Follow Your Bliss



At first, I thought I was going deaf because generally when you are losing your hearing, one hears ringing in their ears.

But, the noise continued in paces so it couldn't have been that. Yet, it sounded so familiar.

I rolled onto the floor and realized where I was and that insisting ringing was the buzzer.

I limped seeing I only had one shoe on and answered the door to see Frank, Bob and Ray standing outside looking impatient due to tiredness.

I was wondering what the hell they were doing here when I realized they were being amiable and helping me with these infuriating boxes.

"Are we interrupting something?" Frank smirked leaning in on the frame.

I gave him a curious looked before I fully looked at myself. Once sneaker was on, while the other foot was bare. My pants were hanging off to one side and I was only in a sports bra. I ran my fingers through my hair only to feel it knotted around my ponytail.

"It would appear that way huh." I said more to myself and laughed softly. "Well, you would know more than me."

I was processing things slowly this morning; it seemed like everything was in slow motion. I cannot be blamed though due to the fact that I only got in two hours ago, if that.

They still stared at me though puzzled, but equally amused. Men's brains are so simple minded aren't they.

"No, you're not interrupting anything. I just got in from work." I yawned and stepped aside signaling the okay for them to enter.

They did and Frank warned them about the boxes, which made them laugh at the reason why.

"I thought you had off?" Ray asked my opening our first box we were going to tackle, which contained my bed. That was the first thing I needed because I don't know how much longer I can take the floor.

"So did I." I started the coffee machine. "But, can't say no to your boss. So right after Frank left I showered and didn't get in until a couple hours ago."

"No wonder you didn't answer the door." Frank laughed.

"Though, can't say I didn't mind your entrance." Bob teased me.

I was still disoriented looking. I bent down and took my other sneaker and sock off so my height was at least symmetrical. I pulled back my hair, fixing my ponytail as well. I at least looked a little better.

A couple of hours later I finally had a bed in my bedroom. It was almost in my living room, but we figured it out that the frame wouldn't be able to fit through the door before it was too late.

"You weren't kidding." Frank laughed. "Everything has parts to it."

"Nope, dead serious. Don't forget you volunteered at your own free will." I reminded him. Ikea had great furniture for apartments. And as much as I loved the story, it was a bitch to put their things together. Hey, can't say I didn't warn them.

The bed was nothing compared to the bookshelves we had to put together. Frank and I were holding a shelf up for Ray to screw in when my doorbell rang. Bob was 'testing' out my leather couch for me.

Frank let go of the shelf and answered the door letting it hit Ray in the head. I burst out laughing, which Ray returned with a glare. "Sorry, but you have to admit . . .Right, I'll get you an icepack."

"Mikey! Get your ass in here." Frank swung my door open. "Where's Gerard?"

"I couldn't get a hold of him." Mikey looked around. "So what's she like?"

"You'll just have to meet her yourself." Frank smiled. "But, so far can't find a bad thing about her."

I came back with an ice pack. But all in slow motioned it seemed, I slipped on bubble wrap, landed on my ass and the ice back flew out of my hands and hit Ray in the head.

I bit my lip at first, but then rolled over laughing. "I am so so sorry Ray."

"Don't lie Caitlin." Bob laughed. "That was fucking amazing."

"Well except she may be clumsy." Frank laughed.

"I wouldn't be talking Frank; you fell all last night including over my boxes." I spoke up.

"Please, at least on my first time, I didn't make two guys crash." Frank used back.

"Almost." I smiled correcting them. "Technically they didn't crash."

"What?" Mikey asked looking from Frank to me.

"She took me over to a freestyle track in Brooklyn yesterday." Frank grinned.

"Oh, cool." Mikey smiled. "You two should have stopped by."

Feeling stupid, I asked anyway. "Frank who did you let in my place, no offense guy."

"Um none taken?" Mike said confused.

"It's not just guy, this is Mikey." Frank pushed him in and closed my door.

"Oh, hi! I'm-"

"Caitlin." Mikey smiled and nodded. "Yeah I've been informed about the new hot chick across the hall."

"Oh?" I laughed, blushing.

"So, what do you want me to do?" He clasped his hands.

"Not let a shelf drop on my head would be good." Ray glared at Frank.

