Follow Your Bliss


"Excuse me?" Alicia teased with her hands on her hips looking down at the couple. "So much for not seeing the groom."

"Leave me alone." I whined holding onto Gerard's sweatshirt tighter. "Go away."

"Donna wants you in the shower, lady, while she starts on us. We know how long you your showers go and it's already noon." I didn't move despite how late it was getting. I was perfectly happy where I was. "Your turn, Gee." She shrugged going back inside to start getting ready herself.

"Jane, babe." He kissed my temple. "You gotta get ready so we can get married. Though, I'll definitely take you in your PJ's, I heard you look too fucking sexy in your dress."

I shot up and looked through the glass door to see the girls getting ready before looking at Gerard and screaming. Gerard jumped not expecting that reaction. The next thing he knew he was being suffocated in a hug. "We're getting married today," I laughed.

"In a couple of hours." He corrected me easing into my death grip.

"I need to shower." I shoved him back. I grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled him close again, smashing my lips against his. I sighed in relief and found that I just couldn't stop grinning. "Want to join? I mean it will be the last chance you'll get before I join you with your last name."

"Caitlin," He leaned his head gently against mine. "Like, I need an excuse to get naked with you." He grinned proudly at the bright blush that filled my cheeks. "I love you so much."

I giggled and kissed his lips. "I love you too."

I stood up first and held my hand out to help him to his feet. He pulled me away from the door before I could go anywhere. "We are not going in your room with all that crazy estrogen floating around in there. I like my life thank you very much."

"Good point. They're a dangerous bunch to mess with when getting ready. God forbid they lose their eyeliner." I mocked, doing a little jazz hand number.

"Are we still talking about the girls?" Gerard asked as he helped me over the first railing.

"Yeah, don't worry that includes you and the others too." I grinned cheekily as I held his hand going over the last railing. Gerard rolled his eyes and slid the door open.

I stepped over Josh as he was passed out following Gerard into the bathroom. He can sleep through anything. Almost everyone had gone down for a late breakfast and those that were left behind were still passed out much like my brother.

"You two are so going to get busted." Bob mumbled into his pillow making me jump. "I better not hear anything nasty."

I giggled as Gerard pulled me into the bathroom shutting the door behind us. Gerard lifted his sweatshirt over his head and I kicked my pants off. I yawned stretching my arms over my head before pulling my shirt off. I leaned over and turned the water on.

I stood under the warm water letting it relax my muscles, tight from stress and excitement. Sleeping out on a lawn chair all night probably didn't help too much either. I smiled as Gerard came in. "No funny business." I warned him as he held me close.

"No funny business," he repeated turning us around so he could get his hair wet too.

I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his waist. There was no other place in the world I would rather be than right here in his arms. We just stood there letting the water run over us in a content silence.

I groaned when Gerard reached over to grab the shampoo. "Can't we just stay in here?"

Gerard laughed. "Didn't you know, Jane? This is no longer just our wedding. They're going to want someone to walk down the isle."

I bit my lip as he washed my hair. "I guess I can manage that."

I jumped hearing someone knocking on the door. "Is Caitlin in there?" I heard my dad ask.

"No," I called back before laughing and smacking my forehead. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

Gerard laughed at me and shook his head. "Probably not helpful."

"They're looking for you, Caitlin. Don't be too long in there, Princess." My dad warned me. "You better make sure she's out soon, Gerard. Or, you'll be the one in trouble with your mother."

Gerard glared at me. I laughed squirting a glob of shampoo into his hair. "Got it, Gee?"

He relaxed ignoring my jab as my nails massaged his scalp. "They don't need you to walk down the isle."

I laughed before soaping down quickly. "No, they kind of do." I kissed his wet lips quickly, stepping out of the shower, and grabbing the short white robe.

"Hey, wait a minute." He pulled back the curtain, pouting. "I'm not finished yet."

"Yeah, but I want my hair beautified." I kissed his pouting lips, laughing as he pulled at my robe. "The next time you see me, I'll be walking down the isle."

Gerard got a dopey grin on his face just thinking about it and tied the robe for me. "Alright, when you put that way I guess you're right."

"Gee, I'm always right." I grinned cheekily and kissed his cheek, slipping out the door before he could talk me into staying.

I bumped into Frank on my way out and took a sip of his coffee before he pushed me out the door, grumbling about his coffee being contaminated.

I heard the girls talking and laughing before I even reached the door. I took a deep breath before I knocked hoping I would survive the brushes and bobby pins.

Jamia opened the door and smiled sympathetically. "Ready?"

"For the wedding? Sure. Ready for the torture? Never." I laughed as she pulled me in. "Frank wouldn't share his coffee," I tattled lamely.

"Yeah, he's a selfish ass when it comes to his java. God forbid he shares a sip." She giggled imitating him.

"Oh good. You did shower." Donna looked up from touching up on Alicia's curls.

"Yup," I yawned. "All clean." I when over to my bag and slid on the red lace trimmed cheekies. I figured since the dress was strapless, I would just go braless. I sat on the bed and crossed my legs. I smiled looking around the room at all the important women in my life.

They were all just doing to finishing touches and enjoying a late breakfast. I let them choose whatever sundress they wanted and a matching bouquet of flowers to go with it. I really didn't have a color scheme that they had to follow. I smiled at how Megan, Gerard's cousin's daughter, was spinning around in her flower girl dress.

"You're next, boobie." My mom freed the chair.

I saw the tears in her eyes and felt my nose burn. "Now, you've got me going," I sniffled, sitting n the chair.

"This is a big day for me." She pouted letting her tears flow.

Donna kissed my head and began to brush out my hair. I looked in the vanity mirror to see her quickly wiping her eyes. "Not you too." I laughed, trying really hard not to cry.

I didn't even notice the cameras in the room capturing the process of getting ready for my big day. My hands felt all tingly and my heart was beating a million times a second as I thought about what was going to take place in a little while.

Donna twisted my hair into two loose French braids that were eventually intertwined together as well. It was done loose so by the end of the night my hair would just be down in soft waves.

I looked out the door to see the late afternoon sun and smiled softly knowing that in a little bit I would be entering the next part of my life's journey.

"Picture time." My mom snapped me out of my romantic daze. "Time to get that dress on you."

I fiddled with the tie on the robe and nodded, getting out of the chair. I looked at the garment bag and grinned. I couldn't wait to wear my dress for Gerard. Donna helped me zip up the side and my mom tied the perfect bow in the front of my dress. I took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror at the final product and felt my heart beat erratically in excitement.

The sand felt warm beneath my feet as I chose to go barefoot. I looked across the shore seeing all the people that were here to support Gerard and I. It was a lot more than the original fifty that we had intended, though I don't think we had more than a hundred guests. I was too nervous to look at Gerard yet.

I sucked in a breath as I heard the instrumental to You Belong To Me watching as the party began to walk down the isle. It had actually been our runner up for the song we were considering for our first dance so we compromised using the song during the ceremony.

Gerard looked up hearing the music begin, watching his friends and family begin to walk down the isle. His eyes immediately went up the hill past those already walking toward him. His heart beat faster anticipating what this day meant. His world went completely still as he saw me waiting at the other end in my wedding dress.

I giggled seeing Megan going crazy with the red rose petals as she threw them. I felt my hand being squeezed gently and looked up to my dad. "I remember when you were that little. You wouldn't even budge down the isle, you're mom had to push you. You're aunt was lucky if she had five petals thrown." He chuckled, though I could see the tears that were threatening to spill at any second.

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'll always be your little girl, daddy.”

"I know, Princess. I know." He kissed my head, giving my hand another squeeze. "Ready?"

I licked my lips and nodded. My cheeks burned from all the attention on me as watched my dad and I walk down the isle. The only thing that kept me going was seeing Gerard waiting for me with that cute dopey smile on his face.

I felt my dad tense as we neared the end, knowing that this was when he had to let go. I vaguely heard my dad telling Gerard to take care of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled as he kissed my cheek. “I love you, Daddy.” I whispered.

He swallowed and kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Princess.” He took my hand and kissed it before placing it in Gerard’s and going to stand next to my mom.

