Follow Your Bliss


"So, where are you guys now?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

I had gathered my suitcase from baggage claim and gone through customs after getting my passport stamped for the first time. I just wanted to prolong the conversation for just a little while longer as I waited for the next coach.

"In England; the southwest part and it's not raining for once." Gerard chuckled. "So, have you thought about my offer?"

He had wanted me to join him on tour, specifically March 21st for some reason. "Babe, even if I leave right now, you know I won't make it on time tomorrow for when you want me." I grinned, biting my lip from laughing.

"I know," Gerard mumbled, completely disappointed that he'd have to push his plans back. That totally killed his mood for the rest of the day and most likely tomorrow. "Ugh, I have to go, sugar. We have to get ready for interviews before the show and, unlike you, not everyone appreciates me with a sexy scruffy face."

I laughed. "Good, that's a look only for me then."

He chuckled and whispered a soft, "I love you."

"I love you too. I miss you." I smiled at how he loved to hear me tell him that.

"I miss you too, Jane." He sighed when he hung up the phone, running his hand over his face.

"What's up Gee?" Jamia sat next to him, rocking Lucas and feeding him a bottle to give Christa and Ray a break.

Gerard smiled as his tiny hand wrapped around my finger. "She can't come when I want her too. Though, I should know that by now since she's not already here."

Jamia smiled softly. "Don't worry Gerard, even if it doesn't happen exactly as you planned it'll work out."

"I know." He sighed, still disheartened that things aren't going that way he had wanted them too. He got up and rubbed the soft brown curls on the baby's head before heading in the back to go shave and spruce up.

Jamia smirked, finally alone, and seized the opportunity taking out her cell phone. "My God, you've got him in a pit since you've told him that you can't make it." She said right away not giving me a chance to greet her.

I smiled sitting in the back of the bus, spreading out my legs taking up the empty seat next to me. "All the better, right? I really hope he's surprised."

"Oh, trust me he will be," she grinned, glad that she was part of this small scheme. "Doesn't suspect a thing."

"And, whom are you talking to?" Frank plopped on the couch next to her and kissed her shoulder, smiling at Lucas in her arms.

"No one that cares about you." Jamia grinned and tipped the bottle further up so he wouldn't suck in any air. "So, tomorrow? Uh, huh. Have fun with that." She frowned seeing Gerard freshly shaven, not thinking he would be so fast. She had hoped she would be able to talk longer and get more details for tomorrow. But, that was proven hard with Frank leaning on her shoulder and Gerard lounging on the opposite couch.

"You've got company?" I chuckled.

"More than I bargained for." She laughed. "So which mall did you go through?"

I laughed at her disguised lingo. "Gatwick Airport so it's only about an hour or two drive from what I've gathered, give or take because of all the stops. But, I'll be in Brighton by dinner time." I checked my watch and changed the time to match the new time zone. "I'll probably crash because I didn't sleep on the plane. I know it's only like six hours difference, but it's killing me."

"That's why you rest up tonight." She smiled, ignoring the strange looks that she had been receiving. "Talk to you soon, babe."

I laughed, "More like see you soon."

I rested my head against the window and smiled at the different views passing me by. I couldn't believe that I finally visited a different country. I smiled, feeling all giddy inside.

I got off the bus stop and thanked the driver as he handed me my suitcase from under the bus. I walked the few blocks to the Hilton Hotel. Following the directions that Jamia sent to me as well as what to say when I got there.

"How may I help you?" The concierge looked up from the computer in front of her.

I looked down at the paper, my eyes scanning over the words making me blush. "I'm with the Spiderman verses Superman party." I leaned on the marble counter, rubbing my forehead laughing at what they come up with.

The woman chuckled, but typed the name into the computer anyway. "There are several rooms under that party. Is there one you were supposed to stay in?"

I smiled at her cute accent and looked down at the email. "Apparently, the one on the floor above the rest. If that makes any sense."

She smiled and gathered the appropriate key card and pamphlet. "This is for you. I have a note only to give you one card."

"I'm just following directions too." I shrugged, not understanding the instruction either and thanked her before taking the elevator up to the room. I smiled at the doors that opened up to the balcony with a sea view. I put my suitcase next to the dresser, not bothering to unpack. I had ordered pizza from Domino's and took it out onto the balcony despite the cold temperatures, enjoying the view of the ocean.

I shut the cardboard box and put it on the small table under the window. I kicked off my shoes and stripped out of my clothes. I snuggled under the covers and passed out, sleep finally catching up with me.

"Yes! A hotel! Finally a real bed." Frank giggled and began to whisper in Jamia's ear.

She pushed him away, blushing, and walked up to the front desk. "Party of Spiderman verses Superman." She used their alias name, making the group crack up.

"Ah, I see the rest of you have arrived safely," she smiled, entering in the appropriate data.

Christa sighed and smiled at Lucas still fast asleep. Ray wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. He just wanted a night where the bed didn't bounce on the bumps in the road.

"Rest?" Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, the tech's bus was ahead of us on the road." Jamia covered smoothly, leading everyone to the elevator. Christa smirked at her lie, she was getting too good.

"Oh," he yawned and accepted his key.

"Oh, you're on the next floor, Gerard." Jamia pushed the button for him.

"Why me?" He pouted childishly.

"Because you drew the shortest straw." She rolled her eyes. "I don't know Gerard; that's just the way it worked out.

Alicia giggled, "Everyone's going to be together." Gerard sulked quietly to himself disagreeing with his brother's wife.

Jamia sent over a stern look, unknown to Gerard. She rolled her eyes and muttered to Christa, "No one can keep a secret around here."

He said goodnight to everyone as they stepped off the elevator and leaned against the wall to hold him up. He fumbled with the key card, sliding it through the lock sloppily. "I need sleep." He mumbled to him self as he stumbled into the room. He froze seeing someone in his bed. "That's just great. They gave the room away."

I rolled over and opened my eyes at the noise, thinking I had left the television on. I screamed seeing a man's shadow looming over me. I backed away and fell off the bed.

"I'm sorry," he began to apologize. "I didn't mean to startle you ma'am; they must have doubled booked-"

I knew that rambling Jersey accent anywhere and stood up. "Gerard?"

"Jane?" He stepped on the bed and walked over to me, hoping that his eyes weren't deceiving him. "Are you serious?"

I shrugged, smiling shyly. "Surprise?"

He laughed stepping down in front of me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Since when have you been here?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Around eight; not too long ago I guess. So, surprised?"

"Extremely." He rubbed he nose against mine.

"Good." I wrapped my arms around his neck, turning my head slightly and pressed my lips against his. I leaned my forehead against his. "You're hair keeps getting longer each time I see you."

"I missed it long; you like it, don't you?" He looked at me cautiously, wanting my opinion. He didn't care what anyone thought of him, but it really mattered to him what I thought.

"More to play with." I grinned, giving it a tug.

"So, where are our babies?" He chuckled, referring to our dogs.

"At my parents'. They're enjoying a big yard to play in." I tugged at his waistline, unbuttoning his jeans. "Come to bed, I'm tired and I want you to hold me."

Gerard kissed my pouting lips and kicked off his boots, getting undressed. "That, I can do." He got in bed next to me and held me close, rubbing my back until I fell asleep.

I groaned when I woke up several hours' later hearing the water run. I stripped out of my underwear and pulled back the curtain. "Good morning," I mumbled stepping over the edge of the tub.

He chuckled. "You okay, sugar?"

I shook my head leaning into him and welcoming the warm water on my back. "I'm so confused on what time it's supposed to be."

Gerard smiled and ran his fingers through my hair getting it wet. "You'll get over the jetlag soon. We're going to meet everyone downstairs for breakfast in a bit."

"And, you were going to let me not get ready." I glared, tiredly.

He just laughed. "You don't look very intimidating standing naked in front of me."

I poked his chest. "I would be, you're just lucky I'm too out of it to do anything."

"To do anything?" He wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh.

