Tumors And Hearts

Day 64 – A Shitty Day


I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. My head was throbbing, I was very tired, and ubber depressed about what happened last night. For the first time in years I just wanted this stupid tumor to hurry up and kill me.

The clock on my bedside table read 11:03. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. I groaned and set it back down. It said the same thing. I had forgotten to set my alarm after everything that happened last night.

When I got to the hotel I headed straight up to my room without talking to anyone. I was up for most of the night talking to first Manda – who wasn’t at the tapings this week – and then Ashley. I told both of them what happened at the tapings between Alex and Shannon. Both were shocked, but understood Shannon’s side. I did too, but still thought he could have handled it better.

Still lying in bed, I grabbed my iPhone and used it to buy the first plane ticket out of Orlando and headed towards Chicago. Originally I was planning on staying for the taping tonight even though I wasn’t scheduled to wrestle, but now all I wanted was to get the hell out of here.

There was a flight that would leave in about an hour. I would have to make a connection in Kentucky but that was okay. I hit the buy button and got out of bed to get ready, against the pleas from my body for at least another few hours of sleep.

I moved around very slowly. I felt like shit, mentally and physically. I decided to skip showering as I headed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. What was the point? I sluggishly brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a very messy bun.

My ring gear had fallen out of my bag the night before when I tossed it on the floor. I shoved everything back inside and had to fight with the zipper to get it closed. I did the same with my other bag and was ready to go.

The white beater and red basketball shorts I wore to bed were going to have to be good enough for the day. I wasn’t changing; it took too much energy. I pulled on my red and black striped hoodie and smashed my feet into my black, purple, and blue Osiris skate shoes.

I grabbed my phone off my bed where I had tossed it and checked the time. I would have to leave now to make the flight on time. I grabbed my bags and headed for the door. I looked around one last time, making sure I wasn’t leaving anything behind, before pulling the door closed behind me.

As I walked down the hall I pulled up my hood to hide my face. I passed Kazarian, who was just coming out of his room. He gave me a sympathetic look, which I ignored and kept walking. I reached the elevator and pressed the down button. I watched the numbers light up above the doors as I waited.

The number 2 button lit up and the doors opened. Brian Kendrick and Amazing Red stepped out. Brian opened his mouth to say something, but I put my head down and stepped into the elevator. I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

I hit the lobby button and could feel Brian and John watching me as the doors slid closed.