Tumors And Hearts

Day 61 – Two Months Down…


It was Saturday and this week TNA was in California doing house shows. Shannon and I were on our way to the arena for the show that night in Los Angeles.

I had been quiet almost the whole ride, thinking about what happened with Alex a few days ago. That night after everything happened I promised myself that I wouldn’t tell Shannon. I knew how much he cared about me and didn’t want him to worry, or possibly get paranoid and jump to conclusions.

“Is everything okay?” Shannon asked snapping me out of my thoughts. “You’ve been really quiet today.”

“I’m fine.” I smiled faintly. “Really, I am.”

I grabbed his hand that was sitting in his lap and laced my fingers through his. Shannon could tell I was keeping something from him. He gave me a curious look before turning his attention back to the road.

It was quiet again for the rest of the drive. We had just turned onto the road where the arena was located when Shannon’s phone started going off. He let go of my hand and grabbed his phone to read the text.

“What’s the date?” he asked texting a reply.

I grabbed my own phone out of my pocket. When I saw the date on the screen my heart dropped.

“October second.” I mumbled staring down at my lap.

October second. I couldn’t believe another month was already gone. It scared me to know that in another two months I would be dead.


“October second.” Nikki mumbled.

I finished texting my reply to Shane Watkins and hit the send button. I set my phone down and immediately realized there was something seriously wrong with Nikki. She had been deep in thought all day, but now she looked so depressed and miserable.

“Nikki, what’s wrong?” I asked.

She shook her head and I could tell she was trying not to cry. She turned to look out the window, probably so I couldn’t see her wipe her eyes.

I pulled our rental car into the huge parking lot of the arena. The lot behind the building was reserved for the wrestlers. I pulled into an empty spot between two other cars.

Nikki grabbed her bag from the back seat. She unlocked her door as I turned off the car. I quickly hit the lock button before she could open the door and leave. She unlocked it again and I hit the button a second time. She sighed heavily before turning to face me.

“Can you please unlock the door?” her voice was a soft monotone.

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” I said.

She sighed again and sat back in her seat. Her head fell back to hit the headrest. “Nothing.”

“Nothing seems like something.”

She closed her eyes and her mouth tightened. Tears finally spilled over when she opened her eyes. She quickly wiped them away before turning to look at me. Her eyes were puffy and her nose had turned red. I couldn’t understand why she was suddenly so upset. All I did was ask for the date…

And then it clicked.

“It’s your tumor.” it wasn’t a question.

More tears spilled over her eyes and ran down her already wet cheeks. “August second was the day I was told I’m going to die in four months.”

“That was two months ago.” I said doing the math.

“Two months down, two to go.” she said wiping at her face again.

I felt my own eyes start to water as Nikki unlocked her door for the third time. She waited a few seconds, probably to see if I would lock it again, before getting out and heading into the arena.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shortness, but I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that Nikki only has two months left to live.