"Ah, my girly! I've missed you." Alicia jumped out of her chair and ran to me. "You're cheeks are looking nice and rosy this morning; a sexy glow."

"Shut up," I murmured, nudging her side and blushing. I cooed at Lucas in Ray's arms. "I'm going to steal him for a minute." I scooped him up and played with his tiny hands. His big brown eyes staring up at me in wonder.

"Sure, forget about the rest of us." Frank huffed.

I sat on Bob's lap and shrugged. "It's not my fault he's cuter than you."

"I know," he scoffed. "Lucas stole my lime light."

"And, how are you?" I looked at Bob, noticing that he still had some stiffness left from his accident last year.

"Not bad. How about you?"

"Still scarred." I adjusted Lucas in my left arm to reach my shirt and rolled it up a bit, revealing the silver line where the new skin formed. "So, was I missed?"

"No, but your cooking was." Mikey grinned, cheekily.

I smiled sarcastically at him. "Glad to know what I'm worth."

"Well, where are my thanks?" Jamia asked me, raising her eyebrows.

I got up off of Bob and sat on Jamia. "You know you're my teddy bear." I kissed her cheek sloppily.

"I want my baby." Christa pouted, adjusting her glasses.

I looked down at Lucas, who was giggling happily. "You don't want mommy do you? No, you want your Aunt Caitlin. Go on, tell mommy."

She stared at me with her arms crossed until I handed him over. "Thank you. He needs his breakfast anyway so he'll want his mommy eventually." She unbuttoned her shirt and put a blanket over her and Lucas.

"Warn a guy when you do that. It's not right to just whip them out like that." Frank shielded his eyes.

Jamia smacked him. "You're such a baby. It's not like you haven't seen a breast before."

I laughed, missing spending time with everyone. "So what's on the agenda today?" I asked, finally residing on Gerard's lap, sharing his breakfast with me.

"Interviews with a radio station, then a few for website blogs, and some magazines before the show." Ray announced the usual routine. "Then sound check, warm ups, and the show. You lovely ladies get to do whatever during then."

We had opted to go to several art galleries and museums, as well as the Royal Pavilion. I think just the outside alone of this seaside palace was stunning. I was more interested in the gardens and the outside than the interior rooms. Inside it reminded me of the short tour of the White House, neither one didn't do much for me.

Seeing the few flowers that began to bloom gave me hope that spring was here, despite the date telling one so. I smiled breathing in the fresh air.

"Oh, when you get ready for their concert, dress nice, Caitlin. We're going out right after they do a short signing and shower." Christa informed me.

The sun had begun to set a little past six tonight, later than the usual winter sun, as we got back to the hotel. "So, what does nice include?" I asked as they got off.

Christa bounced Lucas in her arms gently as he began to fuss again getting hungry. "Like I should know."

I rolled my eyes as the doors closed and set out to my room trying to figure out if even packed anything that would be considered nice. I sat on the bed as Monty Python's Flying Circus was on the television as background noise while I put a few small braids randomly throughout my long blond hair. I stripped down out of my shirt seeing that apparently they didn't qualify for tonight. I left on my light blue jeans and pulled on brown leather boots. I found a dark jade Bodycon corset and zipped it up in the back.

I went into the bathroom and check my makeup, reapplying some red lipstick to my lips. I put my coat back on and went downstairs in the lobby to wait for Jamia and Alicia. Christa was staying in the room with Lucas during the concert and they we would meet up with us later.

"Ready lady?" Alicia asked with a wicked grin.

"Yeah," I gave her a funny look and chuckled. "Let's head over." The sea breeze brushed across our skin as we walked across the street to Brighton Centre. "Is she okay?"

"She's just excited." Jamia shrugged with a similar grin, making me nervous.

"Sure," I muttered to myself as I followed them backstage. Jamia took my coat for me and found Frank. I smiled at Worm. "Hey."

He scooped me into a hug. "How are you? I haven't seen you since New Year's Eve."

"Not bad. Been lazy, really." I smiled.

"You deserved a rest." He smiled. "Want to see the arena? It's starting to really get packed in there."

