Tumors And Hearts

Day 90 – This Is Halloween


“Babble, babble, bitch, bitch
Rebel, rebel, party, party
Sex, sex, sex, and don’t forget the “violence”
Blah, blah, blah, got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in:
Everybody sing along…”

What better music to play at a Halloween party than Marilyn Manson?

The party had been going on for a few hours now. I was walking around our apartment talking and dancing with all my friends. This had been a really good idea. It really took my mind off of everything that had been going on lately with my tumor and really helped me relax.

I stopped in the living room area where the music was blasting and started dancing with Beth and Reby. My gay best friend Adam butted in and stole me away from them. We danced for a bit until Ashley butted in. When that song was over I danced with Alex – careful to make sure Shannon wasn’t watching. Jesse’s fiancé, Christine, butted in and I finished dancing with her to Bottom’s Up before leaving.

Chris and Manda were sitting on the couch talking. I plopped down next to Chris and talked to them for a bit. I headed over to the table where the guys of Fortune were hanging out and talked to them for a while too. I wanted to be a good hostess and hang out with everybody for at least a little bit.

I walked into the kitchen area and threw away my cup that was now empty thanks to a chugging contest with James. I walked over and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend’s middle. Shannon turned around, smiling, and wrapped his arms around me.

He pecked me on the lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I looked up into Shannon’s green eyes that were surrounded by black makeup. The rest of his face was white except for the lines around his mouth, making it like as though his lips were sewn shut. My gaze traveled down to his actual costume and then to mine. We were dressed as Jack and Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas.

My attention was drawn to Matt, Jeff, and Jesse. They were playing a three way round of Win The Shot, Call The Spot and Jesse had lost. Matt and Jeff put their heads together and quickly decided that Jesse had to go streaking around the apartment. Jesse’s face turned red before ripping off his He-Man costume and running past us. I jokingly called over to Christine to cover her eyes as her fiancé ran past.

Matt grabbed Jesse’s costume that was setting on the counter and looked for a place to hide it. I pointed at the cabinet under the sink and he nodded. I laughed as he threw the costume in and slammed the door shut. Jeff quickly stood in front of the door as Jesse reached the kitchen area again.

“Shit!” he yelled looking around.

He grabbed an empty pizza box and used it to cover himself. It took him probably ten minutes to figure out where his costume was and another five to get Matt and Jeff out of the way so he could actually get it.

I yawned, suddenly feeling tired. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It couldn’t be 3 already… could it?

“Tired?” Shannon asked rubbing my back.

“Maybe a little.” I said through another yawn.

“Come on.” he let go of me except for my hand. “Let’s go to bed.”

“But the party’s still going on.” I said. “You don’t have to come with me.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. “I’m tired too.” he said leading me to my room.

I shut and locked the door to my room as Shannon headed into my bathroom – I didn’t want drunk people stumbling into my room while we were trying to sleep. I changed out of my Sally costume and into my comfy sweats and an old high school soccer shirt. Shannon came out of the bathroom with the makeup washed off his face and I went in to do the same.

When I came back out Shannon was already stripped down to his boxers and laying in my bed. I crawled under the blankets and into his waiting arms. I fell asleep to his wonderful voice humming a tune I didn’t recognize.