"Well, the door was calling." Frank laughed.

"Right, well we can play the blame game all day, but playing putting together Caitlin's shelves game is so much more fun." I put on an innocent face trying to get some motivation. They rolled their eyes at me, but did begin to start working again.

"What do you need all these shelves for?" Mike asked screwing in a shelf.

"Movies, and photo albums, but mostly books." I yawned.

Frank was lying on the floor taking a break. "How many books could you possibly have?"

"See all those boxes over there." I pointed to my mountain of packaged stuff. "About 4 of them filled with books."

"Damn, you must like reading." He stretched out lazily. "I mean I like reading, but not that much."

"They're mostly medical books, I could have my own book store on the human anatomy with all the shit the school doesn't take back." I rolled my eyes at the thought of when I had to deal with them. School bookstores are just scams ripping off poor naive students.

So eventually, a case of beers and a couple of pizzas later we finished my shelves and putting all the necessary stuff on them.

I laid down on the other end of the couch and rested my feet on Bob's lap.

"Comfy?" he asked me.

"Very." I smirked and stretched out like a cat.

"So you don't seemed very phased that you're in a room surrounded by My Chemical Romance." Mikey started up a conversation.

"Hot headed much?" I teased.

"No, I didn't-" He started to stutter trying to think of words to form a politically correct statement.

I laughed at him, "No, I get what you mean. I guess it's because of Josh's success. But, even before Josh got his newly found 'fame' I never would fawn or be 'Oh my god can I touch you?' Like when I met Richie Havens." I laughed to myself. "You probably have no idea who he is."

"How could you not know who he is." Ray chuckled. "He was in Woodstock with Jimi Hendrix among playing his own hits and some of Dylan's."

"Ding ding, we have a genius." I laughed.

He stood up and took a bow. "Thank you, thank you. Yes, I know my classics. I would like to thank well myself and-" I chucked a pillow at him.

"I was in the middle of my story. Anyway as I was say-." He chucked it back at me, but I held onto it and stuck my tongue out. "As, I was saying, when I met him with my dad, my eyes didn't bug or anything. I was excited, but I just wanted to listen to his stories. It's the same with you guys. I mean you're just a person, why should I put you on a pedestal. No offense."

"None taken." Mikey nodded at my answer.

"Hey, I happen to like my pedestal." Frank grinned.

"Didn't say you don't have to." I rolled my eyes and threw the pillow at him.

"That's awesome that you met him." Ray smiled.

"Yeah it was pretty cool. But, I just like that it was just me and my dad at the concert. Strawberry Fields, great name horrible location. It was literally in the middle of nowhere, which I so properly named it Hillbilly Hell. My dad and me are the furthest from 'nature people'. But it was cool because it was like when he took me to my first concert." I smiled. "Good times."

"Aww, a daddy's girl huh?" Frank mocked me.

"Better believe it baby. Daddy's little girl all the way." I grinned.

"Curious, what was your first concert? Some boy band?" Bob asked teasing me.

I started laughing hysterically. "You kidding? My dad would be the first one to say, 'Turn that shit off.' Hell no I was raised on the classics and oldies. It was The Who before John Entwistle died."

"The fact that you know who John Entwistle is, is awesome." Ray laughed.

"I know." I answered smartly. "Like I tell my parents. I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you babe."

"Who's hotheaded now?" Mikey smirked.

"Well this is how I decipher it. You need to have an ego especially when you're good at what you do because you should be proud of yourself that you're an amazing person. Because if you don't then people will use and abuse you. But, if you have nothing, but hot air and are condescending about it, then that's the wrong kind of ego and that'll piss me off." I clicked my tongue and grinned.

"How philosophical of you." Bob smacked my leg.

In returned I smiled and kicked him in the gut. "You'll appreciate it one day."

My phone interrupted. I groaned when I saw who was on the other end. "Hello Harvey, how can you serve me?"

"Just reminding you that you have just about two weeks until your show." I could tell he was smirking. Something was up.

"Didn't you just harass me last week?" I asked him. The guys carried on their own conversation so I went and sat on the kitchen counter.

"Did you make any progress since I last harassed you?" He countered.

"Maybe?" I smiled to myself sheepishly.