I noticed that I had been ditched and shrugged. "Why not. I've never seen them play this size before, not counting Rockefeller Center."

"You're in for a good performance." He assured me and led me to the side of the stage.

I saw the tech crew setting up the last few touches for the show. I looked past the curtain and was amazed with how big it was with the different levels. I leaned a little more and lost my balance, tripping on some wires along the way. I fell on my ass almost center stage. I blushed hearing people in the crowd scream my name, some asking me to marry them.

Cortez came over and picked me up, laughing. "It's too late to save yourself from embarrassment so just take a bow, Caitlin."

I did as he said, my cheeks growing warmer as they screamed louder. "How do they even know my name?"

He tapped his chin sarcastically. "Gee, I wonder. It may have something to do with dating the lead singer of an extremely popular band or the fact that you're the older sister of a newly famous guitarist. Take your pick, babe."

"Smart ass." I rolled my eyes and exited the stage, now careful of the wires that scattered the floor.

"Trying to steal my thunder?" Gerard laughed, having caught the whole incident.

I pouted and crossed my arms. "Maybe," I winked.

"Give me a kiss good luck." He puckered his lips.

I laughed and pushed his face away. "Like you need luck."

"No, but a need a kiss." He smiled.

I sighed. "Fine, if you must." I laughed before kissing him. "Go, go do your line up."

He chuckled, stealing one more kiss before going to do his pre-show ritual with his band mates. Worm was right; I really enjoyed the show, arena style. There was such a welcoming atmosphere. The girls and I danced and jumped around like idiots on the side of the stage throughout their set.

The guys grinned at us, stomping like zombies with their arms out ready to hug us. "Oh no. Any other time I wouldn't mind. But, you got me dressing nice and I happen to like my top." Gerard pouted, but kissed me anyway, wiping his sweaty cheek against mine. "You suck Gerard Way."

After each of them got their turn of a much needed shower, we stepped outside for some fresh air and their time schmoozing with the fans. I draped my coat over my arm still too hot to feel the effects of the cold night air.

"So, what restaurant is open this late?" I asked Gerard as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I guess this tapas bar is open late." He shrugged. "But, we'll catch up with them it a little while. I want to just spend some time with you."

"Little ol' me?" I giggled wrapping my arm around his waist, holding him close. "Where are we going?"

"That fountain not too far from the Royal Pavilion." He smiled, trying to remember how to breathe.

"Oh the Old Steine. Good, the girls wouldn't let me go there earlier and I really wanted to." I grinned excited, seeing the fountain all lit up with the different colored water pouring out. I smiled. "Kind of reminds me of home, in Central Park."

"Yeah, it does." He said softly, sitting on the bench and pulling me on his lap.

"What's this?" I looked at the packaged that Gerard handed to me. It was wrapped in plain brown paper, much like what one would find used in a post office.

Gerard leaned back and chuckled. "Open it."

"I knew that." I stuck my tongue out at him and grinned in anticipation.

He only smiled and watched me pull the hemp that was tied neatly around it. I began to tear at the tape neatly. He rolled his eyes. "Don't you know how to open a present, Jane? Tear that bitch apart."

I made a face, but shredded the brown wrapping paper. I smiled at the comic book in my hand with my painting on the cover. The one we met under. "Jane and Her Noble Dragon." I read the title out loud. "You made this for me?" I grinned.

Gerard pulled me closer in his arms and rested his head on my shoulder; the water created a peaceful white noise in the background. "Read it to me."

I smiled and opened the cover. "Once upon a time, on a warm summer's night, in the heart of New York City, there was a beautiful maiden standing under the nameless painting." I read the caption under picture it had just described. I looked at the next box to see a cartoon Gerard holding his heart. "With one look into her stunning blue eyes, she had captivated him to his core; to his soul." I turned to look at Gerard.

He smiled shyly. "Keep going. This is going to be a good story. I can tell."

I laughed and looked at the strip of us outside my apartment when Gerard kissed me goodnight. "He kissed the fair maiden, following his gut. He was hooked and knew that he had to have her in his life. Though," he looked saddened in the next odd shaped square. "He was upset that he had not seen her in weeks before their next encounter." I turned the page admiring all the details Gerard had remembered from each night, even the stain on my shirt. "The man was confused and crushed when he found the beautiful maiden in tears. And, when he was able bring a smile to her face, it made him feel special and needed. Even, his baby, Olivia adored her, sometimes more than him."

I had to laugh at that sentence. Gerard smiled and kissed my neck, encouraging me to continue reading. "Although, Caitlin was a beautiful name, the way she wrinkled her nose when he called her Jane was too cute." I turned the page to see drawings of dates and important parts of our relationship reading lines that we had spoken to each other during those events. "They shared secrets and moments that were important and meaningful to them. They completed each other."

I turned the page again and swallowed seeing me in a hospital bed, though I looked much prettier in the comic book than that night. "They've been through everything together; to near death and back. Gerard and Jane could make it though anything. And they learned from each other. Learned to follow one's dreams. They learned to have patience for one another and to listen." I smiled and paused. "I really like this story. Will it have a happy ending?"

Gerard laughed. "Why do you even ask? You know you'll have to find out for yourself." He reached around me and turned the page to the last one.

I looked at him curiously and looked at the comic strips. Gerard and I were in front of the fountain under the stars, much like now. "It's the first day of spring." I read the bubble that the Gerard in the comic book said. I smiled realizing that today was the same day as well. "We've known each other for four seasons." I swallowed reading the next line feeling my eyes get teary and few slip down my cheeks.

"Will you marry me?" Gerard whispered reading the next line.

I looked at the blank bubble that my character was supposed to say, giving him my answer. I reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the purple Sharpie and wrote my answer. "Yes." I whispered finishing the comic.

Gerard spun me around and looked at me with the biggest smile on his face. "Yes?"

"Yes." I nodded wiping a few tears away, but more just kept coming. "I never thought I wouldn't cry at a time like this." I laughed.

Gerard chuckled and gently took my face in his hands. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. He pulled away and picked me up into a warm hug. I squealed and laughed as he spun me around again. "I love you so much." He kissed me again. He laughed. "I almost forgot this." With shaky hands Gerard took out a baby blue Tiffany's box. "A classy ring for a classy girl." He teased.

I took the white ribbon off and opened the box. I let him take it out of my hands and pull out the white box inside. My jaw dropped slightly when he opened it. "Gerard," I breathed.

"Only the best for my Jane." He smiled kissing my left hand before sliding the gold-banded ring on my ring finger. The single round cut diamond glistened in the glow that the lamppost cast.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, kissing him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, sugar." He kissed me back. "You have me crying to, now." I laughed with him and wiped away his few tears. "You're going to have to call your mom first, before we go to the restaurant." He handed me his sidekick. "She's been waiting all night for you and blamed me that it's my fault she couldn't sleep tonight, well last night over there."

"Even my parents knew about this?" I leaned into him staring at my engagement ring.

"Yeah, I asked them around Thanksgiving. Though, I knew I'd wait awhile until I asked you." He smiled kissing my head.

"You asked them for permission? Aw, that's so cute." I cooed, cupping his face and kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, so you can only imagine how frustrated I was when you lied to me that you couldn't make it." He glared mockingly.

"Oh, my gosh. You're Gerard way." A voice interrupted us.

He sighed and nodded to the kids approaching us. I kissed his neck, letting him know that I wasn't upset with the interruption. "Tonight has still been more than perfect, you can say hello to a fan."

"Can we have a picture of you two?" The taller boy asked. They were dressed full out in My Chem merch, having me assume that they were at the concert tonight as well.

"Do you mind, Jane?" Gerard turned and asked me.

"Not at all." I looked up, wiping my eyes first before leaning against Gerard and smiling for the camera. "Actually, can you take some for us too?" I pulled out our camera from Gerard's coat pocket and handed it to the girl.