I giggled as Gerard bent down to kiss my cheek. I intertwined our fingers and brought his hand to lips. I looked over to see his glossy eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, like I had done with my dad moments earlier.

I barely paid attention to the introduction the reverend was giving and just felt Gerard’s thumb rubbing my hand in comfort, though I’m sure her words were beautiful.

She cleared her throat to get my attention and nodded her head to Gerard.

“Forget why you’re here?” He teased, quietly.

“Never,” I grinned.

He licked his lips before speaking the vows we had discussed last night for everyone to hear. “Caitlin, I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I will always be your security blanket. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today.”

I looked down at the studded wedding band that rested perfectly against my engagement ring. I smiled wiping away a few tears that rolled down his cheeks. He chuckled at my own water works as I took a deep breath and repeated our promises to each other, sliding on his own ring.

Gerard leaned down kissing away my tears before shyly kissing me in front of everyone. He rested his head against mine smiling at the blush in my cheeks at everyone cheering. Petals floated down like snow as everyone threw them up in the air around us. I looked into his hazel eyes, mesmerized and kissed him again.

I looked across the room trying to find Gerard. We had be separated numerous times as different family and friends congratulated us. The restaurant was decorated beautifully with small lanterns everywhere.

I heard the introduction to Paul McCartney’s Maybe I’m Amazed and began to frantically search the different faces for my husband’s. This was our song and I wasn’t going to have it restarted or miss it. My head whipped around feeling a hand on my shoulder. 

Gerard grinned, placing one hand on my hip and pulling me closer. I glared as we began to sway to the music. I put my feet on top of his and let him dance around for us. “I was about to come kick your ass.”

He laughed, “You know I wouldn’t miss this.” I shrugged and smiled, enjoying listening to him sing along to me.

“So, tell me what you’re thinking.”

He kissed my nose, still with that never ending grin on his lips. “I’m thinking how things couldn’t be any better than right now. And you?”

I played the hairs on the back of his neck, twirling them between my fingers. “I’m thinking that we should make a run for it right after this song. I’ve barely seen you for two seconds.”

Gerard laughed and kissed the corner of my mouth. “Alright, for the docks?”

“Perfect.” I bit my lip as he took my hand and we quickly made it for the exit. “Wait!” I stopped him, grabbing a box on the table that I had kept to the side. He gave me a confused look, but waited for me. We walked down the ramp to the docks where no one was around. The sun was finally starting to set in the background, reflecting off the water.

Gerard leaned against the railing and fished for a cigarette out of his pocket. I took the unlit cigarette out of his hand and tucked it behind his ear. He grinned sheepishly, offering a lame excuse. "Stressful morning?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just open your gift first."

He looked at me skeptically, knowing how I didn't like opening gifts in front of everyone. "I thought we weren't going to do gifts until later? When we're back in our room."

"I can't wait anymore." I rubbed my lips together feeling the flutter of excitement in my stomach looking into his hazel eyes. 

"That good, huh?" Gerard laughed looking at the neatly wrapped gift. It was a big rectangular shaped box wrapped in pearly gift-wrap, even adorned with a giant frilly white bow. "I hope you didn't outdo me," he teased. "Let's see what we've got here, Mrs. Way." Standing behind me, minding my dress, he placed a kiss on my neck.

I giggled hearing my new surname, still feeling as breathless from the words of love we exchanged earlier. I sucked in a breath as he slid off the bow, stringing it around his neck like a necklace. I played with the collar of his shirt behind me. I swallowed as he slowly slid his finger between the tape and gift wrap. "Tear that bitch apart," I teased.

"So impatient, Mrs. Way." Gerard bit my shoulder, not getting enough of calling me his wife. He was still on a high that he never wanted to come down from. He dug his fingers under one flap and complied, ripping the paper off. He looked over the box and grinned at the picture of the stand shaped like a tree with frames hanging off each branch. "A family tree. We'll have to fill this out."

"Please," I laughed. "I already have. Keep going; look at my work."

