "Hi?"

"What were you trying to do to me?" Chase asked, looking appalled.

I giggled, turning my attention to him. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"That guy wanted you, not me!" He shuddered.

I grabbed Fred's beer and handed it to him. "Don't worry, it will soon pass whatever it is. Don't worry, be happy." I sang Bob McFerrin's lyrics, cheerfully.

Mikey cleared his throat. "Caitlin."

I frowned as he was beginning to take my happiness away. I already let Bob keep his. "Yes?"

His lips mimicked my frown. "Do you know how worried Gerard is?"

I shrugged. "I gave him a note; he shouldn't care. He knew I was going out."

"Caitlin," Frank said sympathetically. "Gee has really been worried. He's been trying to get a hold of you for hours."

I shrugged, grabbing the beer out of Chase's hand, stealing a sip of it. "Phone's been in the car."

"Oh," Fred chuckled. "These are the idiots."

"Excuse me?" Frank glared up at him.

"Come on babe, let's go dance." Fred draped his arm around me, steering me away.

Mikey grabbed his shoulder. "That's my brother's girlfriend, you know."

Fred chuckled, looking me over. "Although, Chase sexed her up making her look simply gorgeous, I have known her for far too long. Besides I'm not into the whole older women thing."

I punched him in the side. "Ass." I sighed as they still looked at Fred and Chase with suspicion. "Look, it's sweet that you're looking out for your friends. It seems to be the honorable theme today, but I need space away from you and just be happy. You are now intruding in on that." I kept a calm composure. "I let you do what you guys wanted today." I said somewhat bitterly at the thought of this morning at the hospital. "And, now it is my turn."

I grabbed Fred's hand and pulled him toward the crowd. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I sighed and smiled once again.

"You sure?" Chase asked as well.

"Yup." I laughed and spun around, moving my hips to the drums as the band covered Santana's Maria Maria.

"What the hell was that about?" Mikey watched as I danced among people as well as with them.

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out." Frank dialed Gerard. He sighed softly hearing a frantic Gerard on the other end and explained that he had bumped into me on the way to Mikey's apartment. "He's such an ass. We all are." Frank sighed leaning on the building.

"What did we do?" Mikey frowned, keeping an eye on me. It's not that he didn't have any reason not to trust me. He was just confused with the hostile greeting he had just received.

"We didn't listen. She wanted Bob to stay the extra night." Frank sucked on his cancer stick.

"Why? It wasn't necessary." Mikey shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. We could have heard her out. I guess Gerard didn't." Frank chuckled watching me sway perfectly to the rhythm. "She's good."

I blushed under all the attention I was getting as I danced with different people. But, Fred's smile put one on my lips so I continued, ignoring my insecurities. I sung quietly with the woman's voice that imitated Estelle as she sang American Boy. I stretched my hands above my head, smiling to myself, glad that I came.

Somehow I ended up on the steps dancing with the girl singing. I froze slightly until she took my hand and began dancing with me. We turned to the guy dancing against each other as he finished up his part. I laughed and shook my head as she shoved the mike in front of me. But, with the alcohol flowing through my veins, I leaned in and began to sing the chorus with her.

I laughed and quickly walked down the steps when the song ended. "I can't believe I just did that." I jumped into Fred's arms.

"Well, you looked amazing doing it." He grinned.

I turned and groaned seeing Frank again. "What?" I shouted over the music.

"I'm sorry," he shouted back.

I shrugged my shoulders to the beat. "Just go, Frank. It's over with." I smiled. "Besides, you're not the one who should have stood up for me."
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Thanks for reading!