"Caitlin I need you to take this seriously. I pulled a lot of strings for you."

I walked into the closet where all my art stuff remained all looked through it. "That's because you and Josh gave me no other option."

Harvey sighed. "He just wants you to be successful in your passion too Caitlin."

I smiled, "I know and really I appreciate this. I mean this is like a dream come true."

"Especially if some of it is bought."

"Wait, what?" I asked confused.

"Opps did I forget that minor detail? It's only certain people that are going for a silent auction pieces you choose. They talk through me not you though." He tried to act innocent.

"Opps?" I sighed. "That's fine. Really I just need to chose frames for each piece and make the prints bigger and I can go to Lex for that."

"Great." He said relieved. "I'll see you next Friday."

"Wait just a minute Harvey!" I yelled before he hung up. "That gives me less than a week. You said I have two weeks."

"Yeah see, I just found an extra invitation and I may have told you the wrong date." He laughed nervously.

"Harvey, the next time I see you better protect them golf balls of yours cause I'm ready to castrate you!" I said loosing my patience.

"Now, now. Don't go all evil on me. Oh and don't forget to dress nice. And-"

I hung up the phone on him. Dealing with Harvey without sleep is just asking for trouble.

I plopped back on my spot. Frank looked over at me and grinned, "So who are you going to castrate?"

I was about to answer when the phone rang again. "Look, talk to me when I've had more sleep."

"Oh, so I get to deal with the bitchy personality today." I heard my favorite laugh on the other end.

I sat up smiling. "Mattie?"

"Hmm, that's a better personality. So no sleep again?" He teased.

"How could you tell?" I said dryly.

"How much do you love me?" He asked smiling.

"I'll love you until all the stars die." I said our old line.

"So since you have that much love for me, you'll pick me up at JFKt around 11:30pm and let me stay with you between flights?" He asked me sweetly.

"11:30?" I looked over at the kitchen clock and smiled. "Of course."

"Thanks, see you in a few hours." He said relieved. "Love you."

"I love you too Ewok." I smiled and bit my lip. I heard him laughing as he hung up the phone.

"So, who's Mattie?" Frank asked.

"You're always asking me questions." I laughed as Bob slapped him up side his head.

Bob then leaned over and batted his eyelashes, "So who's Mattie?"

I laughed and pushed him away. "He's my ex-boyfriend."

"You two sound still in love." Ray pointed out.

"Of course we are, you never stop loving your first love." I smiled.

Frank mimicked me in a girly voice. "I'll love you until all the stars die. How romantic."

"Oh shut up," I laughed. "You're just jealous."

"Of course he is," Mikey pushed him. "Okay I've got a question for you, why did you call him an Ewok."

"Because he has this beard that always reminded me of them except I said something more along the lines of the bear thing in Star Wars." They laughed with me. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like I'm hanging out with my girlfriends."

Ray had me laughing hysterically when he smacked his lips, "So sista, why did you two split."

When I calmed down I truthfully answered. "Distance. I moved here and he stayed in Bethel, but he's a computer technician and his job takes him all over the world. Among other things that added up."

"So you two would neva get back togetha?" Ray smacked his lips again.

"Nah, that part of us is over." I giggled at him. "Oh! I'm assuming Christa told you about this art gallery my brother is setting me up on. I don't know how into art you guys are, but the invitation's open. It's now this Friday."

They all looked at each other trying not to grin too much. But, they all gave their versions that they'd try to make it. I had no idea the bigger plans they had behind this.

When the guys left and Logan was walked, I cleaned up the boxes and the few stray bottles. I finally took a good look at my own place with Logan happily following me at my feet.

I helped Mattie carry his carry-on bag into my apartment.

"Nice place," he whistled as I gave him a tour. "'Bout time you got something on your own."

"I thought I'd try something new." I shrugged. "So, what time is your flight tomorrow."

"Around nine." He yawned.

"Come on." I dragged him into my room. He stripped to a t-shirt and boxers and basically passed out as soon as he hit the pillow. I shook my head at him; he was such a big baby. I went and bolted the door shut. I smiled when he snuggled up to me ready to protect me if anything would happen.

Of course Mattie and I have history, but now we more or less just look out for each other. I fell asleep not realizing how much next Friday was going to change my life.