By now my nerves were going haywire shooting to my fingertips and to my toes, not to mention the now swirling feeling in my stomach. I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the suspense.

Shooting me a pout, feeling left out, he stood from behind me to get a better hold of the box so that he could open it. Lifting up the styrofoam he saw that each frame hanging from the branches was indeed holding a picture.

"So, I kind of made it an our tree instead of a real family tree with generations." I laughed. "Makes it more original."

"You totally outdid me on the sentimental value, Jane." He pouted.

"Quite whining, and start looking." My stomach felt like it was going to burst with excitement.

He laughed seeing all the dogs in their individual frame. "Our babies."

"Of course they're on our tree. Keep looking." I bit my lip.

Gerard did as he was told starting at the top. Each frame held pictures of us at different occasions. He felt his heart stop as he came to the middle frame in the bottom row. It was a small black and white photograph of what looked like static or some sort of blobs. He ran his thumb over the small frame as his throat dried as he was left speechless.

"We made a nugget." I giggled nervously as he still was silent. "Well almost a nugget. It's actually more like the size of kumquat; a little bigger than a quarter at the moment."

"Looks like some kind of alien." He chuckled softly.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you would put that kind of horror related spin on a moment like this." I fiddled with my engagement ring and wedding band. "That's all you have to say? I mean this is kind of life changing."

Gerard pulled me closer. "How many weeks along are we?"

"I didn't know you were pregnant?" I grinned, giggling when he gave my side a squeeze. "But, I'm just reaching ten weeks. When I got my last blood test drawn for this month, the HCG levels were elevated. It turns out our reuniting in Massachusetts was pretty good given the amount of space we had. I guess it was just too soon to show when I got them done for August."

"My gift completely sucks." Gerard laughed. He spun me around and looked at the nervous expression on my face. "Jane, I can't begin to describe how this is the greatest gift you could ever give me."

I felt tears well up in my eyes. Just when I thought I was done crying for today. "Really?" I whispered.

Gerard nodded, wiping them away. "Yeah." He grinned picking me up and twirling me around. "I'm going to be a daddy, Jane." He tossed the unlit cigarette to the side and began pulling me away from the docks. "Come on, we have to go tell everyone."

"Gerard, no." I dug my foot in the ground shaking my head. "Please not today."

He stopped looking at me like I was crazy. "Why not? Caitlin, I want to shout this at the top of lungs. In fact-"

I quickly covered his mouth. "Don't," I said sternly. "No one, and I really mean no one knows that I'm pregnant. I made sure that you were the first one I told. Now that was a freaking hard secret to keep. Today is about us. I don't need people coming over and rubbing my stomach." Gerard licked my hand making me squeal. "That was gross, Gee." I wiped my hand on his shirt.

Gerard laughed and grabbed my hands, truly appreciating that he was the first to know about this outstanding news. "Okay," he gave in reluctantly even though he knew I was right. "Okay, just between us." Gerard nodded. He gently cupped my cheek. "Complete. I have never felt complete until now." He leaned down hungrily kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, grinning and nibbling on his bottom lip.

I giggled, "Think we can do it?"

"Jane, we rule. Of course we can." He laughed, resting his hands on my hips. He slipped one over in front of my abdomen. "So right here we have our nugget, well kumquat. We should totally name the baby Kumquat."

I rolled my eyes. "We totally shouldn't."

Gerard laughed, "I wonder how he'll feel when he finds out that he was a tour bus conceived baby."

I scrunched up my nose and made a funny face. "She will never be told where she was conceived. I wouldn't want to hear that nasty crap from my parents either."

Gerard picked up the box and gently took my hand in his. "It's a boy."

"Girl," I whispered back, putting the box back on the table. I ran and jumped in between everyone before spinning around watching my dress float up around me. I looked up feeling a pair of eyes intensely watching me. I saw Gerard smiling, in his own world and shook my hips, waving for him to come over to me.

Gerard laughed and smiled hearing me giggle as he swung me around. This was it. This was his life and he really couldn’t be happier. He knew that not every moment would be like this, like they had promised in their vows. But, they would get through even the toughest times because they had each other.
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.:*THE END*:.