Follow Your Bliss


"You really know how to screw up don't you." Frank chuckled at Gerard, who was slouched on the couch petting Mikey's cat, Bunny.

"Should be my middle name, huh?" He said sarcastically. He rubbed his headache that he's had and the insisting beat of the music outside a few blocks over wasn't helping it.

Gerard chuckled hearing American Boy on Frank's phone. "What are you listening to?"

"Watching, really." Frank grinned waving his phone tauntingly. "I would show you, but I don't think you've earned it."

Gerard snatched the phone out of his hands and replayed the video. He smiled seeing me dancing and having fun. "She looks amazing." He sent it to his phone and sighed. "Bob wouldn't have stayed even if I did say something."

"But, you were supposed to say anything." Frank insisted. "You're really bad at this dating thing, aren't you? You would have thought that after a several months you would have caught on." He giggled and dodged the pillow that was thrown at him. "Just kidding."

"Leave him alone, Frank." Alicia rolled her eyes and scooped up Bunny, cuddling him like a baby. "Gerard, just go wait for her at her place. Make up and be merry."

Gerard sighed to himself sitting on my couch, petting Logan. He had done what Alicia had suggested and waited. He was getting sick of waiting and was worried since it was near three in the morning and there was no sign of me.

"Love you too, babe." He heard a giggle outside the door. "No, I'm almost in the apartment. Don't worry so much, Fred. Yes, the key is in the lock. I am turning the key."

Gerard took long, quick steps to the door and swung it open. He sighed in relief seeing I was okay.

I smiled softly and took my keys out of the lock. "Yeah, he's here. For the thousandth time, I'm fine. Love ya too. Night-y night." I disconnected the call.

"Hi," Gerard breathed.

"Hello." I shut the door behind me, locking it. I slipped out of my flip-flops and put my bag on the floor. I cooed at the dogs that had rushed over to great me. "I know, aren't you two cute? Mama's home."

"Caitlin," he called after me softly. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the pitcher of cold water, pouring myself a glass. "Please, say something to me."

"Is he okay?" I asked sitting on the couch. Logan jumped up on the couch and curled on my lap as much as he tried to fit on it. I began to rub his soft ears, laughing at the purring noise he was making.

Gerard rubbed the back of his head. "Tired, but he's good."

"Good." I nodded and sipped my water.

"This is the second major fight we've had." Gerard commented, sitting a safe distance away from me.

I smiled and resisted laughing. "Couples fight, Gerard. It's pretty healthy."

"I bet they don't have someone who screws up like me." He sulked.

I laughed this time. "My goodness, you like to wallow in your self pity."

He glared at me, "I do not."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Gerard. I am still angry with you. Just admit you were wrong. Don't start blaming things."

"I was wrong; I should have listened to you." He got up and came over, leaning down on my knees.

"Yes, you should have." I huffed. "What you guys did could have been dangerous. Hopefully he stays healthy."

"He will." Gerard nodded, assuring me. "We canceled two shows. Frank and Jamia are going to show up to give them a public apology, then he's going to do a signing." He sighed seeing the disappointment still etched in my face; a look he hopes that he'll never have to see again.

"I do know a thing or two about this kind of stuff, you know?" I smiled softly, running my fingers through his hair. "I didn't dedicate years of my life on learning nothing."

"I know." He said quietly. He leaned up and kissed my neck. "I'm sorry; forgive me, please Jane."

I let out a sigh as he pressed his lips to my neck once more. "I forgive you. But, if anything happens to him, that's on your shoulders, not mine." I pushed away his face as he tried to kiss my lips. "No," I squealed laughing. "I probably taste like beer, coffee, and some other shit Fred and Chase fed me."

Gerard pulled me to my feet. "Who is this Fred guy that supposedly had his hands all over you?"

I smiled at the jealousy in his voice. "Josh's friend. I went to high school with him too. He's my favorite out of everyone; sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He techs for the bands now, taking care of the guitars and some other stuff." I stepped out of my muddy jeans and tossed them into the hamper.

"The sweetest guy?" His mouth hung open in shock.

"Don't push it, babe. Your not exactly topping my fave list at the moment." I patted his chest before going to my bathroom to brush my teeth, swaying my hips as I walked.

Gerard sat on the edge of the bed in a trance, watching as my hips rolled to an imaginary beat as I brushed my teeth. He groaned and plopped back on the bed.

I rinsed my mouth and turned off the sink, slipping the toothbrush back in its stand. I flipped the lights off leaving the rooms dark. I smiled seeing him lie on top of the covers. Crawling over to him, I leaned on his stomach. "You know what you're going to do to make this better?"

"What?" He mumbled.

I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "You are going to have Bob stay here until you guys leave."

Gerard sighed. "Sounds fine. What are your plans for the week anyway? You're going to stick by my side right?"

"I'm going to work for half a day, while you bring Bob over here tomorrow." I grinned. "Then, I have that dance class Tuesday and Thursday. But, no work besides tomorrow."

"So, you'll come with me to my parents so I can finish packing?" He ran his fingers through my hair, knowing it was my weakness.

"Of course." I purred, nuzzling my head in his shirt as he continued to comb his fingers, massaging my scalp.

"You never got around to telling me how exactly you had your hand on fire." Gerard chuckled.

"I was a freshmen in high school and was and idiot for not remembering there's alcohol in perfume and not to play with it and candles." I mumbled, tired. "One thing led to the next and the blanket on my loveseat was lit as well."

Gerard sent me a weird look and encouraged me to continue. "Obviously the story ends well."

I chuckled, closing my eyes. "I patted my hand out on my pajama pants calmly got my mom's attention when she was on the computer, and while she freaked out, I went and got the fire extinguisher. Good thing I pulled the pin out for her too, she would have forgotten to do that." I rubbed my face in his shirt laughing softly. "She didn't even know my hand had been on fire. It's funny now because she hated how I got her attention."

He couldn't help my catch my contagious laugh. "Well, you said calmly."

"She would say too calmly." I giggled. "All I asked her was if she would come here for a minute. I may have left out that the table with the candle was on fire until she told me I had to wait. You should ask her to tell you that story some time. My mom would tell you that she would expect someone to be a little more urgent in that type of situation."

"Yeah, I may have to agree with her." He snickered. "My God, even I never lit my house on fire."

"Hey." I smacked his stomach roughly. "I'd like to think of it as a test."

"A test?" He asked wearily.

"Yeah," I breathed out and yawned softly, getting more tired by the moment. "To see if I could handle stressful situations. It's what I do for a living now."

"Only you." Gerard shook his head smiling and sighed. "I'm really sorry, Jane."

"I know." I mumbled, giving into sleep.

"I love you." He kissed my temple.
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