She looked like she was about to faint from excitement. "Oh my gosh, I'm holding Gerard Way's camera." She muttered to herself, completely baffled.

I laughed softly, not to embarrass her, and posed a few times with Gerard. "Thanks." I smiled when she handed the camera back and turned to Gerard. "Now we'll have this forever." I stood up and slide on my coat, the cold finally getting to me. I held the comic book in my hand and looked at all the details Gerard put into it while he signed some autographs.

"Jane, return the fave and take the pictures for us, pretty please?" Gerard pouted.

"Sure." I smiled and tried to hold all their cameras and took a few on each one. I was surprised when my autograph was asked for. I made a funny face, but complied scribbling down my signature with a little note.

The girl that took our picture for us, Jen, sighed when she came up to me. "You have to be the luckiest girl alive! You are with the sweetest guy and have the hottest brother!"

I laughed. "Yeah, Josh is pretty cute."

"Hey!" Gerard glared mockingly at me. "What about me?"

"What about you?" I teased. "I only love you. Nothing too special, right?"

After the kids left, his phone went off. "Hello?" He smiled and kissed my temple. "Yeah, that's better anyway. We're coming over now then. See ya." He looked at the ring that fit perfectly on my left hand. "Change of plans. We're going to meet everyone in the restaurant at the hotel."

"Fine by me." I hung on his arm and turned back briefly to look at the fountain, wanting to remember what it looked like, always, in this moment. "We'll have to come back here someday."

Gerard smiled and agreed before shouting to the world, "I'm the happiest man alive!" I laughed, blushing and jumped on his back, making him carry me the rest of the way to the hotel. In the lobby I slid down his back and grabbed his hand, lacing our fingers together, as we walked into the dining hall.

I blushed biting Gerard's shoulder when everyone cheered seeing us enter the room. Everyone was there; it was like one big family. I sat, cuddled up with Gerard as everyone told me stories about how nervous he was and how miserable he got when he thought I wouldn't be here.

We left a few hours later, while everyone else opted to stay downstairs a little longer. They shouted catcalls and said things that insinuated why we were leaving early.

"We have a lot of expectations to live up to." Gerard grinned, letting the door shut behind us and left the lights off. He kicked his shoes off at the door.

"I can manage that." I sat on the bed and crossed my legs. "So, what would you like to do?"

He grinned and tackled me, pushing me down onto the bed. "That's a stupid question, Jane." He rubbed his hand down my legs unzipping my boots and sliding them of slowly. I tugged at his shirt, blindly pulling it off and closed my eyes as he ran his hands along my legs, enjoying the feeling as he tugged my jeans down. He quickly took off his jeans, kicking them off.

I laughed softly as he quickly undressed, but needed the feeling of the friction of our skin just as desperately. He kneeled over me running his hand up my back tracing the zipper before pulling it down slowly. Lust glazed over his eyes when I didn't have a bra on underneath. I smiled, tilting my head as he kissed down my neck. Nibbling on the sensitive skin and letting his hands roam, heating me up.

He just smirked and slid his hands down my sides to the edge of my underwear, but didn't do anything further. I moaned in protest as he teased me. He laughed softly at me, his breath teasing my skin, driving me wild. The clutch in my stomach was burning. He finally slid my underwear as far as he could so I kicked them off.

He slid his knee between my legs and slowly spread them apart. He leaned over and kissed the nape of my neck. His hands slowly ran over my back and down my sides. He picked up my hips a little and thrusted into me. Goose bumps covered my body with each one as I moaned his name.

I ran my fingers through his hair pulling at it when he hit a certain spot. I held onto him while my body convulsed as an orgasm rolled through me. All the while, he just stared into my eyes, even if I could, not once did I look away. His eyes never left mine, until everything exploded. I threw my head back and my eyes snapped shut as waves of undeniable pleasure rolled over my body.

"Can you handle being Mrs. Way?" He grinned, leaning over me glistening in sweat.

"Oh, yeah." I sighed contently and pulled him down, meeting his lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! Just a little warning there aren't too many chapters left. I want this story to end while it's still good.