Status: One Shot.

Don't Call My Name


"Michelle!" The amazon tall girl turned around, her hair twirling behind her. She was beautiful, and everybody knew it as they watched her in awe. She glared through the sunglasses that hid most of her face.

"Don't- don't call my name," she hissed back at the boy who called her. Alright, he wasn't quite a boy anymore, but he was young. He was Sergio Ramos. And he wanted his girlfriend back.

"Why are you so upset?" He walked over to the car she was about to get in and held onto the door. She glared at him and wondered why he would never dare to ask her that question. After all that he did. Michelle sat herself in the drivers' seat and attempted to close the door. To no avail; Sergio was too strong for her.

"How can you even ask me that?" She sighed and gave up trying to close the door. A look of confusion crossed his face causing Michelle to bite her lip. His expression was the sweetest; but then again, that's why she had fallen in love with him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sergio! You cheated on me and you just expect me to big okay with that?" When she had seen the photos with Sergio and some random blond girl scattered all over Spain's magazines, her heart had completely shattered. All those years, all those promises they had made to each other.

"I didn't cheat you on, Michelle! I don't know how you could ever believe that," his voice became slightly louder as he tried to defend himself. Michelle was the one he loved, the one he wanted, and he would never cheat on her.

"Because the pictures don't lie," she tossed him a stack of periodicals from the passenger seat and grabbed the door back and slammed it shut, "oh and I'm moving in with my brother."

"Wait - Michelle!" He called after her again, but she had already left the parking lot of the stadium Real Madrid was training at for the summer, instead of their normal venue. He picked up the magazines an stared at them. He saw his face looking back at him along with that of a blond girl. A blond girl who just happened to be his cousin, "dammit!"

Now not only would he have to explain the situation to Michelle, he would have to explain it, and this he feared the most, her big brother. His name? Iker Casillas. He sighed and whipped out his cell.

"Maria? Could you come to my house and help me with something?" He eagerly listened to his cousin's voice as she agreed and promised to meet him at the house he shared with Michelle.


"You want to me in with me why?" Iker stared at his little sister and wondered why on earth she would want to move in with him. Last time he checked, michelle had has this to say about his life Iker Casillas, I love you truly and you are an amazing big brother, but you are so boring! Who wants to stay in and read a book when they can go out and party?!

"Look, Iker, please just me stay with you for a while then. Don't ask, okay?" she sighed and hoped he would stay out of her business for once.

"Is it something to do with Sergio?"

"I- did you know?"

"Because I'm your big brother," he smiled weakly and pulled out a magazine, "and I can read."

"So, you saw. You saw that he broke my heart and cheated on me," a few tears rolled on her cheek and landed on the island of Iker's kitchen. He walked over to her and wiped them of her face.

"Sergio didn't cheat on you," he couldn't believe that Michelle hadn't recognized the girl as Sergio's cousin. They had met on several occasions, "that's his cousin, silly! Maria? You've met her like...five times!"

"His- his cousin?"

"Si! Ask anyone who knows Sergio and they'll tell you that it's his cousin,"

"How could I be so stupid?!"

"I don't what you told him but-"

"I gotta go, Ikes. I'll call you later, see you, love you, bye!" Iker shook his head and listening to the sound of her car pulling hastily out of his driveway.

"Back to you and me," he grinned and pulled out a large jar of nutella which he proceeded to eat with a large spoon.


Michelle almost jumped out of her car when she got to her and Sergio's house. She saw his car was there so she ran in and looked for him.

"Sergio! Where are you?"

"I'm right here," he walked out of their bedroom wearing only some shorts. This was the sight that set her blood racing and made her want to jump his bones then and there. She loved him dearly, but this was certainly an added bonus.

"I-I feel like such a fool. I'm sorry for things I said earlier. I didn't realize that she's-"

"My cousin? If you would have listened then you would have realized it,"

"I don't know why I didn't," she sighed and sat down on their bed, "I guess I was just feeling...insecure."

"Why would you ever fee insecure? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And you make the happiest man in the world," he smiled and sat down next to her. He put his hand on her cheek and pulled her face to his. He leaned down and kissed her softly. She closed her eyes and eagerly kissed him back.

"I don't know what I would do without you," she sighed as she pulled away and stared into his beautiful eyes, "if you still want me that is."

"I'd be a fool to let you go," he kisses her forehead, "and I could never be happy knowing some other guys has you."

"I love you, Sergio,"

"Just tell me one thing,"


"That you'll trust me if something like this happens again,"

"Of course," Michelle leaned in and hugged him tightly as she breathed in his scent. It was so familiar and made her feel safe. Being with Sergio always made her feel safe. Because when they were together she knew nothing else mattered.

"I love you, Michelle," he kissed the top of her head and kept his arms around her, clutching her tightly to his body, where she fit perfectly.
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Hope you liked it (: