‹ Prequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: I'm really sorry I haven't updated this is awhile.. I'll update soon. I promise


Chapter one - Part one

In my life many bad things have happened; but this - This had to be a new low. I groaned and held my head as a wave of vertigo hit. How much did I drink?

I stopped counting after five...But I liked drinking with that boy...Everytime my glass was empty..BAM! it was fill again. We drank and drank and even more...then danced and... "Ugh," I gasped bolting up right, twisting out of the tangled sheets and running to the bathroom. I groaned again and held onto my head. I really hate hangovers.

"Morning babe," A voice called. My eyes widened as the boy I was drinking with, walked into the bathroom with a sheet wrapped loosely around his hips. I then had a revolation that I was sitting on the bathroom floor rather pathetically dumbstruck by his beautifulness in only my underwear. At least it was nice matching lace. I recovered slowly, stood up then smiled. "Morning. Hey, what time is it?"
"About elevenish..." He yawned, before wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me into him. I was immediately infused with a honey musk scent as he muzzled his face into my neck and planted feather like kisses.

"Mmmmm," I hummed, drawing myself away. "Thanks for a great night."
He winked. "You're welcome, hun."
I laughed, as his kisses trailed up to my lips.


"Sorry, I'm late." I giggled, slapping the trailing hands behind me.
"It's fine," Rosalie grinned, twirling the ice in her drink around. "We said meet at the cafe at 1 ish and it's about quarter past now."
I smiled thankfully before deciding I better introduce the stranger next to me. "Oh, Rose this is..."

"Nate." He grinned, before kissing my cheek. I glared at his touchy - feely mood, before reading over the menu.
"Can you get me a caramel frappe`?"
"Umm, sure." Nate shrugged, giving me a smile then leaving.

As soon as he was out of earshot distance, Rosalie leant forwards immediately and squealed. "He is so hot." I don't understand how you do it. You're only sixteen but you have guys practically coming out of your ears."

I looked down and blushed. "So much for a one night stand. This guy seems like the clingy type."

"Geez, do you mind sharing?" A voice stressed behind me, before plonking down next to Rosalie.
"Starr!" I squealed, clapping my hands.
"She just picks the sexy ones just to fucking annoy us."
I grinned, pulling my cellphone out, I smiled at the text. "You can have him if you want. I'm going to Paris tonight."
"I'm not passing up an invitation like that!" Starr squealed.

Our talk died down as Phillip sat down my caramel Frappe` in hand.
"Hey," I smiled sweetly, as he handed me my drink. "I have to go. You can stay with Rosalie and Starr if you like."
"We won't bite," Starr promised, her green eyes gleaming.
"I have to go, too." Rosalie yawned, before standing up and stretching.
"Where are you going?" Nate asked me, as I shoved my phone back into my handbag before slinging it over my shoulder.

"Home," I told him. "I have a flight to catch tonight."
"I can drop you off if you want..." he trailed off.
Rosalie took her place at the door and nodded in the direction outside. "Samantha. Cab. Now."
"Thanks but I'll split a cab with Rose."

I smiled gave him peck on the cheek. I then winked at Starr, "Bye, darl." She smirked then winked back.

Rosalie and I left the cafe` grinning madly as we climbed into her convertable.
"And that," I giggled, "Is how you ditch a guy."


"Aunty Eliza!" I ran straight into her open arms and smiled.
"Sam-ta! Sam-ta!" A voice yelled beside me
"Jacob!" I picked the little devil up.

"How's my favourite cousin been?"
Jacob squealed in response and wriggled in my arms. I put him down carefully and watched him run out off making zooming noises as he drove the toy plane through the air.
"How was California, Samantha?"
I breathed in a gulp of fresh Paris air.
"Nothing like France, Uncle Frudrick. As usual, she wasn't there to pick me up like she'd promised."
"I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Did you get a taxi okay?"
"Oh yeah," I grinned, before laughing quietly to myself. "You should've seen her face when I handed her the bill."

Uncle Frudrick chuckled softly and then grunted picking up my Louis Vuiton suitcases. "See that Aledreo boy?"
"Of course!" I giggled, before slinging my handbag over my shoulder. "He was amazingly perfect - as usual - Oh and lookie!"
I flung my hand out into his face and showed off the gold band on my wedding finger. "Pretty isn't it?"
"You're engaged?!
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